52 Gucci Mane Quotes For Bossing Up and Grinding

These Gucci Mane quotes are perfect for anybody seeking motivation to stay on their grind.

Gucci Mane, whose real name is Radric Delantic Davis, debuted on the scene back in 2005.

He was born in Bessemer, Alabama and raised in Atlanta, Georgia.

Since then, he has had successful albums and become a record executive, amassing over 12 million dollars in net worth.

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What are the benefits of reading these Gucci Mane quotes?

Gucci Mane reminds us:

  • when life throws us lemons, it’s time to make lemonade
  • your past does not define your future
  • we can all grow and reach our goals with the right motivation

Despite several run-ins with the law, fans of Gucci love him for his in-your-face attitude.

Critics have different opinions but acknowledge that he was one rapper to lay the foundation for the subgenre of trap music.

Gucci Mane debuted with Trap House in 2005 and has since released 14 studio albums and over 71 mixtapes.

He is considered the most influential underground rapper of the 2000s and has inspired Atlanta rappers like Young Thug, Migos, and 21 Savage.

Gucci is often in the news for music-related or rumors outside of music.

He has accomplished much for a person his age and has dealt with several stints in prison.

We all have triumphs and defeats.

Gucci Mane’s greatest hits quotes

1. “I stay higher than giraffe pu**y.” Gucci Mane

Everyday Application: Gucci often talks about his love for certain recreational drugs. This figurative language playfully depicts his mind state, comparing being high to one of the tallest animals on earth, the regal giraffe.

2. “I’m so high, it’s so lonely up here.” Gucci Mane

Everyday Application: It is often said that it is lonely at the top. Gucci is vulnerable in his rhymes, sharing that his success has broken certain relationships and made him feel alone at the top by himself.

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3. “That fame monster’s a fool, man. It really is.” Gucci Mane

Everyday Application: Many people think they want celebrity status, but Gucci encourages us to consider what it means. It is one thing for the waiter to offer you a free donut on the house because they recognize you as a celebrity. It is another thing not to be able to go anywhere without being recognized. Gucci shares that fame and status are two-sided coins, with one side being a monster.

4. “If you keep lookin’ back, you gon’ trip going forward.” Gucci Mane

Everyday Application: Reflecting on the past is necessary. The past can inform our decision-making. If we dwell on the past too much, we miss our opportunities to see what is in our future. Gucci reminds us to keep facing forward while learning from our histories.

5. “I’m not a fan of anybody music who I feel like a sucka.” Gucci Mane

Everyday Application: Gucci is a robust and opinionated artist. He wears his heart on his sleeve in much of his music. He is upfront about his distaste for certain rappers and their music. While he might not agree with everyone, he deserves props for his willingness to be honest.

6. “As far back as I can remember, I really just wanted to get me some money.” Gucci Mane

Everyday Application: Some people know who they are from a young age. Gucci has always been open about his desire to create financial wealth and freedom. His ventures as a record executive have allowed him to put his finance skills in place and do it legally.

Gucci Mane quotes that teach us everyday lessons

7. “I feel like I am an example.” Gucci Mane

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Everyday Application: Gucci has built a kingdom for himself as a man coming out of the deep South from a community with limited opportunities. Despite being incarcerated and various roadblocks, Gucci feels he has overcome many obstacles and come out on the other side as a better person. His is an attitude we can all aspire to maintain.

8. “I learned that everybody is not your friend.” Gucci Mane

Everyday Application: Difficulty teaches us more than ease. Losing friends or having to cut off relationships can be painful. Gucci addresses that even close family members and friends can sometimes turn into enemies if the conditions call for it.

9. “I will keep on hurdling and keep on hustling.” Gucci Mane

Everyday Application: Gucci is a man of resilience. His example and attitude encourage us to keep going. We will face sorrows, and we will face triumphs. We must keep going in the face of difficulty to keep our passion at the height of success.

10. “I might be ugly, but my cars are real pretty.” Gucci Mane

Everyday Application: Beauty is said to come from the inside, but people judge what they see on the outside in the real world. Gucci playfully jokes that while he may not be the most handsome of men, he has pretty cars to make up for it.

Gucci Mane quotes about his thoughts

11. “I just want to let everyone know I’m not a murderer.” Gucci Mane

Everyday Application: Hip Hop is a culture that is often demonized. Plenty of rappers have been put in jail, and they have used their lyrical content as evidence against them to support the idea that they are criminals. Gucci wanted the audience to separate his musical persona from his real-life decision-making.

12. “Ain’t got no comparison, and I ain’t being arrogant.” Gucci Mane

Everyday Application: There is nothing like knowing yourself. Gucci encourages people to walk the line between self-love and conceit. Loving oneself and believing in one’s unique abilities is not the same as being arrogant.

13. “How you dress on the outside, it represents your soul.” Gucci Mane

Everyday Application: In every culture across the globe, what we wear says a lot about who we are. Gucci Mane has always been a colorful character, and his clothes often match his personality.

14. “A trapper, but this rappin’ got me going places you’ll never go!” Gucci Mane

Everyday Application: New worlds exist for those who seek them. Gucci started as a trapper but had higher aspirations and a larger vision for himself. When we dream big, our potential becomes limitless.

15. “My goal is to drop ten projects in 2013. All albums. I gotta do it.” Gucci Mane

Everyday Application: Gucci has always been a hustler with a hustler’s ambition. An old saying suggests hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. Gucci went on a run where he released mixtapes and albums back to back as a testament to his work ethic and commitment to his grind.

