25 Jerry Maguire Quotes That Will Make You Want to Scream ‘Show Me the Money’

The movie might be 25 years old already, but you’ll still enjoy these Jerry Maguire quotes.

Jerry Maguire was a movie that premiered in 1996 and was highly successful.

It follows the story of sports agent Jerry Maguire, played by Tom Cruise, who decides to shift his career to focus on quality over quantity.

While it seems like a great idea, it proves to be more difficult than he imagined.

He loses his job and finance and has a difficult time moving forward.

According to Box Office Mojo, Jerry Maguire was the 15th highest-grossing movie of 1996.

The film’s success is partly attributed to its quotable and memorable lines, including “Help me, help you” and “The things we think and do not say.”

Renee Zellweger and Cuba Gooding Jr co-star in the movie along with Tom Cruise.

The film was nominated for more than 40 awards and won 26, including an Oscar.

Enjoy these Jerry Maguire quotes and lines from the 1990s hit film.

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Jerry Maguire quotes about love and relationships

The American Film Institute named Jerry Maguire one of American cinema’s top 100 greatest love stories.

The romantic Jerry Maguire quotes, including “You had me at hello,” continue to be quoted and referenced in pop culture.

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1. “I’m incapable of small talk.” Laurel

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2. “I love you. You… complete me.” Jerry

3. “Everybody loves you. Pisses me off.” Ethan

4. “It’s not “show friends.” It’s show business.” Bob

5. “Maybe love shouldn’t be such hard work.” Dorothy

6. “The key to this business is personal relationships.” Dicky

7. “Don’t cry at the beginning of a date. Cry at the end, like I do.” Laurel

8. “Anyone else would have left you by now, but I’m sticking with you.” Rod

9. “Friends can tell each other anything if we have our “friends” hats on, right?” Jerry

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10. “I love him! I love him for the man he wants to be. And I love him for the man he almost is.” Dorothy

11. “First, single mothers don’t “date.” They have been to the circus, you know what I’m saying?” Rod

12. “If you ever want me to be with another woman for you, I’d do it. It’s not something I’m interested in.” Avery

13. “I am out here for you. You don’t know what it’s like to be me out here for you. It is an up-at-dawn, pride-swallowing siege that I will never fully tell you about.” Jerry

14. “On the surface, everything seems fine. I’ve got this great guy. And he loves my kid. And he sure does like me a lot. And I can’t live like that. It’s not the way I’m built.” Dorothy

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Jerry Maguire quotes about the reality of growing-up and responsibilities

In a 2020 article by Forbes, “Jerry Maguire” was listed as one of the 10 most iconic movies of the 1990s.

The film’s famous quotes, such as “I love him for the man he wants to be” and “You had me at hello,” are critical factors in its enduring popularity.

15. “Show me the money!” Jerry/Rod

16. “I hated myself… no, I hated my place in the world.” Jerry

17. “Look at me, I’m the oldest 26-year-old in the world.” Dorothy

18. “Do you want this jacket? I don’t need it. I’m cloaked in failure!” Jerry

19. “That’s how you become great, man. Hang your balls out there!” ― Clerk

20. “You are hanging on by a very thin thread and I dig that about you!” Rod

21. “There is no real loyalty, and the first person who taught me that was you.” Avery

22. “This is not a guy. It’s a syndrome. Early mid-life. Hanging on to the bottom wrong.” Laurel

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23. “First class, that’s what’s wrong. It used to be a better meal, now it’s a better life.” Dorothy

24. “I got a shelf life of ten years, tops. My next contract’s gotta bring me the dollars that’ll last me and mine a long time. Shit, I’m out of this sport in 5 years. What’s my family gonna live on?” Rod

25. “But if anybody else wants to come with me, this moment will be the ground floor of something real and fun and inspiring and true in this godforsaken business and we will do it together!” Jerry

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Which of these Jerry Maguire quotes is your favorite?

If you’re a fan of Tom Cruise and haven’t watched this movie before, you may want to add it to your list.

Many people thought this was the best role that he had played at the time the film was released.

It was praised both for its writing and the acting.

If you saw the movie when it first came out, it may be one that you want to watch again.

It includes drama, a little humor, and romance.

There seems to be something for everyone to enjoy, not to mention a star-studded lineup of actors and actresses.

Did you enjoy these Jerry Maguire quotes and lines?

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