25 Sean Connery Quotes From the Scottish Actor

Sean Connery was a film legend.

He was born as Thomas Connery in Edinburgh.

The Scottish actor was known for his good looks, Scottish burr, and impeccable acting skills.

One of his most iconic roles is that of sexy secret agent 007… or Bond. James Bond.

He was the first actor to portray the British secret agent on film and starred in seven Bond films between 1962 and 1983.

It’s no surprise there are some popular Sean Connery quotes as James Bond.

The Bond films may have made him famous, but he wasn’t always a fan of the character.

In fact, at first, he was reluctant to even agree to a film series but knew if it became popular, it would benefit his career.

Later in his career, he said, “[I am] fed up to here with the whole Bond bit.”

At one point, he even said, “I have always hated that damned James Bond.

I’d like to kill him.”

His other credits include excellent movies like Indiana JonesThe Rock, and The Hunt for Red October.

He also starred in The Untouchables and did voice-over work after retiring from acting in 2006.

Don’t forget to check out these James Bond quotes about life as a secret agent.

If you love this quote collection, read out our most popular quote article about short inspirational quotes for daily motivation. 

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Best Sean Connery quotes from The Rock

1. “Thank you for making my point.” ― Sean Connery, (John Patrick Mason) The Rock

Sean Connery quotes about thank you for making my point

2. “I want a suite, a shower, a shave, the feel of a suit.” ― Sean Connery, (John Patrick Mason) The Rock

Best Sean Connery quotes from The Rock

3. “You know… you’re almost the only evidence that I exist.”  Sean Connery, (John Patrick Mason) The Rock

Sean Connery quotes on evidence

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4. “In my day, we did it all with a snorkel and a pair of flippers.” ― Sean Connery, (John Patrick Mason) The Rock

Sean Connery quotes that flippers

5. “‘Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious’, according to Oscar Wilde.” ― Sean Connery, (John Patrick Mason) The Rock

More Sean Connery quotes

6. “I’m fed up saving your ass. I’m amazed you ever got past puberty.” ― Sean Connery, (John Patrick Mason) The Rock

Wise Sean Connery quotes

7. “I have a unique knowledge of this prison facility. I was formerly a guest here.” ― Sean Connery, (John Patrick Mason) The Rock

Sean Connery quotes of knowledge

8. “I was trained by the best. British intelligence. But in retrospect, I would rather have been a poet. Or a farmer.” ― Sean Connery, (John Patrick Mason) The Rock

Sean Connery quotes on intelligence

9. “Well, Stanley, this is where we go our separate ways. I’m sure you know the anthromology of your name, Goodspeed.” ― Sean Connery, (John Patrick Mason) The Rock

Other Sean Connery quotes

10. “I don’t quite see how you cherish the memory of the dead by killing another million. And this is not combat, it’s an act of lunacy, General Sir. Personally, I think you’re a fucking idiot.” ― Sean Connery, (John Patrick Mason) The Rock

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Famous Sean Connery quotes and lines from The Hunt For Red October

11. “A great day comrades, we sail into history!” ― Sean Connery, (Marko Ramius) The Hunt for Red October

Sean Connery quotes about a great day comrades, we sail into history

12. “There is little room in Tupolev’s heart for anyone but Tupolev.” ― Sean Connery, (Marko Ramius) The Hunt for Red October

Famous Sean Connery quotes and lines from The Hunt For Red October

13. “Hey, Ryan, be careful what you shoot at. Most things in here don’t react too well to bullets.” ― Sean Connery, (Marko Ramius) The Hunt for Red October

Relatable Sean Connery quotes

14. “When he reached the New World, Cortez burned his ships. As a result, his men were well motivated.” ― Sean Connery, (Marko Ramius) The Hunt for Red October

Sean Connery quotes about motivated

15. “You will go with the men in the life rafts. The officers and I will submerge beneath you and scuttle the ship.” ― Sean Connery, (Marko Ramius) The Hunt for Red October

Inspirational Sean Connery quotes

16. “Well, there are those who believe that we should attack the United States first. Settle everything in one moment. Red October was built for that purpose.” ― Sean Connery, (Marko Ramius) The Hunt for Red October

Wise and inspirational Sean Connery quotes

17. “We will pass through the American patrols, past their sonar nets, and lay off their largest city, and listen to their rock-and-roll… while we conduct missile drills.” ― Sean Connery, (Marko Ramius) The Hunt for Red October

Appreciation Sean Connery quotes

18. “It reminds me of the heady days of Sputnik and Yuri Gagarin when the world trembled at the sound of our rockets. Now they will tremble again – at the sound of our silence. The order is: engage the silent drive.” ― Sean Connery, (Marko Ramius) The Hunt for Red October

Top Sean Connery quotes

19. “I miss the peace of fishing like when I was a boy. Forty years I’ve been at sea. A war at sea. A war with no battles, no monuments… only casualties. I widowed her the day I married her. My wife died while I was at sea, you know.” ― Sean Connery, (Marko Ramius) The Hunt for Red October

Motivational Sean Connery quotes

20. “Once more, we play our dangerous game, a game of chess against our old adversary – The American Navy. For forty years, your fathers before you and your older brothers played this game and played it well. But today the game is different. We have the advantage.” ― Sean Connery, (Marko Ramius) The Hunt for Red October

Sean Connery quotes about game

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Sean Connery quotes and one-liners from The Untouchables

21. “I’m not looking for the “yearbook” answer. Why do you want to join the force?” ― Sean Connery, (Jim Malone) The Untouchables

Sean Connery quotes and one-liners from The Untouchables

22. “If you’re afraid of getting a rotten apple, don’t go to the barrel. Get it off the tree.” ― Sean Connery, (Jim Malone) The Untouchables

Random Sean Connery quotes

23. “You’re gonna talk, pal. You’re gonna beg to talk. Because somebody’s going to talk.” ― Sean Connery, (Jim Malone) The Untouchables

Meaningful Sean Connery quotes

24. “Mr. Ness, everybody knows where the booze is. The problem isn’t finding it; the problem is who wants to cross Capone.” ― Sean Connery, (Jim Malone) The Untouchables

Powerful and inspirational Sean Connery quotes

25. “Hey you, on your feet. We need you to translate this book. And I’m not going to ask you a second time. I’m gonna count to three.” ― Sean Connery, (Jim Malone) The Untouchables

Sean Connery quotes to motivate you

Which of these Sean Connery quotes is your favorite?

Sean Connery wasn’t always a famous actor though.

Before the Bond movies made him a household name, he was a milkman!

He did some backstage work at King’s Theatre to help supplement his income.

His real-life had a bit of Hollywood drama to it, as when he was in Edinburgh he was the target of a violent gang.

They first approached him in a billiard hall when they tried to steal his leather jacket.

Then six gang members followed him to a 15-foot-high balcony at the Palais de Danse.

Connery singlehandedly attacked the gang members.

He grabbed one by the throat and another by the biceps, cracking their heads together.

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This earned him respect from the gang and the reputation of being a hard man.

He also had some backward views on domestic violence, which led to some issues in his personal life.

His first wife Diane Cilento alleged in her 2006 autobiography, that he had abused her both mentally and physically.

In an interview with Playboy magazine, he said, “I don’t think there is anything particularly wrong in hitting a woman, though I don’t recommend you do it in the same way you hit a man.”

While there is no denying he was a talented and accomplished actor, he was not the nicest man in Hollywood, even if he was knighted by the queen.

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