50 Dreadlock Quotes About the Popular Twisted Strands of Hair

Take a look at these dreadlock quotes to learn more about the history and popularity of this hairstyle.

Dreadlocks are a hairstyle formed by braiding or matting hair into rope-like strands, which can be worn long or as tightly fitted against the skull.

Although many people see dreadlocks worn mostly by people of African descent, the hairstyle has and is worn by many different races and cultures.

In fact, dreadlocks can be traced back as far as about 1500 BC to the Minoan Civilization.

This hairstyle was also worn by some Ancient Egyptians and by some Native American tribes.

Dreadlocks do not only apply to the hair on people’s heads, as many people also use dreadlocks in their beards.

Many cultures and races continue to wear dreadlocks today for many different cultural reasons.

Check out these dreadlock quotes to learn more about the popular hairstyle.

Top Dreadlock Quotes

Here are some of the top quotes about dreadlocks.

1. “Trust in the universe and respect your hair.” — Bob Marley

2. “What’s cool is he has dreadlocks. That makes piano cool in rock.” — Daniel Adair

3. “I am and will forever (unless I cut my locs) be a locpreneur!” — Tiara G.

4. “Locs are pretty delicate. They look really tough, but they’re not.” — Nai’vasha Johnson

5. “Grow your dreadlock, Don’t be afraid of the wolf-pack.” — Bob Marley

6. “Madonna was the one who told me to get dreadlocks.” — Nile Rodgers

7. “Dreadlocks in ancient times were said to hold power.” — Jordan Munson

8. “It is more than a hairstyle; it is a way of life.” — Jordyn Sizer

9. “In many parts of Africa, locks are associated with strength and only worn by warriors.” — Kyle Ring

10. “For some, they have religious or spiritual meaning. For others, it’s just a hairstyle.” — Feminista Jones

Caring for Dreadlock Quotes

Here are some quotes about what it takes to care for dreadlocks.

11. “One of the biggest keys to hair health and growth is moisture, even with locs.” — Kenneth Byrd

12. “Locs get really heavy the more they grow. I think it’s harder to maintain natural hair.” — Ledisi

13. “Dreadlocks might seem as if it does not require any maintenance; however, it can get quite difficult to manage.” — Anindita Mukhopadhyay

14. “It’s hilarious when people who don’t know about dreads wonder, ‘Do you wash your hair?’ The answer is ‘Of course.’” — Lisa Bonet

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15. “It can take anywhere from 10 months to 2 years to grow fully mature dreadlocks, but for most people, the process takes 18 to 24 months.” — Kenneth Byrd

16. “Overdoing it and overstraining your locs can cause breakage on your locs. Just because they’re mature doesn’t mean they are indestructible.” — Dayna Gross

17. “Nothing looks better with dreads than a little bit of texture. Add feathers, yarn, and beads to complete your knotted hairstyle, and make it uniquely yours.” — Tiffany Alvano

18. “Having locs has plenty of perks and benefits. While it isn’t a totally maintenance-freestyle, as some might think, it’s definitely a go-to natural hairstyle for so many for a reason.” — Dayna Gross

19. “Washing locs regularly is key to keeping them healthy and hydrated. Additionally, cleansing locs with a detoxifying cleanser is a must to remove any accumulated build-up.” — Jennie Roberts

20. “By far the hardest lesson I’ve learned when dealing with my hair—this isn’t a process that will happen overnight. Locking your hair is a journey, and it’s a little different for each person.” — #Team EBONY

Quotes From People With Dreadlocks

Enjoy some quotes from people that have Dreadlocks.

21. “10.5 years of beautiful dreadlocks!!!” — DA Link

22. “Every time I wake up, I have this huge dreadlock in the back, and I don’t know why.” — Lara Stone

23. “Richard Sherman is a lockdown corner with some of the best locks in the league.” — Meghan Stewart

24. “I wasn’t planning to have locs. I would twist my hair with my fingers as a nervous habit, which ended up like this.” — Willow Smith

25. “Around 1988, I started to ‘dread’ my hair; because it’s curly, it would go into dreads naturally if I stopped combing it.” — Mick Hucknall

26. “I’ve had every haircut you could possibly imagine: mullet, tail, dreadlocks, afro, crew cut. It’s always been an expression of who I am.” — Marc Forgione

27. “I was kind of ashamed of my bourgeois family as a teenager, I guess—I had dreadlocks, shopped in thrift stores, and pretended I had no money.” — Lou Dioillon

