50 Michigan Quotes About the Great Lakes State

Check out these Michigan quotes that show what the “Great Lakes” state offers.

Michigan is located in the upper Midwest of the United States.

The state consists of two peninsulas.

Each peninsula is surrounded on three sides by the Great Lakes, hence the Great Lakes State nickname.

The state is the 10th most populated and 11th largest in size.

Today the state is a popular destination for snow and water lovers.

Historically, the area was occupied by Native American tribes, as evidenced by many of the towns’ names.

Michigan became the 26th state in the United States in 1837, and the state’s capital is Lansing, Michigan.

My personal experience with Michigan

The state has a special place in my life because I was born and raised in Michigan.

I spent over 30 years living in the lower peninsula and, as a child, crossed the Mackinac Bridge to spend many vacations and holidays visiting family in the upper peninsula.

My husband and I even got married on historic Mackinac Island.

While I don’t currently live in Michigan, the state’s beauty and the people will always make it feel a little like home.

I encourage you to visit and experience the wonder of the Great Lakes, the diverse landscape, and the adventure that awaits in Pure Michigan.

Take a look at these Michigan quotes to learn more about the state.

Michigan Quotes from True Michiganders

These quotes are straight from the mouths of my Michigan family, sharing why they love living in Pure Michigan.

1. “MSU.”  Rick Nelson

2. “Michigan always feels homey.” — Macy Kirby

3. “Michigan has winter and summer.” — Zeke Ross

4. “I like Michigan because of the weather.” — James Kabar

5. “Mackinac Bridge, freighters, lighthouses, pasties, fudge.” — Shanan Kabar

6. “I like the four seasons and the sports fans because they are fun people.” — Ken Witt

7. “I love the seasons and the lakes, the coast, and the beauty. Fall is my absolute favorite.” — Tish Kirby

8. “I love the changing seasons, and especially the assortment of colors in the fall.” — Jarrod Kirby

9. “I love it because it’s a beautiful state. And there aren’t sharks in our Great Lakes.” — Jeannie Hogan

10. “I loved living in a place that was surrounded by water and had endless amounts of outdoor activities.” — Dustin Kirby

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11. “I love Michigan because there is so much environmental variety that makes it easy to do what you’re interested in.” — Noah Ross

12. “My favorite thing about Michigan is the cool crisp air in the fall and the snow crunching under your fee in the winter.” — Kailyn Kirby

13. “Beautiful beaches, gorgeous Great Lakes, history with family, pastries, Vernors, Fago, and I can use my hand to show people where I live.” — Lisa Nelson

14. “I love the coastal beach towns along the West Michigan shoreline. They’re full of friendly people who are happy to be alive and enjoying where they live.” — Andrea Ross

Michigan Quotes On Why People Love The State

Here are more quotes about why people love the state of Michigan.

15. “In a nutshell, I love Michigan.” — Jim Harbaugh

16. “Anyone is ridiculous not to try Michigan.” — Tim Allen

17. “If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you.” — State Motto

18. “I love living in Michigan, which has been great for my kids and my family.” — Jeff Daniels

19. “Michigan is my antidote to Manhattan. This is where I come to relax.” — Mario Batali

20. “One of my favorite places on the planet is a place in northern Michigan: Long Lake in Traverse City.” — Gregory H. Johnson

21. “Michigan, with its delicious American name. How lucky one must be to live there.” — Gary Shteyngart

22. “There’s only one way to tackle life, enjoy a day at the beach, and jump into a Great Lake: Headfirst!” — Viola Shipman

23. “I think Michigan keeps you sane and on an even keel through the ups and downs. In Michigan, I do fireworks, shovel snow, and live life.” — Jeff Daniels

24. “In the summer, we have a place up in Michigan where I like to read in a hammock. It’s almost entirely hidden by cedar trees and right up by the water.” — Ethan Canin

25. “Born in Flint, Michigan, but boat sailing on the Great Lakes and skiing in the winter was how most of my youth was spent.” — Doug Rice

26. “A big piece of my heart is definitely in Michigan and will always be in Michigan. Growing up there is definitely a big part of who I am as a person.” — Borns

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27. “The Lake Michigan shorefront is a relatively quiet stretch of land—dotted by small towns and charming cities along the way.” — Matt Heffner

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Michigan Quotes About Winter

Michigan is known for its long, cold winters, but it brings fun with it like skating, skiing, sledding, and hockey.

