50 Dan Peña Quotes from The Trillion Dollar Man

There is a lot to be learned about success from these Dan Peña quotes.

If you want to be successful in life and chase your dreams, hearing “The Trillion Dollar Man” might get your attention.

Dan Peña is an American businessman who can teach all of us a thing or two about achieving success.

While he got his official business start on Wall Street, he’s accomplished a number of other things during his lifetime, which is still going on.

He founded an oil company and bought a Scottish castle which he turned into a business of its own.

If you’re intrigued at this point, you’re sure to enjoy and be motivated by these Dan Peña quotes.

Don’t forget to also check out these success quotes that will help you achieve more.

Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration. 

Check out our inspirational quotes category page for more inspirational life quotes.

Inspirational Dan Peña quotes

1. “Tough times don’t last — tough people do!” – Dan Peña

2. “Dream Big, Think Big, Be Big!” – Dan Peña

3. “Don’t focus on mistakes, focus on the positive “next time”!” – Dan Peña

4. “Stop playing to lose. Play to win.” – Dan Peña

5. “The difference between a failure and a high-performance individual is how each deals with fear. We are all afraid.” – Dan Peña

6. “Always shoot for the moon. Even if you don’t hit the bulls-eye, you’ll at least get 80 percent.” – Dan Peña

7. “Just do it!” – Dan Peña

8. “Man’s greatest burden is unfulfilled potential.” – Dan Peña

9. “People with low self-esteem protect themselves by not taking risks. High self-esteem gives you the power of confidence to take chances.” – Dan Peña

10. “If you want things to change, first you have to change.” – Dan Peña

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Wise Dan Peña quotes

11. “The older you get the less you are surprised.” – Dan Peña

12. “The only difference between a Champ and a Chump is “U”.” – Dan Peña

13. “A deal has to sound good before it is good.” – Dan Peña

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14. “The more you investigate, the less you have to invest.” – Dan Peña

15. “A deal is either hot — or it’s not.” – Dan Peña

16. “Don’t waste time on things you can’t change!” – Dan Peña

17. “Man plans – God Laughs!” – Dan Peña

18. “Your most valuable natural asset is your own gut instinct. Don’t be afraid of it.” – Dan Peña

19. “I’ve never seen a ‘part-time’ super successful, high-performance person.” – Dan Peña

20. “You can’t have a dream come true unless you have a dream.” – Dan Peña

Dan Peña quotes about success

21. “I could not be more proud of the countless lives that I have changed since I began my coaching and mentoring career!” – Dan Peña

22. “Never start small where goals are concerned. You’ll make better decisions – and find it much easier to work a lot harder – when your ultimate goal is ultimate success.” – Dan Peña

23. “People regularly practice playing a sport like golf or basketball – but few people think about ‘practicing being successful.’ I had practiced meeting the Queen of England – what I would wear, how I would stand, the handshake – so when I did meet her, I was comfortable – for I had practiced the moment for years.” – Dan Peña

24. “Good leaders make sense of change in the world… then imparts that insight to the team.” – Dan Peña

25. “I could not be more proud of the countless lives that I have changed since I began my coaching and mentoring career!” – Dan Peña

26. “Fear of failure is caused by a lack of self-esteem and confidence. Dealing with fear is the key to super success.” – Dan Peña

27. “The truth is, successful people are not ten times smarter than you. They don’t really work ten times harder than you. So why are they successful? Because their dreams are so much bigger than yours!” – Dan Peña

28. “The best form of customer service is self-service. Constantly empower customers to get their own answers themselves.” – Dan Peña
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29. “You have to have faith in people.” – Dan Peña

30. “You will definitely encounter lots of resistance on the road to super success, but don’t let others stop you from reaching your goals.” – Dan Peña

31. “Quantum Leap success means fishing with nets, not just with lines.” – Dan Peña

32. “Remarkably successful people habitually do what other people won’t do. They go where others won’t go because there is a lot less competition and a much greater chance for success.” – Dan Peña

Dan Peña quotes about business

33. “Good lawyers win so-so lawsuits. Great lawyers can win lawsuits in which you have little or no chance to win.” – Dan Peña

34. “People want to be led by strong leaders, and good leaders are constant students.” – Dan Peña

35. “Don’t just work longer hours, ‘staying busy’ as most other people do. ‘Work smart’ — i.e. Stay productive and don’t get distracted.” – Dan Peña

36. “The more you investigate, the less you have to invest.” – Dan Peña

37. “The Internet is a giant ‘lab experiment’ for corporate America, and those companies that recognize this and play well within the rules of ambiguity and fluidity will survive and win.” – Dan Peña

38. “Virtually all big law firms have good to super-good lawyers. All big law firms don’t have great litigators.” – Dan Peña
If you’re enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of insightful lawyer quotes about justice for all.

39. “Year-end goals are terrific! Affirmations with goals are even better! And goals, affirmations, along with visualization is even more effective!” – Dan Peña
If you’re enjoying these quotes, make sure to check out our collection of daily affirmations to create a positive mindset.

40. “High-performance people have larger, more expanded comfort zones than most.” – Dan Peña

More Dan Peña quotes

41. “I have said countless times high performance people are never satisfied with what they do or how they do it! Hence, I am always endeavoring to improve.” – Dan Peña

42. “By definition, to work with me, you need thicker skin and must be OK with a certain amount of verbal abuse!” – Dan Peña

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43. “I have written and said countless times it is not what happens to you in life that makes a difference! It is how we react to what happens to us in life that creates our history and – more importantly – our future!” – Dan Peña

44. “Life without dreams is like a bird with a broken wing – it can’t fly.” – Dan Peña

45. “I have always known I had talent, LOL, but to be called a ‘talent’ feels a little strange – but well within my comfort zone!” – Dan Peña

46. “Of course I have said, till I am blue in the face – people don’t lack goals, passion, grit, or drive – they lack leadership!” – Dan Peña

47. “Progress often masquerades as trouble.” – Dan Peña

48. “If you can’t really love yourself, you can’t love anything you do!” – Dan Peña

49. “The truth is, I almost always did accomplish what I said I would – in the face of overwhelming obstacles!” – Dan Peña

50. “The more emotional distractions you have the harder it is to accomplish your goals – especially at the extreme levels!” – Dan Peña

Which of these Dan Peña quotes is your favorite?

If you want to accomplish big things in life and achieve success, then it’s helpful to study those that have done the same thing before you.

Dan Peña is more than happy to share his story and thoughts with others.

His website documents many of the areas that he’s successful in.

Along with studying the quotes above, you may benefit from learning more about his business dealings and the path that he took to success.

Or simply use the quotes here to motivate you on your own journey to success.

When you start to face obstacles, continue to read them in order to push yourself further.

What’s your biggest takeaway from these Dan Peña quotes and sayings?

Do you have any other favorite quotes to add?

Let us know in the comment section below.

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