25 Stargirl Quotes From the Hit Television Series

Fans of the DC comic universe will love these Stargirl quotes!

Geoff Johns created Stargirl as a superhero television series that premiered on the DC Universe streaming service in 2020.

The series’ second, third, and final seasons were carried exclusively on The CW.

The series is based on the DC superhero Courtney Whitmore and stars actors and actresses Brec Bassinger, Yvette Monreal, Trae Romano, Angelika Washington, and more.

The show performed well for The CW and received good scores from critics.

The series’ plot revolves around Courtney Whitmore, a high school student who finds a mysterious staff.

The events occur a decade after most of the Justice Society of America superheroes were killed when fighting the Injustice Society of America.

Take a look at these Stargirl quotes to learn more about the hit television series.

Stargirl Quotes From Courtney

As the main character of the series, Courtney Whitmore has a lot to say.

1. “Life isn’t that black and white.” — Courtney

2. “What if Starman was my father?” — Courtney

3. “Secret identities are Superhero 101.” — Courtney

4. “It didn’t come with an instruction manual.” — Courtney

5. “Come on, sidekick. Don’t flake on me now!” — Courtney

6. “This stuff shouldn’t be sitting here, collecting dust.” — Courtney

7. “Sometimes we feel anger or jealousy or hatred, even if we don’t want to.” — Courtney

8. “But the thing Eclipso did not understand is that there’s good in everyone too.” — Courtney

9. “People can be bad, but people can be good too, and kind and compassionate.” — Courtney

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10. “It’s been a second chance for a lot of people, and I really believe it can be that for you, too.” — Courtney

Iconic Stargirl Quotes

Throughout the superhero series, there have been many iconic lines, as shown in these quotes.

11. “I’ve got some bad in me too.” — Pat

12. “One thread of hatred is all I needed.” — Eclipso

13. “These things are like Wikipedia on rocket fuel!” — Beth

14. “Someone with honor and strength must carry the torch.” — Sylvester

15. “I want to hit something, anything, all of the time. Every second.” — Rick

16. “I know you want justice for Sylvester; I do too, but Courtney could’ve died tonight. I’m asking you to protect her.” — Pat

17. “You’re making choices for your future self right now, your better self. Your better self is going to thank you for it.” — Larry

Stargirl Quotes For Fans of the Series

Here are some quotes that fans of Stargirl are sure to love.

18. “I thought robots would be more like LEGOs. I guess not.” — Mike

19. “The Justice Society must live on. Its legacy must survive.” — Sylvester

20. “You, Mike Dugan, are now in control of me, the Thunderbolt.” — Thunderbolt

21. “I’ve got my hooks in you now because you have chosen to embrace the darkness.” — Eclipso

22. “Do you know what it’s like to be so filled up with anger that you feel like you’re poisoning yourself?” — Rick

23. “My neutral expression makes me look like I’m always in a bad mood, which is convenient because it’s usually true.” — Rick

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24. “Whenever I’ve run into somebody like you, when I was growing up, back in the Army, or today, it makes me remember something about myself.” — Pat

25. “You seem to think that power comes from other people’s perception of you—from recognition or applause—but that’s not true power.” — Jordan

What Happens to Courtney?

Courtney learns that the staff she found is the Cosmic Staff of Starman and that her stepfather used to be his sidekick.

When she learns that the evil Injustice Society of America is building back up, she knows she has to step up and recruit new superheroes to join the Justice Society of America.

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