25 Legally Blonde Quotes from Your Favorite Fashionable Law Student

These Legally Blonde quotes will get you excited for more awesome comedy films.

Legally Blonde is a comedy film that premiered in 2001 based on Amanda Brown’s novel. 

It centered on the story of Elle Woods, a sassy sorority girl in a quest of winning her ex-boyfriend’s approval and eventually winning him back by getting a degree in Harvard Law School.

This is a story about the stereotype that blonde women encounter in modern-day America.

In Legally Blonde, Elle is set to overcome the judgment of Harvard law and discover her true self by shining her confidence and beauty.

Don’t forget to also check out our collection of The Kissing Booth quotes from the romantic teen comedy.

Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration. 

Explore our complete collection of motivational quotes here.

Legally Blonde quotes from Elle

1. “I feel comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life.” — Elle

Legally Blonde quotes from Elle

2. “I don’t need backups. I’m going to Harvard.” — Elle

Legally Blonde quotes about I don't need backups

3. “I once had to judge a tighty-whitey contest for Lambda Kappa Pi. Trust me, I can handle anything.” — Elle

Legally Blonde quotes to judge a tighty whitey contest for Lambda kappa Pi

4. “Whoever said orange is the new pink was seriously disturbed.” — Elle

Legally Blonde quotes on whoever said orange is the new pink was seriously disturbed

5. “I’m Elle Woods and this is Bruiser Woods and we’re both Gemini vegetarians.” — Elle

Legally Blonde quotes about Elle Woods and this is Bruiser Woods

6. “Oh, I like your outfit, too, except when I dress up as a frigid b*tch, I try not to look so constipated.” — Elle

7. “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.” — Elle

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Legally Blonde quotes about excercise gives you endorphins

8. “When used appropriately, it has an 83 percent rate of return on a dinner invitation. It’s called the bend and snap.” — Elle

Legally Blonde quotes from Elle

9. “You must always have faith in people. And, most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself.” — Elle

Legally Blonde quotes about faith in yourself

Legally Blonde quotes from Professor Callahan

10. “Do you think she just woke up one morning and said, ‘I think I’ll go to law school today.’” — Professor Callahan

Legally Blonde quotes from professor

11. “Screw sisterhood! This is a murder investigation! Not some scandal at the sorority house!” — Professor Callahan

Legally Blonde quotes about this is a murder investigation

12. “Dare to dream, Miss Woods.” — Professor Callahan

Legally Blonde quotes about dare to dream miss woods

13. “Well done, Miss Kensington. It’s obvious you’ve done your homework. Now, let’s look at malum prohibitum a little more closely.” — Professor Callahan

Legally Blonde quotes about little more closely

14. “What are you so happy about? You’re on trial for murder.” — Professor Callahan

Legally Blonde quotes what are you so happy about? you're on trial for murder

Legally Blonde quotes from Paulette

15. “So what’s a girl to do? He’s a guy who followed his pecker to greener pastures. I’m a middle-aged, high school dropout with stretch marks and a fat ass.” — Paulette

Legally Blonde quotes. from paulette

16. “So What does this Vivian got that you don’t got, three tits?” — Paulette

17. “No! Sometimes I say “okay” instead of “fine”.” — Paulette

Legally Blonde quotes about sometimes I say 'Okay' Instead of 'fine'

18. “Could I have been anymore goddamn spaztic?” — Paulette

Legally Blonde quotes on Could I have been anymore goddamn spaztic

19. “I’m taking the dog, dumbass!” — Paulette

Legally Blonde quotes about I'm takign the dog, dumbass!

Legally Blonde quotes from Warner Huntington III

20. “Hey, well don’t you look like a walking felony.” — Warner Huntington III

Legally Blonde quotes from warner huntington

21. “If I want to be a Senator, I need to marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn.” — Warner Huntington III

Legally Blonde quotes to be a senator

Legally Blonde quotes from Enrique Salvatore

22. “Don’t stomp your little last season Prada shoes at me, honey.” — Enrique Salvatore

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Legally Blonde quotes from Enrique Salvatore

23. “I was confused. I thought you said “friend”. Chuck is just a friend.” — Enrique Salvatore

Legally Blonde quotes about chuck is just a friend

Legally Blonde quotes from Vivian

24. “I know, I thought that was very… classy of you.” — Vivian

Legally Blonde quotes from vivian

25. “You know when he first applied for Harvard, he got wait-listed. He got in because his father had to make a call.” — Vivian

Legally Blonde quotes

Which of these Legally Blonde quotes is your favorite?

This film is based on the author’s personal experience being a white female in Stanford Law School while being passionate about her style and the way she carries herself in the intimidating environment of law school.

There she experiences various clashes with her peers because of her unorthodox way of doing things.

At the start, Elle’s only motivation is to make her ex-boyfriend love her again and accept her, but eventually, she finds a way to accept herself and not depend on validation from the people around her.

It is a film about breaking the stereotype and boundaries set by the public.

If you liked these Legally Blonde quotes, you should definitely read our Elle Woods quotes!

So the next time you doubt your capabilities, think about these Legally Blonde quotes and sayings and remember that you are the only one who knows your true worth.

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