60 Framed Quotes For Remembering Life’s Moments

If you are looking for the perfect framed quotes, look no further. 

These quotes will remind you that everything looks better in a frame. 

What does being framed mean?

There are many definitions and contexts for the word framed. 

To frame something can mean to place it in a picture frame. 

It can mean constructing the framework of a building. 

Lastly, it can mean producing false evidence against an innocent person so that they appear guilty. 

Check out these astonishing facts about frames: 

  • The world’s largest photo frame is in Dubai. It is 150 x 93 meters. 
  • With 2,214 frames, Lara Khoury owns the biggest collection of picture frames. 
  • The earliest picture frames are found in tombs in ancient Egypt.

We live in a litigious society; people always sue for copyright infringement. 

Oddly enough, there are no copyrights on frames. 

There are no laws limiting one frame from looking exactly like another. 

Frames do more than make our pictures look nice. 

They protect our art and photos from dust, dirt, and ultraviolet light from the sun. 

Art enthusiasts and lamen people love frames. 

Frames complete artwork. 

Famed artist Vincent Van Gogh once shared, “A picture without a frame is like a soul without a body.” 

A framed history 

In ancient Egypt, early African artists would carve frames into the same pieces of wood as their paintings. 

Many years later, the European renaissance inspired woodworkers in Italy to create ornate frames commissioned by the church. 

You will love our framed quotes below if you love all things framed. 

If you enjoy this article, check out our collection of art quotes celebrating the power and beauty of creation.

Short framed quotes 

Here are some interesting short quotes that get straight to the point. 

1. “What good is a wall without framed art?” — Leandra Medine 

2. “Everything is so much clearer once a world is framed.” — Nathan Englander 

3. “All of my walls are covered with framed pictures of my friends.” Taylor Swift 

4. “OMG, I have my ‘Mamma Mia!’ playbill framed in my bedroom.” — Frankie Grande 

5. “Everything I do in life is framed through the view of a businessman.” Donald Trump 

6. “In my home, life was framed as an epic spiritual battle between good and evil.” — Megan Phelps-Roper 

7. “I like the brand Band of Outsiders. Their suits are cut really slim, for smaller framed gentlemen.” — Aziz Ansari 

8. “I’m fascinated by Greta Garbo. My cat’s named Greta, and I have a framed photograph of her from 1949.” — Jane Lynch

9. “My favorite photos of family are framed in my house, not posted on social media, and they’ll remain there.” — Zelda Williams 

10. “No matter the candidate, every detail in a campaign is carefully and strategically framed for our consumption.” — Leandra Medine 

Inspirational framed quotes

These framed quotes cover different definitions of what it means to be framed. 

11. “Turning a culture around is very difficult to do because it’s based on a series of many, many decisions, and the organization is framed by those decisions.” — Howard Schultz 

12. “When the sentinel trees that framed our horizons were felled, their loss was a constant topic of sad and angry conversation.” — George Monbiot 

13. “What is interesting is that, although it is framed as a war between the elites and Main Street, the Tea Party is actually really good for the elites.” — Chrystia Freeland 

14. “Discussions of the economy, especially during times of crisis, are often framed in terms of lessons we supposedly learned during the Depression of the 1930s.” — Thomas Woods 

15. “I worked at this place called Water World; it was a waterslide park. My brother and my dad framed my first paycheck from this place, which was for zero dollars because I didn’t even make enough to cover the cost of my uniform!” — Summer Sanders 

16. “I have one rave ‘New York Times’ review framed next to a flop ‘Los Angeles Times review. And it’s for the same show. These people watched the same show. That’s what happens. They love it, they hate it.” — Bruce Vilanch 

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17. “I’m not particularly good at page layouts. I make an effort to stay out of the way of the artist. What I’ll try to express instead is, ‘What we’re going for here on this page is the idea of the containment of these women’s bodies. So I want them framed as though they’re bursting out of the panel borders.’” — Kelly Sue DeConnick 

18. “The Legislature, which was elected under the Constitution framed and supported by colored men, declared that a man having more than an eighth of African blood in his veins was ineligible to office or a seat in the Legislature of the State of Georgia.” — Hiram Rhodes Revels 

19. “When a handful of tech giants are gatekeepers to the world’s data, it’s no surprise that the debate about balancing progress against privacy is framed as ‘pro-data and, therefore, innovation’ versus ‘stuck in the Dark Ages.” — Maelle Gavet 

20. “The walls of our upstairs hallway testify that we once had photogenic children. There are rows of framed pictures that show them playing baseball, basketball, holding a toad, and smiling in the sunlight at their eager parents. Everything is orderly and bright.” — John Dickerson 

Framed quotes that will make your day

What do you like to frame? These quotes answer that question. 

