50 Military Mom Quotes About the Mothers of Those Who Protect Our Country

If you are a military mom or know one, check out these military mom quotes and see if you can relate to them.

Military moms are tough women who have the stress of having a loved one serve our country.

Here are some ideas to help military moms get through the stress:

  • Join a support group – those that are going through the same thing are a great comfort.
  • Prayer – look to God for help dealing with the stress and worry.
  • Exercise – reduces stress levels and allows you to concentrate on a particular activity each day.
  • Healthy Eating – don’t let worry stop you from eating or from just eating junk food. Take care of yourself.
  • Communicate your worries with your spouse, your friends, or your family.

Check these military mom quotes out to see if you can identify with them.

What It’s Like to Be a Military Mom Quotes

Listen firsthand to mothers of servicemembers sharing their thoughts and perspectives.

1. “We deal with a tightrope of fear on one side and pride on the other.” — Elaine Brye

2. “As a military mom, a single day can take you through a full range of emotions.” — Army Mom Strong

3. “When she eventually enlisted in the U.S. Army, I felt both a sense of honor and helplessness.” — Elaine Augustine

4. “Being a military mom means you are always afraid and at the same time more proud than you’ve ever been.” — Tonya Poirier

5. “Parenting comes with its own challenges, but being the parent of a service member is even more complex.” — Jennifer Bassett

6. “As a military mom, it is a mixed bag of emotions. Pride, love, concern, lots of prayer, and a part of all these rolled into one.” — Tish Kirby

7. “A military mom holds the home front, supports the cause, and offers unyielding love and understanding in the face of the extreme.” — Stacy Barrows

8. “I pray for you every day; I pray for strength, both yours and mine. As much as I pray for your safety, I ask that I may be strong for you.” — Catherine Hezlep

9. “Letting go – of our sons and daughters, of our control, of our old lives – requires the courage of a warrior and the endurance of a marathoner.” — Elaine Bryer

10. “Your soldier-to-be will be going through one of the biggest challenges of their life, so hearing from home is a crucial part of keeping their morale high during boot camp.” — Amy Lynn

Military Mom Quotes To Offer Encouragement

These quotes can provide encouragement for military moms who need a pick-me-up.

11. “Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.” Kahlil Gibran

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12. “Do your duty. Love your country. Live with honor. Suck it up.” — Elaine Lowry

13. “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.” — Charles R. Swindoll

14. “Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency.” — Maya Angelou

15. “There are few things more powerful than the faithful prayers of a righteous mother.” — Boyd K. Packer

16. “Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.” — Barbara Kingsolver

17. “She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.” — Elizabeth Edwards

18. “Mothers and children are in a category all their own. There’s no bond so strong in the entire world.” — Gail Tsukiyama

19. “You live in the suffering mothers of every race and creed and weep with them. You long to comfort all who are desolate.” — Charlotte Gray

20. “Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.” — Linda Wooten

21. “Love as powerful as your mother’s for you leaves its own mark. … To have been loved so deeply… will give us some protection forever.” J.K. Rowling

Quotes About and For Military Moms and Families

There are unique challenges that military moms and families face that others will never understand.

22. “I am grateful for all the military families that I’ve met.” — Wynonna Judd

23. “I take care of military families. Their sacrifices are very real.” — Mark Vonnegut

24. “Military families so much appreciate the love, support, and prayers.” — Bob McDonnell

25. “I have a tremendous amount of respect for military families. To have to worry about your loved ones and still try and live a normal life is extremely hard.” — Ashanti

26. “All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual, and physical education I received from her.” — George Washington

27. “I have found being a mother has made me emotionally raw in many situations. Your heart is beating outside your body when you have a baby.” — Kate Beckinsale

28. “The joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction.” — M. Russell Ballard

29. “The bond between mothers and their children is one defined by love. As a mother’s prayers for her children are unending, so are the wisdom, grace, and strength they provide to their children.” — George W. Bush

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Military Mom Quotes From Those Serving

These quotes show the perspective and struggles of the courageous women serving in the military while raising children.

