6 Powerful Strategies to Develop Discipline in Your Life

If you want to develop discipline to make changes in your life but don’t know where to start, this is the article for you.

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.”— Jim Rohn

You promised yourself that everything will change.

You will get up early every morning for a two-mile run 3 times a week.

Today, like every other day since you made that decision, the best you can do is stretch to hit the snooze button.

You have read all the books on goal setting.

You have even spent time online watching video clips on the subject.

However, your reality is that every year the same goals seem to top your list.

You may have mastered how to set goals, but setting goals is one thing, accomplishing them is another.

Discipline is key to accomplishing goals and is an attribute anyone can develop.

If you are wondering how to develop discipline, you came to the right place.

Here are six effective tips on how to develop discipline.

#1. Develop Discipline by Having a Clear Vision

You want to develop discipline but discipline for what?

You need clarity on what you want to develop discipline for.

Discipline to accomplish a specific goal, discipline to turn your life around.

For example, weight loss might be your goal.

Create a vision of your desired weight in your mind.

This simple step creates the energy you need to get started.

List the steps needed to achieve your desired weight.

Looking through the steps you have, you know what you need to be disciplined about.

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Now that you are motivated to get started how do you stay motivated?

2. Keep Your Reasons in Mind

Ask yourself why you want to accomplish the goal and make a list of the reasons.

This will keep you motivated enough to stay with your routine even when it is very difficult.

Someone trying to lose weight may think about the health issues that can be avoided by losing weight.

Also, the effects of losing weight on lifestyle, energy levels, and accessible activities can be motivating.

3. Develop Discipline by Ruling Over Negative Feelings

Have the determination to be in charge no matter what.

If you go by how you feel, you will never get anything done.

This is because our mind is constantly looking to avoid hard things, and will tell us anything to get us to give up on something difficult.

So don’t allow your feelings to rule.

On mornings that you do not feel like getting up for your morning workout, let your body know who is in charge and get up anyway.

Initially, this may be tough, but you will find out it gets easier with every passing day

4. Change What You Give Attention To

What you feed your mind with matters.

Carefully look through what you read or watch and remove items that do not add value to your goals.

If you are trying to stay away from certain foods, then don’t spend most of your day watching video clips describing different ways to prepare such foods.

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Stay informed and learn different ways to accomplish what you desire in a shorter time.

5. Develop a New Habit

It is often said that if you can commit to doing something for 21 days, you can develop a new habit.

Look to develop habits that add value to you, in the process you are developing discipline as well.

Developing a habit takes consistently doing a particular activity day after day.

Simple habits such as planning your day ahead and staying with the plan can be done by anyone who can commit to it.

6. Stay Focused to Develop Discipline

No matter what you are trying to accomplish there will be difficult days.

It is important to stay focused and committed to your goals.

Developing discipline is not an exception.

You can accomplish anything you are committed to.

Anytime you feel like giving up, remember why you started the journey in the first place.

Think through your life and decide to step things up by enhancing your productivity in strategic ways.

Remember this:

“It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through”— Zig Ziglar

Have you been working to develop more discipline in your life?

Do you have any tips to add to this list?

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