28. “Michigan isn’t just cold in December; it’s artic.” — Daniel Milstein

29. “The first thing to know about playing baseball in Michigan is, Michigan’s really cold.” — Derek Jeter

30. “Hockey is my favorite because I’m from Michigan. I used to figure-skate and root for the Red Wings.” — Jana Kramer

31. “We rip through summer, burning the hours and tearing up the land. Then snow comes like a bandage, and winter heals the wounds.” — Jerry Dennis

32. “Winters are so long in northern Michigan—nearly nine months of gray skies and deep snow—that summer comes as fresh burst.” — Doug Stanton

Michigan Quotes About The Beauty of Pure Michigan

These quotes give you a small glimpse into why the state is known as Pure Michigan.

33. “This couldn’t be just a lake. No real water was ever blue like that.” — Dorothy Maywood Bird

34. “The cider tasted like Michigan too, and I always remembered the cider mill.” — Ernest Hemingway

35. “Michigan is two radically different places—the North and the South which makes for good drama and contrast.” — Jim Harrison

36. “Presque Isle Park—this is a must! You can jump off the infamous Black Rocks, explore hidden coves, and walk or bike the length of the park.” — Kristi Murphy

37. “Michigan’s landscapes are love letters from the universe, reminding us to pause, breathe and marvel at the magnificence that surrounds us.” — Traveller’s Elixir

38. “Everything in summer Michigan seemed to have a soft shimmer to it, as though God had hung gauze over the sky and softly scattered glitter on all His creations.” — Viola Shipman

39. “Long summer days and the nation’s freshwater coastline make Pure Michigan the perfect place to Keep It Fresh and create a summer full of memories.” — Pure Michigan Advertisement

40. “Northern Michigan is a tourists’ sanctuary. There are miles and miles of calm teal blue saltless silky smooth water and also miles and miles of million white-capped deep blue bottomless water.” — Yasmina Haque

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More Michigan Quotes to Highlight the State

Enjoy even more quotes about the great state of Michigan!

41. “A Michigan man is going to coach Michigan.” Bo Schembechler

42. “So if you want great sports, Michigan’s the place to be.” — Rick Snyder

43. “When people think about Michigan, they usually think about cars.” — Sander Levin

44. “The people are vibing. They’re outgoing and loving. They’re solid, and a lot of people aren’t like that.” — Algee Smith

45. “Because my brother liked Michigan, I liked Michigan, and by the nature of that, I didn’t like Ohio State.” — Charles Woodson ll

46. “I deeply appreciate the people of Michigan. I love their grit. I love the way they face life. I love the family values they have.” — Ernie Harwe

47. “Even here in Michigan, my mom had found a way to climb before she even knew it was a sport. Before she’d ever seen a mountain.” — Kristin Bartley Lenz

48. “Wherever you go in Michigan, you find that toughness. I don’t know if it’s the weather or the hard times. It’s like, if I can make it out of here, I had to be super tough.” — Draymond Green

49. “People in north Michigan are not different at all from people in southern Alabama. Trust me, someone who’s spent a lot of time in both places. They’re all hardworking, simple people.” — Kid Rock

50. “There’s something about Michigan. Maybe it’s that we’re less jaded out there in the Midwest, I don’t know, but it’s a love of what we do and each other that brings us together.” — Gavin Creel

Tourism is vital to Michigan, and the state draws many tourists each year, supporting almost 200,000 tourist jobs.

Michigan is a haven for lake and river lovers, snowmobilers, nature enthusiasts, and hunters.

Michigan’s best-known tourist attractions include Mackinac Island, The Upper Peninsula, The Porcupine Mountains, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, and the Great Lakes.

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