50 Sustainability Quotes For A Better Tomorrow

Check out these thoughtful sustainability quotes.

Are you living sustainably?

The answer to that question has many levels to it.

Often, people limit the word “sustainable” to environmental protection and caring for our planet.

Tell us your favorite sustainability quote in the comment section below.

What are the benefits of reading these sustainability quotes?

Sustainability is highly beneficial for many aspects of our lives to remain sustainable.

Besides a sustainable environment, we want sustainable:

  • economies
  • relationships
  • friends
  • careers
  • ideas

True sustainability can mean completely transforming our worldview and how we live.

Sustainability is important for many reasons, but the quality of our environment is at the top of our priorities.

We cannot have a civilization if we do not have a healthy global community.

Clean air, natural resources, and a nontoxic environment are essential for any civilization to thrive and grow.

Like any other change we embark to make, our world‘s sustainability starts with our sustainability and immediately impacts how we engage our environment.

The importance of sustainability quotes

1. “I have refused to buy a car for the reasons of sustainability.” Fatih Birol

2. “Sustainability has to be a way of life to be a way of business.” Anand Mahindra

3. “As sustainability becomes more and more of a concern, we’re going to see more plastics.” Greg Lynn

4. “If you want creativity, take a zero off your budget. If you want sustainability, take off two zeros.” Jaime Lerner

5. “My main issue is sustainability of the Earth, and protection of those animals and people who dwell here.” Lynda Resnick

6. “If you look at the state of our planet, the next generations won’t be around if we consider sustainability as a gimmick.” Jochen Zeitz

7. “All the conservation efforts in the world won’t be enough to make a dent in the oncoming sustainability crisis our planet faces.” Naveen Jain

8. “The thing that I champion is sustainability. My terror is that suddenly we see it as a luxury, not an essential. That’s a danger.” Kevin McCloud

9. “It angers me when sustainability gets used as a buzzword. For 90 percent of the world, sustainability is a matter of survival.” Cameron Sinclair

10. “It’s been a challenge to get people to adapt to our new way of thinking. We’re all about sustainability, the natural life, the eco life.” Rohan Marley

Sustainability quotes from different perspectives

11. “Sustainability has become an ornament.” Rem Koolhaas

12. “From a sustainability standpoint, look for natural products, but not all chemicals are bad. Learn what works for you.” Jane Lauder

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13. “What I try to do on my Instagram is provoke discussion and share environmental and sustainability messages.” Aidan Gallagher

14. “The plundering for profit of the world’s natural resources has threatened the very sustainability of the planet.” John McDonnell

15. “But now sustainability is such a political category that it’s getting more and more difficult to think about it in a serious way.” Rem Koolhaas

16. “Sustainability is a seemingly laudable goal – it tells us we need to live within our means, whether economic, ecological, or political.” Jamais Cascio

17. “Sustainability makes good business sense, and we’re all on the same team at the end of the day. That’s the truth about the human condition.” Paul Polman

18. “I agree on the need for environmental sustainability. It is no good raising gross national income while at the same time destroying natural assets.” Hilary Benn

19. “Since most corporate competitors have the same problems with sustainability and social reputation, it’s worth trying to solve them together.” Simon Mainwaring

20. “Sustainability is one of my biggest passions. I have two little girls, twins, and I lie awake at night worrying about what the world will look like for them.” Dominique Crenn

Labor, farming, and fashion sustainability quotes 

22. “I think about sustainability all the time, whether it’s with fish or farmers in Eastern Oregon.” Tom Douglas

26. “Japan’s future prospects depend on ensuring fiscal sustainability over the long term.” Jose Angel Gurria

29. “Labor believes in sustainability. We believe in acting on climate change, not just talking about it.” Anthony Albanese

28. “Genetic design is something we can use to fight the lack of sustainability we humans are forcing on the earth’s environment.” Craig Venter

24. “I don’t like to talk about sustainability because sometimes I see green buildings that don’t appear any different from those in the past.” Ma Yansong

21. “Issues relating to global health and sustainability must stay high on the agenda if we are to cope with an aging and ever-increasing population.” Martin Rees

23. “Often, sustainability is discussed only in the context of energy. Energy sustainability is essential – but the word has a much broader meaning.” Joe Kaeser

