15 Easy Ways to Keep Good Vibes Going All Day
We all know good vibes can be fleeting amidst chaotic days and hectic schedules.
Maybe you’ve just noticed that coffee stain smack dab on the front of your white shirt, right as you’re walking into work.
Or or phone slips out of your coconut-oiled hands and you watch the screen crack as it hits the floor.
We’ve all had to deal with those pesky energy killers now and then, so it’s beneficial to have an arsenal that will help protect your positive mood.
Keep reading to discover 15 easy ways to keep good vibes going all day long
1. Add a plant or bouquet of flowers to your work or living space
It will help to filter out toxins from the air.
Plus, just gazing at the vibrant blossoms or greenery can be oh-so rejuvenating.

2. Smile to up your good vibes (bonus points for smiling at strangers!)
It’s so quick and easy to do.
Plus, it signals the brain to release hormones like endorphins and serotonin, which are excellent mood boosters.
3. Schedule some time for your friends
Even if your schedule doesn’t allow for you guys to meet up today, make plans for this week so you have something to look forward to.
4. Wear some bright colors
A totally funky outfit that is uniquely you – or any ensemble, really – can instantly make you feel more confident and empowered.
Bright colors are a magnet for good vibes!
5. Get good vibes from a quick clean-up
Do a quick de-cluttering of your office desk or a counter in your home.
Clearing space in your physical environment helps to detox your mind so you will feel calmer and more at peace – guaranteed.

6. Kiss or hold hands with a loved one
Oxytocin, known as the “love” hormone, is increased when you touch or are touched by a loved one.
7. Get your green on by eating (or drinking) dark, leafy veggies
You’ll enjoy an energy boost and a good helping of antioxidants to protect yourself against cancer and inflammation.
Ah, yes, please!
8. Do a guided meditation or visualization for instant good vibes
Check out awesome and free apps like Calm or Insight Timer.
Find one that works for you and your schedule.
Mindfulness is a guaranteed easy way to boost good vibes.
9. Stop and smell the roses (literally and figuratively)!
Go for a walk outside and breathe in the natural beauty.
Or you can take a few minutes to cultivate some gratitude for your friends, family, and all the things that are going rather well in your life.
10. Relax for good vibes
Dive into a sea salt bath with a few drops of lavender essential oil.
Enjoy a calming spa retreat in the comfort of your own home!

11. Take a social media break
It’s easy to become overwhelmed by what’s going on in the world and feel our last remnants of good vibes begin to fade away.
So take a break even for just one day!
12. Dish out some heart-centered compliments
Showering others with praise is a fast and surefire way to boost up the receiver’s vibes (and yours, at the same time).
13. Find a theme song to keep good vibes going
This is the music you feel deeply connected to and that always puts you in high spirits.
While you’re at it, why not come up with a “good vibes only” playlist full of songs about reaching your dreams and the like to put in heavy rotation?
14. If needed, take a mental health day
This is just as important as taking time off when you’re physically ill.
So engage in some self-care, or basically any activity that will lift you up.
It could be just grabbing a latte and immersing yourself in a great book or podcast.
15. Breathe
Oftentimes, the simplest things are the most important.
It’s easy to get caught up in our fast-paced lives, and this can set the stage for increased anxiety and shallow chest breathing.
Try and breathe deep from your diaphragm to shift you into a more relaxed state.

What do you do for an instant boost to your good vibes?
To keep good vibes flowing, feel free to print and hang this list up to serve as a healthy reminder to amp up that positive energy!
How do you increase good vibes throughout the day?
Do you have any tips to add to this list?
Let us know in the comment section!