30. “My biggest fear was my child forgetting who I was.” — Christina Thomas

31. “Being a military mom means not taking any moment for granted.” — Christina MacKelvey

32. “Being a military mom makes your sacrifices for your country even harder, but so worth it if your kids get to grow up with their freedom.” — Jenna Russell

33. “I had never spent more than a night away from my daughter since the day she was born. That was very, very hard for me.” — Denisha Rowles

34. “It means showing my girls how to chase their dreams. It means searching for a place to pump on TDY. It means wondering if you’re doing it all right.” — Karis Miles

35. “However, the uncertainty of child care looms every time they must deploy, train in the field, or go on temporary duty. During each separation, she must prepare enough snacks and pack enough clothing for each day apart.” — Joe Lacdan

36. “I did not know what to expect when I became a mom while serving. I thought, my schedule will change, what I can physically do will change—but the one thing that did not change was the stability I get in the Army.” — Staff Sgt. Ashely Williams

37. “I’m looking forward to the day that my service teaches my children about accountability, tolerance, persistence, perseverance, integrity, service to others, responsibility, sacrifice, honor, pride, courage, commitment, and so much more than could ever been written here.” — Stephanie J. Anderson

More Quotes About Being a Military Mom

Here are a few additional quotes about life as a military mom.

38. “Once your loved one leaves, the emotions and questions become so rampant that the basics seem to be lost in day-to-day living.” — Kathy Garzo

39. “I waved my little flag and smiled and clapped because I wanted him to see how proud we were of him. Inside, I wanted to die. I wanted to hug him and beg him not to go.” — Michelle Nerfer

40. “Once a child has been deployed, the days and nights not only seem to be never-ending, but they tend to run together day after day, week after week, and month after month.” — Kathy Garzo

41. “Parents, you aren’t the only one suffering; so is your new soldier. And when they finally call, it’s your turn to man up—don’t waste precious time weeping and blowing your nose.” — DiAne Gates

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42. “As I watched my son do hard things and serve his country, his full-grown adultness was unmistakable. I felt undeniably proud but also acutely aware that my son was no longer a child.” — Colin Morris

43. “Like every mother, I hope my soldier is never challenged the way those in fiercest combat have been. I am still his mother. I want him always safe — as unrealistic as that might be.” —Jacey Eckhart

44. “I learned three powerful lessons that day—don’t watch the news—educate yourself as to what your child does—pray more and let your peace of mind come from God, not your child’s commander.” — DiAne Gates

45. “I am intimately familiar with the complex tangle of emotions that we mothers experience starting the moment our children announce their intention to serve in the US military: pride, fear, hope, anxiety, worry, surprise, frustration, and love to name a few.” — Elaine Lowry

Military Mom Quotes from Military Spouses

Military spouses with children have the unique challenge of single parenting and being strong for their children while also missing their spouse who is serving.

46. “Yes, deployment is hard. That first “Goodbye” is hard; that first week is hard. And so is every week after that.” — Kaci Curtis

47. “The adage “it takes a village” becomes essential when one parent is guaranteed to be away and we don’t have extended family nearby.” — Emily Senger

48. “We do all we can to keep teaching our children, to keep our family together and strong, and to show our love and appreciation for the one who signed his or her name on the line.” — Dorothy Lee

49. “An Army wife is probably the only woman in the world who knows and readily accepts that she is the mistress because, let’s face it, the Army is the wife, and the wife gets all the damn attention!” — Aditi Mathur Kumar

50. “When you’re in the thick of raising your kids by yourself, you tend to keep a running list of everything you think you’re doing wrong. I recommend taking a lot of family pictures as evidence to the contrary.” — Connie Schultz

What Support Groups Are Available For These Moms?

Many military mom groups support these women, including momsofmilitary.com and military.momcollective.com.

These groups are open to women who have children in the military and wives with a spouse in the military.

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