50 Side Chick Quotes on Love, Secrets, and Lust

If you are interested in reading some popular and share-worthy side chick quotes, this article is for you.

Here, you can find a comprehensive list of such quotes.

Apart from this, we have also discussed the key aspects associated with the term side chick.

If interested, please continue reading!

What is Meant by Side Chick?

The term “side Chick” refers to a woman who is involved in a sexual or romantic relationship with a man who is committed to another woman.

This is a more common iteration of infidelity, which has been a substantial issue in our society for centuries. 

The term indicates a cultural shift and shows how lightly we discuss infidelity.

Motivations behind Becoming a Side Chick

When it comes to the motivations behind someone becoming a side chick, things can be complex.

The factors associated with becoming a side chick also vary depending on the individual.

Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Physical and emotional dissatisfaction 
  • Seeking thrill
  • Falling for forbidden love
  • Unaware of the existing commitments of a man

Apart from this, labeling someone else a “side chick” could prove to be judgmental.

This term ignores the emotional struggles and intricacies that a woman might have faced.

Double Standards

The term side chick also unleashed the double standards of our society. 

Historically, men were engaged in extramarital affairs, and they faced no or least consequences when compared to women.

Hence, the term is carved to express that women should be loyal and faithful to their male partners.

If a woman seeks satisfaction outside her commitment, she is declared a “side chick.”

Detrimental Impact on Relationships

Infidelity is a strong blow to almost any relationship.

If the trust is broken, it damages the foundation of a relationship. 

So, if a woman is referred to as a side chick, this might lead to the breakdown of the existing relationship.

It also impacts the personality and emotional growth of such a woman.

Importance of Trust and Loyalty in a Relationship

On the contrary to talking about the “side chick,” it is essential to pay attention to the importance of a good relationship.

It is the introduction of trust and loyalty that strengthens a relationship.

Hence, being a part of contemporary society, it is imperative to foster relationships that are built on trust, mutual respect, and better communication.

Top 10 Side Chick Quotes

Here are the top 10 side chick quotes unveiling the realities of relationships beyond conventional norms.

1. “She’s a side chick, and she knows it.” Drake

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2. “In every queen, there’s a touch of floozy.” — E.B. White

3. “I would be heartbroken if I found out my husband had a mistress.” — Jes Macallan

4. “It is not monogamy when there is one legal wife and mistresses out of sight.” — Annie Besant

5. “The man that thinks he loves his mistress for her own sake is mightily mistaken.” — Francois de La Rochefoucauld

6. “Woman throughout the ages has been mistress to the law, as man has been its master.” — Freda Adler

7. “What is the student but a lover courting a fickle mistress who ever eludes his grasp?” — William Osler

8. “Your wife doesn’t want to hear a word about how hot your mistress is, and vice versa.” — John Benjamin Hickey

9. “Do you seriously expect me to be the first Prince of Wales in history not to have a mistress?” — Prince Charles

10. “At work, he pretended every woman customer was a floozy with a hard-luck story who only needed a good slapping.” — Tim Dorsey

Voicing Side Chick Quotes

This collection presents a compelling narrative that sheds light on the experiences, perspectives, and emotions related to side chicks.

11. “Dudes know I’m not a threat. Chicks know I’m not a threat.” — Kevin Smith

12. “I’ve never heard of the wife looking up the mistress to become friends, but I like it.” — Nikolaj Coster-Waldau

13. “Men will bear many things from a kept mistress, which they would not bear from a wife.” — Samuel Richardson

14. “Next to coming to a good understanding with a new mistress, I love a quarrel with an old one.” — George Etherege

15. “Inclusiveness is expanded by grievance. If I were a mistress, I would not need to fight for my career.” — Zhou Qunfei

16. “I could never be with a married man. I just can’t. I could never imagine myself being the mistress of somebody.” — Joanna Krupa

17. “She was a beautiful woman, fresh-scrubbed and wholesome. Just like his ex-fiancee. A heartless floozy in disguise.” — Peggy Webb

18. “A mistress never is nor can be a friend. While you agree, you are lovers; and when it is over, anything but friends.” Lord Byron

19. “A third party in your marriage will do three things to you: Seduce your spouse, wreck your home, and take your place.” — Michael Bassey Johnson

20. “A mistress should be like a little country retreat near the town, not to dwell in constantly, but only for a night and away.” — William Wycherley

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Figurative Side Chick Quotes

Delve into the metaphorical exploration of figurative side chick quotes through the artful language and symbolism used in these quotes.

