Love Your Whole Self (Even When It’s Hard)

Take loving yourself to the next level, and learn how to love your whole self!

Love yourself” is a common phrase that has to do with your personal development.

Phrases like “You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else” are commonplace.

As is the concept that our emotional reactions come from things like low self-worth and low self-esteem.

Loving yourself is not selfish but a key component of growth and development.

People can be so filled with love and empathy that it can often be difficult to understand how many people struggle to love themselves.

Just what are our obstacles to loving ourselves? How can you overcome them and learn to love your whole self?

“You have to grow, you have to be, you have to love yourself unconditionally.” ― Dominic Riccitello

Why is it hard to love ourselves sometimes?

Have you ever noticed that the way you think and speak to yourself are things you would never say to someone else?

Do you work at a pace you don’t expect of your employees or coworkers?

Why is it so easy to demand so much from ourselves and be simultaneously unforgiving when we can’t meet our expectations?

Much of the reason comes down to how the human brain is wired.

Thanks to our ancestors and their fight for survival, our brains operate under what is called a negativity bias.

This simply means negative events leave a deeper impact than positive ones.

Put a little more specifically, “Negativity bias refers to our proclivity to attend to, learn from, and use negative information far more than positive information” (Vaish et al., 2008).

We use negativity bias to keep ourselves safe, but it backfires in our personal development.

For example, you are much more likely to remember that one hateful comment left on your article than the other 20 comments praising it.

Think about when someone who mattered (a boss, family member, or romantic partner) critiqued your behavior.

Do you remember it more vividly than when they said good things about you?

Or, better yet, the wonderful things other bosses, family members, or romantic partners have said about you?

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This is negativity bias rearing its ugly head.

Negativity bias is not nearly as helpful as it was when we were running from predators or in constant danger.

Now, it just makes it harder for us to love ourselves. Harder, yes, impossible—no!

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

How to love yourself and work on overcoming negativity bias

The first thing you can do to love your whole self is to care less about the opinions of others.

This doesn’t mean focusing only on the good opinions and not the negative ones.

I mean, really letting it go.

Sure, when someone says nice things, it will boost your ego and make you feel good.

However, because of negativity bias, those harsh words stick better.

Placing weight on what other people think means you are also weighing negative opinions.

Then, you are left trying to figure out what is “true.”

Recognizing that you bring about your own happiness and that what someone else says about it doesn’t matter is incredibly freeing.

When you put your truth into what matters to you, what makes you happy, and what fulfills your purpose—loving yourself will become easier!

Next, don’t be afraid to remove toxic people from your life—no matter who they are.

These people drain your energy or drag you to a place where negative emotions, past events, and old resentments get rehashed.

Set boundaries; if that doesn’t work, stop putting yourself in situations like this.

Boundaries are healthy and necessary if you want to love your whole self the way you deserve.

It is difficult, and you will feel a whole range of emotions, but it is much easier to love yourself when the surrounding people are not piling on a lot of toxicity.

Finally, process your trauma and fears.

We all have some kind of trauma and fear, and negativity bias causes us to focus constantly on it.

That isn’t what we need if we want to love ourselves.

Look at it and accept your feelings about it instead of trying to feel something else.

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Once you acknowledge your feelings, then you can begin healing.

Understanding your fears can help you recognize behavior patterns and make adjustments.

It can lessen your anxiety and help you be real with yourself.

I would highly recommend a therapist to help you work through all of this—especially if you have dealt with some significant trauma in the past.

You are much more than the negative opinions of others.

Your value is much deeper than the negativity toxic people around you bring to the table.

You’re much more than the sum of your fears and life experiences.

“Dismantle your wounds, so you stop living your life by them.” ― Nikki Rowe

Other things you can do daily

In this world where social media and competitiveness are all around us, it’s hard not to compare yourself to others.

However, when you understand your uniqueness in this world and stop comparing yourself to others, it is much easier to love yourself.

After all, there is only one of you.

Show yourself the same compassion and empathy you show others.

When other people make a mistake, we say things like, “It’s ok! Everyone makes mistakes, and no one is perfect!”

We expect them to believe us and feel better because it is true.

No one is perfect, and humans make mistakes.

However, ask yourself how you react when you make a mistake.

Are you as kind to yourself as you are to others?

You are also only human, and no one is perfect.

So be kind!

Along with compassion, allow yourself to trust in your decision-making abilities.

We all have self-doubt, but when making decisions for ourselves, just know that no one knows you better than you do.

You should be your biggest advocate and fan.

Do what works for you, and remember your feelings and thoughts are valid.

If a decision concerns you, then it is yours to make!

Finally, put yourself first.

When you are the healthiest and happiest version of yourself, you are much better for those you care about.

Care for yourself properly

You can not pour from an empty cup.

Self-care also means that you go after your own goals and dreams.

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When life gives you an opportunity, take it!

There is never a perfect time to do things.

Sometimes, we are presented with things and wonder if this is our moment.

You are not guaranteed a certain number of moments in this life, so when you can seize the day, do it!

If you are looking for an opportunity and don’t see one, create it!

Love yourself enough to take a chance at your dreams and figure out how to make them happen.

Be bold and enter the world like you are an important, valued piece of the puzzle—because you are.

“Our entire life… consists ultimately in accepting ourselves as we are.” ― Jean Anouih

Love yourself even when it is tough

There are things that have happened in all our lives that we are not proud of.

Bad things happen, and they reinforce that negativity bias.

But with a little kindness, trust, and care, you can truly learn to love yourself.

Acknowledge your strengths and your weaknesses and make the most of who you are.

My sister asked me the other day if I liked myself.

I responded that I genuinely do.

It has taken me a while to get there.

I read encouraging quotes daily, practice self-affirmations, and try to focus on the positive.

It sounds a little hippy-dippy, but I promise these little things, with the bigger mindset shifts mentioned, really will help you learn to love yourself.

Then, you can spread that love into all the areas of your life—like shining a flashlight in a dark room.

Keep your batteries charged with a little self-love so you can keep shining bright!

Think about how far you have come, the impact you have made, and the miracle that you are.

There is a power in loving yourself that opens up so many things in your life.

You deserve to live the life you envision, and loving your whole self is the first step.

Do you have any tips you would like to share about how you learned to love yourself?

Share them with us in the comment section below.

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  1. Kerry

    November 19, 2023 at 3:02 AM

    Apologies, your website is faulty and didnt show me the whole article previously. I would still say that there are not enough specific suggestions of self love practices. I would also like to mention that not everyone has trauma. Plenty of people goes through their lives without life altering negative events, and saying that everyone has trauma is incredibly invalidating of some people’s experiences. I’m not trying to belittle difficult experiences, but not everyone has trauma.

    • Danielle Dahl

      November 19, 2023 at 2:05 PM

      Hello! We are sorry that you felt this article did not provide you with enough self-care practices. We do have another article that delves more into how to practice self care if you would like to check it out Here is a snippet:

      It can look different for everyone, but taking care of yourself physically could like:

      Improve your diet and gut health
      Exercise daily
      Spend some time in nature
      Your mental health is important too!

      There are lots of things you can do to ease your stress and anxiety, but here are a few of my favorites:

      Read a good book
      Go on a mini trip
      Take the time to get organized
      Get a pet and play with it
      Write in a journal

      Also, you are correct, not everyone has trauma. Here are the stats from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing “70% of adults in the U.S. have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives. That’s 223.4 million people.” The remaining 30% have certainly experienced some event that left them having feelings of self-doubt or found themselves needing to create boundaries. Hopefully, this article was able to help everyone understand the importance of loving yourself, and starting a journey into learning how to do so.

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