25 Marjorie Taylor Greene Quotes that are Noteworthy

In this article, we offer you a nice collection of Marjorie Taylor Greene quotes.

All these quotes are by Marjorie Taylor Greene, and most of them relate to her perception of politics and democratic norms.

Apart from our quotes section, we also discussed Greene’s political career and her style of politics.

Please continue reading if you want to know more about Marjorie Taylor Greene and her thoughts. 

Who is Marjorie Taylor Greene 

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a popular political figure associated with the Republican Party of the United States.

She is a member of the United States House of Representatives. 

She was born in Milledgeville, Georgia, on May 27, 1974.

Also known as MTG, Greene is always in the headlines due to her controversial beliefs and statements.

Greene’s Life and Political Career

Being a businesswoman, Greene owns a construction company in partnership with her husband. 

Before entering politics, Greene was involved in various conspiracy theories.

One of them is the QAnon conspiracy theory. 

Greene participated in the 2020’s Congress and won. 

She also won the general election and was sworn into office on January 3, 2021.

After taking office, Greene made various controversial statements.

She also supported conspiracy theories, including:

  • 9/11 terrorist attacks 
  • The presidential election of 2020
  • Parkland school shooting

Due to her previous incendiary comments and statements, the House of Representatives voted against her.

As a result, on Feb. 4, 2021, Greene was removed from her committee assignments.

Irrespective of her controversies, Greene continues to maintain a good number of loyal followers. 

Greene’s supporters consider her a fighter who stands against the mainstream media. 

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Greene’s Role in American Politics

The prominent stature held by Greene in America’s political arena is a topic of hot debate.

Politicians are concerned about the role and impact of conspiracy theories in American politics. 

A few consider her extreme views dangerous for the American political culture and democratic norms. 

On the other hand, some other people think that Greene is a refreshing and powerful voice against the political elite.

She has also served as a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump.

Greene supported and propagated Trump’s claims of discrepancies in the 2020 election.

Apart from this, Greene has also faced criticism for supporting the idea of taking strict actions against Democratic leaders such as Nancy Pelosi.

Top 5 Marjorie Taylor Greene Quotes

Here is our pick of the top 5 Marjorie Taylor Greene quotes.

1. “Criminals don’t care about guns laws.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene

2. “Democrats literally hate all police officers.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene 

3. “The Holocaust is – there’s nothing comparable to it.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene

4. “Critical race theory is racist. It does nothing to bring us together.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene 

5. “It’s racist to teach children to treat other children differently because of their skin color.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene Quotes About Politics

Following Marjorie Taylor Greene’s quotes are about politics and law. 

6. “The Democrat Party is the party of domestic terrorism.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene

7. “We don’t let criminals serve in our office as president.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene

8. “There is nothing more threatening to Democrats than strong Republican women!”Marjorie Taylor Greene

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9. “The right to keep and bear arms is a God-given right protected by the Constitution.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene 

10. “The heroic action of American law enforcement is the only force standing between us and total anarchy.”Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene Quotes About Herself

These are Marjorie Taylor Greene’s quotes that are actually about herself and her thoughts. 

11. “I’m a regular person.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene

12. “I’m a very hard worker, and I’m proud of it.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene

13. “If I were on a committee, I’d be wasting my time.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene

14. “I was allowed to believe things that weren’t true, and I would ask questions about them and talk about them.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene

15. “Throughout my campaign for Congress, I promised the people of Northwest Georgia that I would be the strongest defender of gun rights on Capitol Hill.”Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene Quotes About Country

Discover Marjorie Taylor Greene’s views on patriotism and the nation. The following are a few insightful and thought-provoking quotes related to her own nation, the U.S.A.

16. “The greatest thing about America is this country is the place everyone wants to be.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene

17. “Our God-given right to protect our country, ourselves, and our families shouldn’t be up for debate.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene 

18. “The federal government should only be flying the flag that represents all people, the American flag.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene

19. “Remember, no matter what color your skin is, if you wear a law enforcement badge, you are automatically racists according to the deranged, lawless leftists.”Marjorie Taylor Greene

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20. “Old Glory represents our great American military and their sacrifices to ensure our freedom. This isn’t a political issue. This is about Patriotism, and we need more of it.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene  

More Marjorie Taylor Greene Quotes

These are some bonus Marjorie Taylor Greene quotes with interesting points.  

21. “You never want to give someone like my free time.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene  

22. “If any place in America needs to close, it is Congress.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene

23. “I think it’s important for all of us to remember, none of us are perfect.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene

24. “The biggest surprise to me is many members in Congress don’t actually work.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene 

25. “On our Southern border, Joe Biden has allowed hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of illegal aliens into our country.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene 

Which of these Marjorie Taylor Greene Quotes is your Favorite? 

Going through our list of Marjorie Taylor Greene quotes, you might better understand her political thoughts.

Apart from being a political figure, she isn’t satisfied with American politics.

This is why she is always supporting conspiracy theories.

Whether someone likes it or not, her fans support her every move on social media.

Which of these Marjorie Taylor Greene quotes inspires you the most?

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