50 Jerry Rice Quotes to Boost Your Work Ethic

This collection of famous Jerry Rice quotes will offer you encouragement and motivation.

Jerry Rice is a former wide receiver in the NFL who played for the San Francisco 49ers, Oakland Raiders, and Seattle Seahawks.

His words will pump you up and motivate you to always do your best.

Regardless of which team you root for, we can all agree that passion and hard work are the most important aspects of the game.

Sports fans and football lovers will enjoy these collection of the best Jerry Rice quotes.

Widely regarded as one of the best wide receivers in the history of the NFL, Jerry Rice has left a huge impact on the world of sports.

Let his famous quotes give you a greater appreciation of his talent, dedication, and ambition.

If you’re looking for motivation, read these Jerry Rice quotes and never give up hope.

Don’t forget to also check out these Tom Brady quotes to inspire you to greatness.

Also, check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily wisdom. 

See the rest of our quote database for even more inspirational ideas and thoughts.

Jerry Rice quotes to boost your work ethic

1. “Like I said, repetition in practice and hard work.” Jerry Rice

Jerry Rice quotes about like I said, repetition in practice and hard work

2. “Not wanting to disappoint is what pushed me to be successful.” Jerry Rice

Jerry Rice quotes to boost your work ethic

3. “Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.” Jerry Rice

Jerry Rice quotes that will encourage you

4. “I went out there to play my game for the fun of it and never based my career around records.” Jerry Rice

Jerry Rice quotes to motivate you

5. “The Enemy of the best is the good. If you’re always settling with what’s good, you’ll never be the best.” Jerry Rice

Jerry Rice quotes and sayings

6. “To me, it was never about what I accomplished on the football field, it was about the way I played the game.” Jerry Rice

Meaningful Jerry Rice quotes

7. “Once you get your education it’s going to open up so many doors for you. And the sky’s the limit. So that’s what I want to deliver to students.” Jerry Rice

Special Jerry Rice quotes

8. “My work ethic came from my parents and my fear of failure. I came from a small, predominantly black school and I didn’t want to let them down.” Jerry Rice

Cool Jerry Rice quotes

9. “If I should get selected into the Hall of Fame, I’d be able to say ‘thank you’ to all the legends that are in the Hall of Fame. And also say thank you to my teammates, and also to all the fans. It’s going to be like a dream come true.” Jerry Rice

Appreciation Jerry Rice quotes

10. “I think the thing about that was I was always willing to work; I was not the fastest or biggest player but I was determined to be the best football player I could be on the football field and I think I was able to accomplish that through hard work.” Jerry Rice

Wise and inspirational Jerry Rice quotes

Jerry Rice quotes to encourage and motivate you

11. “I’m used to performing under pressure, but that’s playing football.” Jerry Rice

Jerry Rice quotes to encourage and motivate you

12. “I want to do a good job. I’m just learning and I just want to have fun with it.” Jerry Rice

Motivational Jerry Rice quotes

13. “They never clocked me on my way to the end zone. They never caught me because I ran scared.” Jerry Rice

Funny Jerry Rice quotes

14. “I was just a small boy from Mississippi, and now little kids are going to identify with me through this game.” Jerry Rice

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Wise Jerry Rice quotes

15. “During the offseason, I didn’t take any time off. And I played this game for over 20 years. So right after the season, I would go right back into my regimen.” Jerry Rice

Other Jerry Rice quotes

16. “I don’t diet. I’ll eat fish; I’ll eat baked chicken, pasta, beans. When the body is telling you, ‘You need to indulge in something,’ you need to give the body what it wants.” Jerry Rice

Best Jerry Rice quotes

17. “I think with my hands, it was catching a lot of footballs and working with my father during the summer because he would always make me. My father was a bricklayer so I was a helper. My job was to make sure that he had bricks to lay.” Jerry Rice

Unique Jerry Rice quotes

18. “You know, I never looked down the road and said, ‘Hey look, one day, the Hall of Fame.’ It’s always about playing each and every game 100 percent and I thank my teammates for getting me into the Hall because football is a team sport, not an individual sport.” Jerry Rice

Jerry Rice quotes to helping others

19. “We have seen some of the greatest athletes fall because they have tried to take shortcuts. I’m not going to call any names but we talk about guys that was like at the top of their game that people just idolized. They looked in awe and all of a sudden you see them just come tumbling down because they want to take shortcuts. I think it’s more rewarding when you do it the old fashioned way.” Jerry Rice

Jerry Rice quotes to inspire you

20. “My first experience with football was not very good because I didn’t plan on playing football. I was just playing hookie one day and I was a sophomore and decided not to go to class. And the principal – normally he does his rounds and I thought I had him down pretty good where he was going to be – he sort of walked up behind me and scared me. He noticed I could run real fast. So that’s how I got introduced to football.” Jerry Rice

Top Jerry Rice quotes

Jerry Rice quotes to pump you up

21. “Most injuries require chiropractic care. It works better for me than anything else.” Jerry Rice

Jerry Rice quotes to pump you up

22. “Coming from the South, I just felt you had to work just a little bit harder. It was not going to be handed to you.” Jerry Rice

Jerry Rice quotes for Instagram

23. “I think my secret is that there’s no shortcuts for hard work, determination, and having that don’t give up attitude.” Jerry Rice

Random Jerry Rice quotes

24. “There is still a lot of football in me and I enjoy watching the players go out there and be the best players they can possibly be.” Jerry Rice