27. “Self-imposed discipline with a bent towards results rather than ‘creative’ and sustainability spending is unfortunately not the norm in the marketing industry.” Ryan Holiday

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25. “I was hurt in 2016, and it made me look at longevity and sustainability. The stuff that I was doing wasn’t working for me long-term. So, I had to make a change.” Gerrit Cole

30. “There are three major issues now that are becoming important, not only for cities but for all mankind: Mobility, sustainability – which is linked to mobility – and social diversity.” Jaime Lerner

Sustainability quotes to inspire us to do better

31. “I’m just a person interested in the sustainability of my country.” Robert Redford

32. “I wish my artwork could persuade millions of people to join a global conversation about sustainability.” Edward Burtynsky

33. “We should bring in an environmental attitude, and I think luxury should automatically be about sustainability and quality.” Jochen Zeitz

34. “It will take time to educate people about sustainability, why it is so important, and how it will make a difference to our planet.” Sanya Malhotra

35. “Sustainability, ensuring the future of life on Earth, is an infinite game, the endless expression of generosity on behalf of all.” Paul Hawken

36. “To me, a leader is someone who holds her- or himself accountable for finding potential in people and processes. And so what I think is really important is sustainability.” Brene Brown

37. “I’m a compassionate person, so if a product is 15 percent more than what I typically pay, and I see the purpose, I’ll foster that kind of sustainability for the farmers/fishers.” Tom Douglas

38. “Your money is power, so be aware of the products you’re buying and the companies you’re supporting to make sure you’re helping the companies that are leading the way in sustainability.” Gretchen Bleiler

39. “I actually believe ‘Sustainability,’ as a concept, is one of the arteries leading to the heart of so many of our cultural transitions at play today. And it’s this concept which leads me to bottled water, and its multibillion-dollar industry.” Brandon Boyd

40. “Everything we think about regarding sustainability – from energy to agriculture to manufacturing to population – has a water footprint. Almost all of the water on Earth is saltwater, and the remaining freshwater supplies are split between agricultural use and human use – as well as maintaining the existing natural environment.” Jamais Cascio

Sustainability quotes about money, economies, and society

41. “Transparency, accountability, and sustainability have become the slogans of the market leaders.” Noreena Hertz

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42. “Philanthropy without scale and sustainability is like any other bad business that will simply wither and die on the vine.” Naveen Jain

43. “When sustainability is viewed as being a matter of survival for your business, I believe you can create massive change.” Cameron Sinclair

44. “Care work contributes enormously to the well-being of our societies and to the sustainability of our economies.” Sharan Burrow

45. “There are many challenges ahead, and one of the most important ones I face is ensuring the future sustainability of our city.” Park Won-soon

46. “As always, it would be important to ensure that any fiscal policy changes did not compromise long-run fiscal sustainability.” Janet Yellen

47. “Ultimately, I love everything about making games, but I’ve come to hate everything about conventional sustainability, and I know I’m not alone.” Zoe Quinn

48. “Climate protection creates sustainability and jobs in the real economy – in construction, in the production of heavy machinery and in systems engineering.” Sigmar Gabriel

49. “The problems of the world, from immigration to populism to income inequality to sustainability to peacekeeping, require a well-functioning supranational body.” Richard Edelman

50. “We must shift our thinking away from short-term gain toward long-term investment and sustainability, and always have the next generations in mind with every decision we make.” Deb Haaland

What are your thoughts on sustainability?

Every day we make hundreds of seemingly unimportant decisions that impact the sustainability of our environment.

Unfortunately, on planet earth, many people live in communities where they do not even know where their waste goes.

They are unsure how the trash and rubbish they abundantly create, influences our world.

Others remain ignorant of their global footprint.

Spreading awareness and education can combat some sustainability factors, but we have reached the point where neutrality is no longer viable.

We have entered a phase of earth’s health where ignorance can no longer be an excuse for our behavior.

There are consequences to mindlessly engaging in non-sustainable economies and worldviews.

Businesswoman Naveen Jain once declared that, “All the conservation efforts in the world won’t be enough to make a dent in the oncoming sustainability crisis our planet faces.”

We have to start with ourselves.

With mindfulness and effort, we can restore our world and ourselves.

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