50 Kayaking Quotes To Help You Get Your Float On

These kayaking quotes will have you loading up your kayak and hitting the water for sure!

If you are a water enthusiast, then chances are you have spent some time on a kayak, paddle board, canoe, or even a raft!

These vessels are a great way to enjoy some time on a river or lake near you.

Some of these kayaking quotes are funny and others will make the perfect Instagram captions for your adventures.

Some of the others talk about how therapeutic and freeing spending time on kayak can be.

Those kayaking quotes will inspire you to live your best life floating and paddling along.

Kayaking is not terribly complicated and is a great sport for a beginner to learn.

The mechanics are fairly simple to pick up! Within a few hours you’ll be paddling along with a smile on your face.

Now there are many different types of kayaking—from flatwater kayaking to sea kayaking and whitewater kayaking.

Some of those are harder than others, and you should always take the appropriate safety precautions. 

Keep reading through these kayaking quotes to discover just why you should kayak, or to find the words that adequately describe your love of paddling on a beautiful body of water!

If you like this article, we suggest you explore our most popular quotes article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily encouragement. 

Check out more inspirational quotes on our motivational quotes category page.

Funny kayaking quotes

We could all use a good laugh. Take a look at the kayaking quotes below for some lighthearted fun!

1. “I kayak to burn off the crazy.” — Unknown

kayaking quotes on i kayak to burn off the crazy

2. “Always assume I’d rather be kayaking.” — Unknown

kayaking quotes about always assume I’d rather be kayaking

3. “Learn to kayak because zombies can’t swim.” — Unknown

Funny kayaking quotes

4. “I don’t need therapy, I just need to go kayaking.” — Unknown

kayaking quotes on i don’t need therapy, I just need to go kayaking

5. “Reality called. So I hung up and went kayaking.” — Unknown

kayaking quotes that reality called. So I hung up and went kayaking

6. “Yes, I do have a retirement plan. I plan on kayaking.” — Unknown

kayaking quotes for yes, I do have a retirement plan. I plan on kayaking

7. “Kayaking is the answer. Who cares what the question is.” — Unknown

kayaking quotes on kayaking is the answer. Who cares what the question is

8. “Everyone must believe in something. I believe I’ll go kayaking.” — Unknown

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kayaking quotes and saying

9. “Kayaking is not just a hobby. It’s a post-apocalyptic survival skill.” — Unknown

More kayaking quotes

10. “You know you’re a kayaker when you can’t go over a bridge without checking to see how much water is under it.” — Unknown

kayaking quotes on bridge

Kayaking quotes for Instagram

These quotes go great with a photo to create the perfect Instagram post! Which of the quotes would you use?

11. “Kayak more, worry less.” — Unknown

kayaking quotes on kayak more, worry less

12. “Life is short. Buy the kayak.” — Unknown

kayaking quotes of life is short. Buy the kayak

13. “Leave the road. Ride the river.” — Unknown

Kayaking quotes for Instagram

14. “Born to paddle, forced to work.” — Unknown

kayaking quotes about born to paddle, forced to work

15. “If there’s a place, canoe there.” — Brent Kelly

kayaking quotes that if there’s a place, canoe there

16. “Stress is caused by not kayaking enough.” — Unknown

kayaking quotes on stress is caused by not kayaking enough

17. “Your kayak doesn’t have an expiration date.” — Unknown

kayaking quotes about date

18. “She wasn’t drifting away. She was paddling her own boat.” — Unknown

Relatable kayaking quotes

19. “Never mess with a kayaker. We know places where no one will find you.” — Unknown

Inspirational kayaking quotes

 20. “Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you a kayak and that’s kind of the same thing.” — Unknown

kayaking quotes about money

Kayaking quotes about paddling and canoes 

It is hard to describe the magic of paddling your canoe or kayak. Check out the quotes below to see how much people love paddling!