28. “I had the afro when I was in high school. I had the flattop during a short period in the early ’90s. And I’ve had different variations of dreadlocks.” — Tim Meadows

29. “Gradually, [Whoopi Goldberg’s] enormous fame gave dreadlocks a certain odd, quirky normalcy that allowed for—or, at least, coincided with—the flourishing of the hairstyle.” — Dr. Bert Ashe

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30. “When I came on the scene, I’d go to these record labels, and they’d say things like, ‘Lenny Kravitz, that’s a weird name.’ I’m brown-skinned, and I’ve got these dreadlocks, and I’ve got this Jewish last name.” — Lenny Kravitz

More Dreadlock Quotes and Sayings

Take a look at some more quotes about dreadlocks.

31. “If all else fails, you could wait for the first corner and tie his dreadlocks to the goalpost.” — Vinnie Jones

32. “I’ve always loved playing with hair. I used to want dreads like Lauryn Hill, but my mom wouldn’t let me.” SZA

33. “You might see someone with dreadlocks and label them a hippie in your head, but that doesn’t mean they think of themselves that way.” — Jim James

34. “Locs are considered the mainstream version of dreadlocks. Locs are cultivated into a particular size and groomed/cleaned on a regular basis.” — Kira Byrd

35. “It was obviously hard for [Jaden] Smith to let go because he just showed up to the Met Gala with an unexpected plus one in hand: his very own dreadlocks.” — Maya Allen

36. “Since Ricky Williams started wearing dreadlocks back in the 90s, the trend has exploded. Many players now can be seen on the football field wearing locs.” — Kira Byrd

37. “My record label said [wearing locs] was too urban and too ethnic…and people ask me what my hair says about my spirituality, and I say ‘nothing’ because it’s just hair.” — Lala Hathaway

38. “Some artists are bound to an image: Bob Marley has dreadlocks, Matisyahu has a beard. But that’s a reminder that the whole thing is not about style; It’s about music.” — Matisyahu

39. “I’ve been on the locs journey for over 15 years. I must say I’ve enjoyed my hair short, but really love it long because I can experiment with so many different styles.” — Shanola Hampton

40. “My real fantasy if I was to drop out would be to live in a mobile home and be a hippie and drive around festivals and have millions of children—children with dreadlocks and nose rings—and play the flute.” — Rachel Weisz

Dreadlock Quotes About The Culture and History Associated with Dreadlocks

Take a look at some dreadlock quotes about the history and significance of this hairstyle.

41. “The word used in the Vedic scriptures is ‘jaTaa,’ which means ‘twisted lock of hair.’” — Dr. Bert Ashe

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42. “Nowadays, celebs like Zendaya, Brandy, and Ciara have taken on locs as a part of their personal style.” — Taylor Brant

43. “In this culture, our hair isn’t appreciated or loved, and we have been taught to think that our hair was problematic.” — Lori L. Tharps

44. “We want to make sure people aren’t being discriminated against for racially different hairstyles: Braids, [dreadlocks], natural texture.” — Kerry Washington

45. “My record label said [wearing locs] was too urban and too ethnic…and people ask me what my hair says about my spirituality, and I say ‘nothing’ because it’s just hair.” — Lala Hathaway

46. “My research informed me that Indian monks wore them long before they reached the Western Hemisphere, so I’m not sure anyone has any particular claim.” — Feminista Jones

47. “People from different faiths look at their hair to be holy and as a form of strength and power. To not comb your hair, to some, is a disregard of vanity and things of the world.” — Lavette Slater

48. “Their hair represents strength and beauty. The locks are iconic in our culture, and for their generation, it helps them with their identity and gives them a better sense of self.” — Yvette Maddix

49. “Historians and anthropologists have found evidence of the ‘do in ancient Egypt, Germanic tribes, Vikings, Pacific Islanders, early Christians, the Aborigines, and the New Guineans as well as the Somali, the Galla, the Maasai, the Ashanti and the Fulani tribes of Africa.” — Emanuella Grinberg

50. “Millennials and Gen Z’ers are regaining control of the narrative about our hair. But as triumphant as this global movement is, it’s unfortunate that embracing our natural hair is still considered an act of self-empowerment as opposed to a simple matter of preference.” — Gabrielle Kwarteng

Dreadlocks have always been around, but when Bob Marley became popular in the 1970s, his style and dreadlocks led to many people wearing the hairstyle worldwide.

There are many different styles of dreadlocks, making it a popular choice for both men and women, as you can choose a style that suits you.

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