21. “There’s a shot that I designed to try and illustrate the scale of the Death Star that’s sort of framed in close on the equatorial trench as Krennic’s ship is leaving. The camera’s pulling back, and you start with it framed so you can kind of see those docking bays that are in that trench.” — John Knoll 

22. “Hollywood has successfully produced many films framed by anti-racist or pro-integrationist storylines. I’m going to guess that since ‘Gone With The Wind,’ Hollywood realized films about racism and segregation pull at the heartstrings of everyone and hopefully serve to purge a sense of guilt.” — Joe Morton

23. “I love the web, but man, I look at my browser, and there are, like, twenty tabs up there, all jostling for space and time, all framed by a mosaic of other apps, other work, other entertainment… so even when I really am paying attention to something on the web, there’s this peripheral haze.” — Robin Sloan 

24. “In tribal Botswana, I received some woven necklaces and a handmade bow with three poison arrows. It’s framed and hanging on the wall in my living room and is, without a doubt, one of my favorite possessions.” — Andrew Zimmern 

25. “I am generally a nostalgic person and super into the pop culture that I grew up on – I’ve got a framed ALF poster above my bed and a Mickey Mouse poster, and I’ve got this big VHS collection.” — Kyle Mooney 

26. “I have some special things at home, but not too many. I’ve got two shirts framed – that’s all – my first Premiership final with Saracens and my first England cap. They’re not signed by anyone; they’re not even washed. They stink!” — Owen Farrell 

27. “My closest partner and the person I have been working with for 35 years has been my wife. She not only supported me and helped me but also framed my life.” — Santiago Calatrava 

28. “I was really good at a young age, but every day I had to walk in the house and walk past my dad’s jersey framed on the wall because he was an Olympian, so I was like, all right, I haven’t done anything yet.” — RJ Barrett 

29. “A ContraPoints video is never going to be framed as ‘I’m so offended by this idea.’ It’s not, ‘I’m so intimidated by my opponent’s big, masculine brain.’ It’s more, ‘I’m bored of you, and also, you’re a dum-dum.’” — ContraPoints 

30. “If I start playing by the rules, I will inhibit myself of the possibilities that lie beyond. I don’t like to be framed or given borders to operate in or curtail my thought process, and as a writer, it’s not only my choice but also my need to go beyond the given framework.” — Kanika Dhillon 

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Framed art quotes about how we think

How we frame ideas and art gives the listener or viewer more context.  

31. “I try to be as specific as possible when saying ‘Arab Muslims’ because there are a lot of different Muslims. I’ve never really seen stories about us in America, at least where you had versions of our characters that weren’t framed by violence.” — Ramy Youssef 

32. “Who Framed Roger Rabbit is one of my favorite movies of all time, and in fact, it is maybe the first movie that I really loved in an adult way.” — Raphael Bob-Waksberg 

33. “The one thing that I do have that I really like is I framed some of my jerseys. In college, I played for Team U.S.A. I framed some of those jerseys. I framed my jersey when I got drafted by the Padres. I do have my first stolen base ever from when I stole a base in 2015. I have the actual base, which is pretty neat.” — Trea Turner 

34. “I never got to see inside No 10, but I did once go to Ann Widdecombe’s ministerial office under the Commons where she sat framed by two posters on her wall, one featuring a Technicolor fetus in an anti-abortion message, the other Garfield the Cat wryly musing, ‘The Diet Starts… Tomorrow.’” — Jesse Armstrong

35. “If you ask anybody locked up in prison, they will tell you they’re innocent and they were framed.” — Anonymous 

36. “The stars, they take forever, forever to align. Align into perfection, the perfection I have in my mind. The moment our eyes connected, frame by frame.” — Vaughn Felix 

37. “Tom Ford gave me high heels for the baby. They’re a little kitten heel with a velvet rope that you tie. It’s like a collection piece. I have to put it on the bookshelf, framed.” — Julia Restoin Roitfeld 

38. “Because I’m around comedians all the time, in my downtime, I tend not to watch comedy. Something the whole family enjoys is ‘You’ve Been Framed!’ It satisfies all of us. It’s universal, and we all laugh a lot.” — Nina Conti 

39. “I never allowed writer’s block to be a reality. I framed it up for myself early on. I said, ‘OK, if I’m not writing, the well is just filling up. I’m going to be patient with this.’” — Rodney Crowell 

40. “While Pickstown may not be what it once was, it still is framed by the natural beauty of the ancient river, the sweep of the Great Plains, and the long, unbroken shoreline of the lake behind the dam. It gave me a 19th-century childhood in a modern mid-20th-century town, and for that, I will always be grateful.” — Tom Brokaw 

Frames quotes for the office and home

Frames bring life to any space. 

