25 House MD Quotes for Medical Drama Fans

If you loved the show, you can’t help but like these House MD quotes.

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House MD is one of the most popular medical dramas that dominated TV shows and was a must-watch for fans of medical drama series today.

It follows the story of Dr. Gregory House, an unconventional medical genius who leads the Department of Diagnostic in Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital in New Jersey.

House has a general hatred and contempt for human nature, leading him to struggle to connect to people.

He often clashes with fellow doctors and his team due to his attitude and unconventional thinking.

Often he lacks compassion in front of his patients but regardless of this, House is a renowned physician and is highly valued for his medical skills and unique insights.

These House MD quotes will make you want to rewatch this series over again.

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House MD quotes from Dr. Gregory House

1. “You took a chance, you did something great. You were wrong, but it was still great. You should feel great that it was great. You should feel like crap that it was wrong.” — Dr. Gregory House

House MD quotes from Dr. Gregory House

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2. “It’s normal to be screwed up, but it’s really screwed up to romanticize it.” — Dr. Gregory House

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House MD quotes to be screwed up

3. “Love and happiness are nothing but distractions.” — Dr. Gregory House

House MD quotes about love and happiness

4. “There’s no ‘I’ in team. There’s a ‘me’ though, if you jumble it up.” — Dr. Gregory House

House MD quotes from Gregory House

5. “You talk to God, you’re religious; God talks to you, you’re psychotic.” — Dr. Gregory House

House MD quotes about talking to God

6. “It’s a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what.” — Dr. Gregory House

House MD quotes about the basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies

7. “I take risks, sometimes patients die. But not taking risks causes more patients to die, so I guess my biggest problem is I’ve been cursed with the ability to do the math.” — Dr. Gregory House

House MD quotes ability to do the math

8. “Lies are like children: they’re hard work, but it’s worth it because the future depends on them.” — Dr. Gregory House

House MD quotes about lies are like children

9. “If you wanted fair, you chose the wrong job, the wrong profession, the wrong species.” — Dr. Gregory House

More House MD quotes

10. “Perseverance does not equal worthiness.” — Dr. Gregory House

Perseverance House MD quotes

11. “If you can fake sincerity, you can fake pretty much anything.” — Dr. Gregory House

House MD quotes about fake sincerity

12. “The most successful marriages are based on lies.” — Dr. Gregory House

House MD quotes about the most successful marriages are based on lies

13. “I need thirty-six Vicodin and change for a dollar.” — Dr. Gregory House

House MD quotes about I need thirty six Vicodin and change for a dollar

14. “Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?” — Dr. Gregory House

House MD quotes about getting bounus points

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15. “Yeah, probably got restless and shifted one hemisphere of his brain to a more comfortable position.” — Dr. Gregory House

House MD quotes to more comfortable position

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16. “There are three choices in this life: be good, get good, or give up.” — Dr. Gregory House

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House MD quotes about there are three choices in this life

17. “If nobody hates you, you’re doing something wrong.” — Dr. Gregory House

Wise House MD quotes

18. “Either God doesn’t exist or he’s unimaginably cruel.” — Dr. Gregory House

Inspirational House MD quotes

19. “We formulate our questions based on the answers we want to hear.” — Dr. Gregory House

Relatable House MD quotes

20. “I’m sorry. I’m about to lose you because I’m about to drive into a tunnel in a canyon on an airplane while hanging up the phone.” — Dr. Gregory House

House MD quotes about airplane

21. “Figuring out who people are takes time. And it takes twice as much time if they’re trying to impress you.” — Dr. Gregory House

House MD quotes about figuring out who people are takes time

22. “People don’t get what they deserve. They just get what they get. There’s nothing any of us can do about it.” — Dr. Gregory House

House MD quotes on people don't get what they deserve

House MD quotes from Dr. Wilson

23. “Our entire relationship is about you. My dying is about me!” — Dr. Wilson

House MD quotes about relationship

24. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t familiar with hooker protocol.” — Dr. Wilson

House MD quotes about hooker protocol

25. “This is one of the symptoms of working for House. You start seeing zebras everywhere.” — Dr. Wilson

House MD quotes on symptoms

Which of these House MD quotes is your favorite?

Behind the facade of medical greatness and arrogance.

House is a complicated person.

He is addicted to pain medications and has a major problem expressing himself to others.

Over time it became his default to shut people out of his life, leading him to live a miserable life.

His innate distrust with people allows House to believe by default that the patient is always lying.

And there’s much more to see about the patients’ history concerning their symptoms and condition.

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This portrays that his misery is a key factor in his medical success and identity, reminding us how complex humans can become.

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