21. “If in doubt, paddle out.” — Nat Young

Kayaking quotes about paddling and canoes 

22. “Life’s short, paddle hard.” — Unknown

Kayaking quotes about paddling

23. “Life’s a river. Grab a paddle.” — Unknown

Kayaking quotes about canoes 

24. “Paradise is just a paddle away.” — Unknown

kayaking quotes on paradise is just a paddle away

25. “Good things come to those who paddle.” — Unknown

kayaking quotes about good things come to those who paddle

26. “You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft.” Mark Twain

27. “Open water is a highway to adventure, best traveled by canoe or kayak.” — Unknown

28. “Everyone must believe in something. I believe I’ll go canoeing.” Henry David Thoreau

29. “The path of the paddle can be a means of getting things back to their original perspective.” — Bill Mason

30. “There is magic in the feel of a paddle and the movement of a canoe, a magic compounded of distance, adventure, solitude and peace.” — Sigurd F. Olson

Inspirational kayaking quotes

These quotes will inspire you to get your kayak out and get on the water! Do the quotes below accurately describe how you feel when you are on the water?

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31. “Kayaking is my therapy.” — Unknown

32. “Keep calm and paddle on.” — Unknown

33. “It is not down in any map; true places never are.” — Herman Melville

34. “The two best reasons to buy a kayak rather than just renting are sunsets and sunrises.” — Thomas P. Jones

35. “With one foot in the canoe and one foot on shore, you are sure to fall into the river.” — Tuscarora proverb

36. “Voyage upon life’s sea, to yourself be true, and whatever your lot may be, paddle your own canoe.” — Sarah Bolton

37. “Although we are in different boats, you in your boat and we in our canoe, we share the same river of life.” — Oren Lyons

38. “There is nothing—absolutely nothing—half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” — Kenneth Grahame

39. “The storms come and go, the waves crash overhead, the big fish eat the little fish, and I keep on paddling.” — George R. R. Martin

40. “The first river you paddle runs through you the rest of your life. It bubbles up in pools and eddies to remind you who you are.” — Lynn Culbreath Noel

Kayaking quotes about the importance of lakes and rivers 

Water is integral to life itself. This next set of quotes describe how important enjoying water is.

41. “A man of wisdom delights in water.” Confucius

42. “A day on the river restores the soul.” — Unknown

43. “The rivers flow not past but through us.” John Muir

44.“So lovely was the loneliness of a wild lake.” Edgar Allan Poe

45. “A rough day at sea is better than any day at the office.” — Unknown

46. “You can’t be unhappy in the middle of a big, beautiful river.” — Jim Harrison

47. “Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” A.A. Milne

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48. “Rivers are roads which move, and which carry us whither we desire to go.” Blaise Pascal

49. “A lake carries you into recesses of feeling otherwise impenetrable.” — William Wordsworth

50. “Swift or smooth, broad as the Hudson or narrow enough to scrape your gunwales, every river is a world of its own, unique in pattern and personality. Each mile on a river will take you farther from home than a hundred miles on a road.” — Bob Marshall

Kayaking and other forms of paddling

Kayaking is a great work out—in fact, it works 12 major muscle groups!

Some of these muscle groups include your abs, biceps, triceps, lats, deltoids (shoulder), quadriceps (thighs), hamstrings (backside), quads (front side), glutes (buttocks), and calves!

Most forms of paddling (whether you are on a paddle board or a canoe) will work similar muscle groups.

What is the difference between a kayak and a canoe?

Well, a canoe usually has an open deck. The paddler is either seated or kneeling in a rowing position and utilizes a one-bladed paddle.

Conversely, a kayak has a close deck with a hole in the center for the person to sit in.

Their legs are usually stretched out in front of them. The paddle is also double-bladed. 

A kayak is also lower than a canoe, meaning you will be closer to the water.

Since a kayak is built differently than a canoe, they are usually easier to navigate and make for a speedier ride.

Capsizing, although not something that happens easily, can occur.

Spend some time learning how to perform an ‘eskimo roll’ or practicing how to escape from your kayak before you go on any serious adventures.

Also, if you are going to be kayaking then wearing a kayaking helmet is another safety precaution you can take.

The last thing you want to do is fall out of your kayak and smash your head on a rock!

We hope the kayaking quotes have inspired you to share the post with your friends and post some kayaking stories with us in the comment section below.

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