41. “Over my desk hangs a poster from The Railway Children that my husband had framed for me. It is so lovely to see the children smiling as they run down the railway track.” — Dinah Sheridan 

42. “I mean to say that Congress can hereafter decide whether any states, slave or free, can be framed out of Texas. If they should never be framed out of Texas, they never could be admitted.” — William H. Seward 

43. “Sometimes, a novel is like a train: the first chapter is a comfortable seat in an attractive carriage, and the narrative speeds up. But there are other sorts of trains and other sorts of novels. They rush by in the dark; passengers framed in the lighted windows are smiling and enjoying themselves.” — Jane Smiley 

44. “At ‘SNL,’ there’s framed pictures of all the cast members, and it starts with Dan Aykroyd. It’s linear. It just keeps going through all these people, and then you’re at the end of it.” — Fred Armisen 

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45. “When I designed my loft, I literally framed the World Trade Center as a picture postcard I could see from my bed. I no longer have that image, and I mourn it.” — Bernard Tschumi 

46. “People have come to me over the years and said to me: ‘I admire the culture of Starbucks. Can you come give a speech and help us turn our culture around?’ I wish it were that easy. Turning a culture around is very difficult because it’s based on a series of many, many decisions, and the organization is framed by those decisions.” — Howard Schultz 

47. “My dad sent Frank Sinatra a dollar bill to autograph, and when it came back, signed, he had it framed: it was always up on the wall in whatever flat we were in.” — Robbie Williams 

48. “The Obama administration has framed its defense of the controversial bulk collection of all American phone records as necessary to prevent a future 9/11.” — Peter Bergen 

49. “My first exposure to what Hollywood was like, behind the scenes, was when Joel Silver started screaming at Roger Rabbit at the beginning of ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit.’” — Ryan Gosling

50. “If it ain’t framed, it ain’t official!” — Anonymous  

51. “Life just makes so much more sense with black framed glasses on.” ― Nicole Richie

52. “You can find shame in every house, burning in an ashtray, hanging framed upon a wall, covering a bed. But nobody notices it any more.” ― Salman Rushdie

53. “The thing to keep in mind is that laws are framed by those who happen to be in power and for the purpose of keeping them in power.” ― Mary Brave Bird

54. “The human soul is not framed for continued proximity, and the result of this enforced neighbourhood is often an appalling loneliness for which the rules of the game forbid assuagement.” ― Iris Murdoch

55. “It’s time we framed every question – every issue — not in terms of what’s in it for ‘me,’ but what’s in it for all of us?” ― John F. Kerry

56. “Barry Jenkins just cast the right people and framed things the right way.” ― Andre Holland

57. “Everything Trump said and did was framed in a way to flatter him, and more importantly, flatter his worldview.” ― Jennifer Pozner

58. “When I see a wall that’s hung with different objects, framed or unframed, what I like about it is its fluidity and rule-breaking nature. Just experiment a bit.” ― Nate Berkus

59. “We will preach the truth to a new generation: The doorway to all freedoms is framed with muskets. It’s time the apologists step aside and let freedom’s followers lead the way.” ― Charlton Heston

60. “What we all want is public safety. We don’t want rhetoric that’s framed through ideology.” ― Kamala Harris

Frames make life memorable

For a long time, only wealthy people, the church, and state governments could afford frames. 

As technology increased, frames became more easily accessible to regular people.

Frames that were functional and portable became common, and people jumped at the opportunity to frame their favorite artwork or images of their family. 

Furniture builders produced many of the first frames. 

Before that, people hired architects and artists to create frames, and their fees were expensive. 

In 1910, the Fine Arts Trade Guild was formed in London, England, to promote and develop the picture industry by creating guidelines for picture framing. 

Today picture frames can be custom-made. 

Some opt to fill their wall space with framed pictures, while others choose to make one picture the focal point. 

Everyone has different tastes. 

What do you love about frames? 

Do you think framed art is more appealing than art without a frame? 

Please let us know which framed quotes and sayings are your favorites in the comments below.

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