21. “I have this mistress: show business.” — Ray Romano

22. “MySpace is my wife… Facebook is my mistress.” Paulo Coelho

23. “Landscape is my mistress – ’tis to her I look for fame.” — John Constable

24. “The violin is my mistress, but the guitar is my master.” — Niccolo Paganini

25. “I’m married to the theater, but my mistress is the films.” — Oskar Werner

26. “TV is a cruel mistress; you can’t afford to fail in any way.” — Arlene Phillips

27. “Simplicity is the most deceitful mistress that ever betrayed man.” — Henry Adams

28. “England is my wife, America, my mistress. It is very good sometimes to get away from one’s wife.” — Cedric Hardwicke

29. “Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her conquest to allow anyone to take her away from me.” Napoleon Bonaparte

30. “Medicine is my lawful wife and literature my mistress; when I get tired of one, I spend the night with the other.” — Anton Chekhov

Snappy Catchy Side Chick Quotes

Here are the snappy and catchy side chick quotes that capture the fascination and complexities of being someone’s secret lover.

31. “My chick do stuff that your chick wish she could.” — Matthew Lush

32. “When a man marries his mistress, it creates a job opportunity.” — James Goldsmith

33. “Dear Side Chicks.. You’ll never win A Man.. That is Not Yours..” — Babi Shakes

34. “The more one loves a mistress, the more one is ready to hate her.” — Francois de La Rochefoucauld

35. “There’re rules to being the side chick. Rule number one: you’re number two.” — J. B. Smoove

36. “Intelligence is the wife, imagination is the mistress, memory is the servant.” Victor Hugo

37. “Wives are young men’s mistresses, companions for middle age, and old men’s nurses.” Francis Bacon

38. “Money is a handmaiden if thou knowest how to use it; a mistress, if thou knowest not.” — Horace

39. “I’ve had my highs and had my lows, but you can’t tell me that I am not the baddest chick.” Nicki Minaj

40. “Much can be inferred about a man from his mistress: in her one beholds his weaknesses and his dreams.” — Georg C. Lichtenberg

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Funny Side Chick Quotes

Here are some funny side chick quotes that will make your day. So just enjoy reading, and you can also share it with your friends to spread smiles to their faces. 

41. “Others go to bed with their mistresses; I with my ideas.” — Jose Marti

42. “Even a faithful mistress can be bent by constant threats.” — Sextus Propertius

43. “That, sir, depends on whether I embrace your mistress or your politics.” — John Wilkes

44. “A lover always thinks of his mistress first and himself second; with a husband, it runs the other way.” — Honore de Balzac

45. “Our prejudices are our mistresses; reason is at best our wife, very often heard indeed, but seldom minded.” — Philip Stanhope

46. “No lover, if he is of good faith, and sincere, will deny he would prefer to see his mistress dead than unfaithful.” Marquis de Sade

47. “As I’ve explained to my wife many times, you have to kill your wife or mistress to get on the front page of the papers.” — Julian Barnes

48. “You slam a politician, you make out he’s the devil, with horns and hoofs. But his wife loves him, and so did all his mistresses.” — Pamela Hansford Johnson

49. “I have no wish for a second husband. I had enough of the first. I like to have my own way to lie down mistress, and get up master.” — Susanna Moodie

50. “I had to do the full body shave for the first couple of weeks of ‘White Chicks,’ then I said, ‘You know what? I’m just gonna be a hairy white chick ’cause this is too much!” — Marlon Wayans

Which of these Side Chick Quotes is your Favorite? 

No doubt, the term side chick has its complexities, rooted in various social, cultural, and personal factors.

However, it is imperative to know and find the major reasons behind this behavior. 

It is also crucial to promote honesty and respect in all relationships.

Hopefully, the list of side chick quotes above lets you understand how a side chick feels and how she is treated. 

If you find these quotes worthy to share, just let us know via the comments section.

We would love to learn about your choice.

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