25 Broad City Quotes Sharing Friendship Ties

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Broad City is an American TV sitcom that premiered on Comedy Central in 2014.

It was about two Jewish American women, Ilana and Abbi, and their quest to live the best of their lives in New York.

This series is considered one of the best TV shows of the 2010s due to its distinct and hilarious millennial vibe.

It is easy to get hooked on this series because of the exciting portrayal of two lead actresses in their friendship.

In addition, the series has a unique and fun atmosphere that keeps the stories very interesting and engaging.

While many fans of the series are sad that the show comes to an end, these iconic Broad City quotes will always be remembered.

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Broad City quotes from Ilana Wexler

1. “Let’s meet at the ATM where the dude puked on you last week.” — Ilana Wexler

2. “Ben Affleck was homeless for a night for a charity…We’re, like, doing that, just involuntarily.” — Ilana Wexler

3. “We ran into like a pickle. . . wall. I don’t know what the saying is.” — Ilana Wexler

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4. “I’d shoot you in the face and shoot myself in the heart.” — Ilana Wexler

5. “I’d like to cash these nickels, and I’ll have them in quarters, please. ” — Ilana Wexler

6. “That’s cool. I respect you, respecting me. I am going to respect your dick later.” — Ilana Wexler

7. “You’re leaving me like tight and dry. ” — Ilana Wexler

8. “You said that if you ever were going to do a same-sex experimentation, it was going to be with me.” — Ilana Wexler

9. “Four R’s, my friend: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rihanna.” — Ilana Wexler

10. “I leave a cum trail wherever I go, kinda like a slutty slug.” — Ilana Wexler

11. “Check it. I got a dirty ass martini and a clean white power suit.” — Ilana Wexler

12. “My biggest weakness is that I lose my purse a lot.” — Ilana Wexler

13. “The most powerful moment in a woman’s life. Your first grey hair.” — Ilana Wexler

14. “The vah-yine-yah is nature’s pocket. It’s natural and responsible.” — Ilana Wexler

15. “Basically, I’ve had more sex than like anybody in the entire world. Not just average sex, but like, dang 70s porno sex.” — Ilana Wexler

16. “I also want everyone I’ve ever hooked up with to just jack off together. That might bring me back to life.” — Ilana Wexler

17. “You look sexy and vivacious and artsy and, like, young-wife material but, like, taut and teasy still. It’s a perfect combo.” — Ilana Wexler

18. “Honey, I have a cyst on my uterus and I need to get fucked until it pops.” — Ilana Wexler

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19. “I know you from your ass better than I know your face.” — Ilana Wexler

20. “Nose, vagina, butthole. If God didn’t want us to put our fingers in there, then why did she make them perfectly finger-sized?” — Ilana Wexler

21. “I finally figured out my eyebrows, They’re sisters, not twins.” — Ilana Wexler

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Broad City quotes from Abbi Abrams

22. “I was curious to see if you were still selling the greenery. Cuz I’m looking to buy some um greenery.” — Abbi Abrams

23. “ I can’t really imagine what it’s like for people with blue eyes.” — Abbi Abrams

24. “I’m an adult and I’m responsible. Let’s go get some candy.” — Abbi Abrams

25. “You’re my favorite little jewie this side of saint louie.” — Abbi Abrams

Throughout the series, the characters in this show left a trail of unconditional love and genuine friendship, making this show a true gem for all of its audience.

In addition, it masterfully incorporates hilarious parodies that create the right mix of friendship-comedy and observational satire.

The series embodied feminist ideals such as how women should come together and stay strong while capturing the hilarious conflicts of female friendships.

The show easily marked its place in our memories as one of the funniest and friendly sitcoms out there.

Hopefully, these Broad City quotes and sayings empowered you and inspired you just like the show did.

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