Amazing Jerry Rice quotes

25. “There are a lot of young players here right now, and these guys are going to eventually learn as they go. Next year we can’t use that as an excuse that we had so many young players on the team.” Jerry Rice

Favorite Jerry Rice quotes

26. “I played the game for 20 years, and I think that kept me on the football field, being adjusted. Getting hit so many times, being all out of whack, and going in to see my chiropractor kept me back on the football field.” Jerry Rice

27. “Defensive backs are the best players on the field. But when you get an exceptional player like a Deion Sanders or a Darrell Green – these guys are fast and they have very good technique. You have to work a little harder.” Jerry Rice

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28. “Montana and I had a chemistry that was unbelievable. When I first came into the league he told me I added five years to his career, and I just think we complimented each other very well and were able to do some amazing things out on the football field.” Jerry Rice

29. “I’ve grown over the years and I know how to adapt to situations, where I can go into a situation where there’s a crowd of people and just take over. But pretty much I’m off to myself. And I’m totally committed to the game of football. That’s why I’ve had so much success.” Jerry Rice

30. “I had to work hard and hit the books because the opportunity to play in the NFL is not really that big, so I knew I needed something to fall back on. That’s the message I want to send to those kids when I talk to them in person and let them know the most important thing is getting your education.” Jerry Rice

Jerry Rice quotes that will inspire you to follow your heart

31. “I think it was fantastic being in the 49ers Hall of Fame.” Jerry Rice

32. “I think what people might not really know about me is that I’m really a shy individual.” Jerry Rice

33. “I had that hunger, that desire, to be successful and I wasn’t going to let anything stand in my way.” Jerry Rice

34. “I just want the same thing Joe Montana got when he was MVP. He got respect. He got commercials. He got everything.” Jerry Rice

35. “People would look at me weird. You know, like, ‘Why is this guy’s hands always in his pockets?’ But I was embarrassed by the size of my hands.” Jerry Rice

36. “Monday Night Football. That was everything to me because you get a chance to show everybody what you’re capable of. It’s only two teams on that Monday night.” Jerry Rice

37. “The things that are happening to me are unbelievable. I’m actually busier right now than when I played football. This is almost like I’m coming back out of retirement. It will be fun to see myself in the game.” Jerry Rice

38. “My agent said, ‘Jerry, Dancing With the Stars – they want you on there.’ I said, ‘Ain’t no way. I’m not going to do that.’ Then he came back to me again, and he kept putting pressure on me. I said, ‘All right, I’ll give it a try.’” Jerry Rice

39. “I think I just went into a system that was willing to utilize me and gave me opportunities and I felt fortunate to be able to go to Oakland and put the silver and black on. I wanted to prove to everybody that I could still play.” Jerry Rice

40. “After I got disciplined I got introduced to football and then after that everything just took off for me. I had a lot of role models: the teachers, the coaches. Watching them give so much to so many students so they can be successful in life basically just ingrained in me that I think it’s more gratifying for me to give back and than just to receive.” Jerry Rice

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More Jerry Rice quotes

41. “I was always in search of a perfect game and I never got it.” Jerry Rice

42. “I feel like I’m the best, but you’re not going to get me to say that.” Jerry Rice

43. “The game of life requires the edge that chiropractic care provides.” Jerry Rice

44. “The same thing I applied to football, I applied to trying to be an actor and hopefully it came off well.” Jerry Rice

45. “The absolute worst thing a receiver can do is worry about not catching the ball or about getting hit.” Jerry Rice

46. “When you begin to lose the fire a little bit and if you’re not giving 100 percent out there, then it’s time for you to leave because you’ll end up getting hurt – I want to be able to walk away on top.” Jerry Rice

47. “I have been blessed with a long and healthy career as a professional athlete and as I move forward into the next stage of my life, chiropractic care will continue to be an important part of my game.” Jerry Rice

48. “I do a lot of running, and I do it every day. I run on a track, I run hills and I work the stair-stepper extremely hard. I do some type of cardio every day. In addition, I have a passion for golf, and that helps me stay fit, too.” Jerry Rice

49. “I’m really looking forward to the Hall of Fame ceremonies. It’s going to be unbelievable – just crazy. I’m looking forward to thanking all the fans for inspiring me to go out there and play my best football each and every game.” Jerry Rice

50. “I think just what my parents instilled in me was hard work and being able to always go out there and focus and be 100%. I took that work ethic into the NFL and every day I always gave 100% and never wanted anything to be handed to me. I wanted to earn it. And every time I stepped on that football field during practice I wanted to leave that football field with learning something about what the practice was about for me that day.” Jerry Rice

If you’re enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of golf quotes that will give you the motivation to keep playing and practice.

What are the best Jerry Rice quotes to boost motivation?

If you want to be successful, it’s important to train hard, believe in yourself, and focus on your goals.

These Jerry Rice football quotes will encourage you to push it to the limits.

Whether you’re interested in sports, business, or love, it takes hard work to be the best.

As long as you never give up, anything is possible.

This collection of Jerry Rice quotes will inspire you to follow your heart.

Jerry Rice is a legendary football player who holds numerous records for scoring touchdowns, receiving yards, and dominating in games.

When you read his quotes, you will feel energized and ready to take on any obstacles.

If you ever need motivation, read these Jerry Rice quotes and take the advice to heart.

What are your favorite Jerry Rice quotes and sayings to read for motivation?

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