More than rumors Gucci Mane quotes

16. “My own momma turned her back on me, and that’s my momma.” Gucci Mane

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17. “Don’t never drop your head. Don’t never feel like you counted out.” Gucci Mane

18. “I feel like you don’t have to go through jail, that’s not part of bein’ a man” Gucci Mane

19. “When all my hard work is getting recognized. It makes me work even harder.” Gucci Mane

20. “You fall down, you get up, you brush yourself off, and you keep going.” Gucci Mane

21. “I remembered that as low as my lows had gotten, I always had faith in myself.” Gucci Mane

22. “From Maine to Spain, I can play that thang because I’m the original Gucci Mane.” Gucci Mane

23. If a man does not have the sauce, then he is lost. But the same man can be lost in the sauce. Gucci Mane

24. “Sometimes you almost have to laugh to keep from crying to deal with the pain associated with the ‘hood.’” Gucci Mane

25. “Most of my subject matter was all kind of, like, party stuff, jewelry, and cars. It was really just, you know, shallow.” — Gucci Mane

Gucci Mane quotes about decisions, stress, and life

26. “And as it always did, my stress manifested itself as intense dread and paranoia.” Gucci Mane

27. “My decision to pursue music was heavily influenced by my arrest at the Texaco.” Gucci Mane

28. “I always have faith that something’s going to happen good for you, and it going to happen.” Gucci Mane

29. “Before I make an action, think about the consequences… Any decision I make is a heavy decision.” Gucci Mane

30. “There are some things in life you can never completely walk away from, as badly as you might want to.” Gucci Mane

31. “I did some things to some people that was downright evil. Is it karma coming back to me—so much drama.” Gucci Mane

32. “Unfortunately, I’ve been to jail a couple times. Anytime I come in, it’s difficult to make music, write songs.” Gucci Mane

33. “I’ll like to tell all the people who wrote me and said a prayer for me, thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Gucci Mane

Gucci Mane quotes about his net worth and family

34. “I always knew if I could get past those temporary moments, eventually I’d be up again.” Gucci Mane

35. “I believe I can make all the money I’ve missed. But I can’t regain the time with fans and family.” Gucci Mane

36. “A lot of times when you keep it real with somebody, you can’t expect them to keep it real with you.” Gucci Mane

37. “I’m satisfied and proud of the things I did—even the bumps and the bruises that I’ve had on the way.” Gucci Mane

38. “You have to make peace with the past. It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time for wounds to heal.” Gucci Mane

39. “Jail couldn’t beat me. Lean couldn’t beat me. No situation could beat me. I was the only one who could beat me.” Gucci Mane

40. “My confidence is very high. I really enjoy going up, I feel like it’s my birthday every day that I have to go up there.” Gucci Mane

41. “There’s a lot of people scared of me, and I can’t blame them. They call me crazy so much I think I’m starting to believe them.” Gucci Mane

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42. “You have to watch who you associate with and surround yourself with positive things and people who want to do something positive.” Gucci Mane

43. “Always watch your back—when I was fourteen, I got a tattoo of an eye on the back of my neck, so I could say I was always watchin’ my back.” Gucci Mane

44. “I try to take a couple of young guys under my wing and tell them what I’ve learned because you can’t teach nobody if you don’t know anything.” Gucci Mane

More Gucci Mane quotes to make you think

45. “They play you in the club. You can have the #1 jam, but if I know your character, how can I listen to your music?” Gucci Mane

46. “I had given thought to acting, but I never really had a good enough opportunity or a character who made sense and paralleled my life a little bit.” Gucci Mane

47. “A lot that was happening in 2005, 2006, good and bad, the beats reflected it. It was a lot of money around. People was making music to throw money to.” Gucci Mane

48. “There’s a certain level of violence in any correctional facility, but here it was intrinsic. It lived in the concrete walls. In the steel doors. It was always hanging in the air.” Gucci Mane

49. “Sometimes you reach a fork in the road, and you have to make a decision. Which direction will it be? Left or right? To be firm in that decision, you can’t keep looking back.” Gucci Mane

50. “I usually record all through the night, but I’m known for waking up early in the morning. Even if I had recorded till 3 or 4 in the morning, I might wake up at 9 or 10. I never sleep ‘til 1 o’clock.’” Gucci Mane

51. “I’m just a careful person around wheels and stuff like that. I try to be as cautious as I can cause I lost friends to motorcycle accidents and car accidents. So I don’t ever play around anything like that.” Gucci Mane

52. “I hope my life is a testimony to show people no matter what you go through, how many hurdles are placed in front of you, how many bumps and bruises you get, to pick yourself up and be resilient and keep on trucking.” Gucci Mane

A better understanding of who Gucci Mane is

Gucci Mane represents transformation, both literally and figuratively.

For those who remember him early in his career, he was much more rowdy and short-tempered.

Gucci was known for his street persona, which often trickled into various beefs and misunderstandings in hip-hop.

Early in his career, Gucci was liable to say anything in an interview and did not care who he crossed or offended.

He went to prison, and the experience changed his mind and body.

The bad choices can break you or build a new you

The prison sentence was a valuable time for Gucci.

He laments, “I hope my life is a testimony to show people no matter what you go through, how many hurdles are placed in front of you, how many bumps and bruises you get, to pick yourself up and be resilient and keep on trucking.”

Since then, he matured, releasing hits like “Lemonade,” growing from mixtape rapper to record label owner.

Which of these Gucci Mane quotes resonated with you the most?

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