25 Moneyball Quotes From the Hit Movie

Sports fans will love these Moneyball quotes from the hit baseball movie!

Moneyball is a sports drama movie released in 2011, based on the 2003 book by Michael Lewis.

The book is based on the Oakland Athletics baseball team’s 2002 season.

Bennett Miller directed the movie, which starred Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Chris Pratt, among other talented actors.

The movie’s plot follows the Oakland Athletics 2002 team and how general manager Billy Beane and his assistant Peter Brand tried to build a competitive team.

The catch for Beane and Brand was that the team was on a minimal budget, so they began going after unrealized talent by focusing on a sophisticated analytical approach.

Enjoy these Moneyball quotes that will give you more insight into the movie.

You will also enjoy our article on baseball quotes.

The Best Moneyball Quotes From Billy Beane

Check out some of the best quotes from the main person in the movie.

1. “It’s hard not to be romantic about baseball.”  Billy Beane

2. “When your enemy’s making mistakes, don’t interrupt him.”  Billy Beane

3. “You get on base; we win. You don’t; we lose.”  Billy Beane

4. “Would you rather get one shot in the head or five in the chest and bleed to death?”  Billy Beane

5. “I’m not gonna fire you, Grady.”  Billy Beane

6. “I pay you to get on first, not get thrown out at second.”  Billy Beane

7. “I’ve been in this game for a long time. I’m not in it for the record; I’ll tell you that.”  Billy Beane

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8. “Pack your bags, Pete. I just bought you from the Cleveland Indians.”  Billy Beane

9. “I made one decision in my life based on money. And I swore I would never do it again.”  Billy Beane

10. “But if we win, on our budget, with the team… we’ll have changed the game. And that’s what I want.”  Billy Beane

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Moneyball quotes for those who love the game

Baseball fans will love these quotes.

11. “Yale, economics, and baseball… you’re funny, Pete.” — Billy Beane

12. “I hate it. I hate losing more than I even want to win.” — Billy Beane

13. “This guy could be not just the best pitcher in our bullpen, but one of the most effective relief pitchers in all of baseball.”  Peter Brand

14. “You won the exact same number of games that the Yankees won, but the Yankees spent one point four million per win, and you paid two hundred and sixty thousand.”  John Henry

15. “People are overlooked for a variety of biased reasons and perceived flaws. Age, appearance, personality.”  Peter Brand

16. “There is an epidemic failure within the game to understand what is really happening. And this leads people who run Major League Baseball teams to misjudge their players and mismanage their teams.”  Peter Brand

The Best Moneyball Quotes From the Other Movie Characters

Enjoy these quotes from the rest of the characters in the movie.

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17. “Billy, we just won twenty games in a row.”  Peter Brand

18. “Peña is not only the best first baseman on the roster, he’s the only first baseman on the roster.”  Art Howe

19. “I want you to see these player evaluations that you asked me to do.” — Peter Brand

20. “The problem is we have to replace three key players in our lineup.”  Grady Fuson

21. “He’s great at playing the part. He just needs to get some playing time.”  Phil Pote

22. “Artie’s right. This guy’s got an attitude, and an attitude is good.”  John Poloni

23. “Jeremy’s about to realize that the ball went 60 feet over the fence. He hit a home run and didn’t even realize it.” — Peter Brand

24. “I mean, anybody who’s not building a team right and rebuilding it using your model, they’re dinosaurs. They’ll be sitting on their ass on the sofa in October, watching the Boston Red Sox win the World Series.” — John Henry

25. “Billy, of the twenty thousand knowable players for us to consider, I believe that there is a championship team of twenty-five people that we can afford. Because everyone else in baseball undervalues them.” – Peter Brand

Does the 2002 Team Have a Winning Season?

Beane and Brand are met with a lot of resistance with their new-school approach, and the team starts the season poorly by falling ten games behind first place.

After going all in on the approach, the team starts winning and even goes on a record-breaking 20-game winning streak.

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Although the Oakland Athletics didn’t win the World Series, with a limited budget, they took their team to the American League Division Series.

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