70 Good Friday Quotes That Honor The Day

Our latest collection of Good Friday quotes will inspire and uplift you.

Good Friday is a Christian holiday that commemorates Jesus’ death on the cross.

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What are the benefits of reading these Good Friday quotes?

This time before Easter is a solemn day that most people observe by fasting or not eating meat.

These Good Friday quotes will help you answer a few questions:

  • Why do we call it Good Friday?
  • Is Good Friday a happy day or a sad one?
  • What traditions and superstitions do people observe on Good Friday?

If you like this article, we suggest you explore our most popular quotes article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily encouragement. 

Look through our complete collection of inspirational quotes here.

Good Friday Quotes and Sayings About Hope and Faith

1. “Christmas and Easter can be subjects for poetry, but Good Friday, like Auschwitz, cannot. The reality is so horrible it is not surprising that people should have found it a stumbling block to faith.” – W.H. Auden

Good Friday Quotes and Sayings About Hope and Faith

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2. “If Christ is God, He cannot sin, and if suffering was a sin in and by itself, He could not have suffered and died for us. However, since He took the most horrific death to redeem us, He showed us in fact that suffering and pain have great power.” – E.A Bucchianeri

Motivational Good Friday Quotes

3. “Easter is a time when God turned the inevitability of death into the invincibility of life.” – Craig D. Lounsbrough

Wise and inspirational Good Friday Quotes

4. “Good Friday was when the Good was crucified but then on Easter, the Good arose back… So wait to realize that be it God or be it human the good never perishes it rises above.” ― Amit Abraham

Favorite Good Friday Quotes

5. “Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone but in every leaf in springtime.” – Martin Luther

Appreciation Good Friday Quotes

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6. “To holy people the very name of Jesus is a name to feed upon, a name to transport. His name can raise the dead and transfigure and beautify the living.” – John Henry Newman

Amazing Good Friday Quotes

7. “So shall we join the disciples of our Lord, keeping faith in Him in spite of the crucifixion, and making ready, by our loyalty to Him in the days of His darkness, for the time when we shall enter into His triumph in the days of His light.” – Philip Ledyard Cuyler

Cool Good Friday Quotes

8. “Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” – John 11:25-26

Random Good Friday Quotes

9. Christ has not only spoken to us by his life but has also spoken for us by his death.” – Soren Kierkegaard

Special Good Friday Quotes

10. “Death is the justification of all the ways of the Christian, the last end of all his sacrifices, the touch of the Great Master which completes the picture.” – Madame Anne Sophie Swetchine

Top Good Friday Quotes

11. “Good Friday is a day of hope. It is a day where we look forward to a brighter tomorrow. Many things have happened to change the course of our lives, but it has not shaken our faith.” – Rev Dr. Peola Hicks

Meaningful Good Friday Quotes

12. “It was inevitable that Jesus Christ should be crucified. It was also inevitable that He should rise again.” – H. R. L. Sheppard

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Inspirational Good Friday Quotes About Solemn Reflection

13. “Mercy, peace, and love. May the grace and Lord surround and be with you on Good Friday.” – Anonymous

Inspirational Good Friday Quotes About Solemn Reflection

14. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” – John 3:16

15. “For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that, he is killed, he shall rise the third day.” – Mark 9:31

Good Friday Quotes and sayings

16. “Stoning prophets and erecting churches to their memory afterward has been the way of the world through the ages. Today we worship Christ, but the Christ in the flesh we crucified.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Good Friday Quotes to motivate you

17. “No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.” – William Penn

Good Friday Quotes that will encourage you

18. Jesus Christ founded an empire upon love, and at this hour millions of men would die for Him.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

Good Friday Quotes to helping others

19. The word “Christianity” is already a misunderstanding – in reality, there has been only one Christian, and he died on the Cross.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Positive Good Friday Quotes

20. “The Cross was the manifestation of Divine love without reserve or limit, but it was also the expression of man’s unutterable malignity.” – Sir Robert Anderson

Inspirational Good Friday Quotes

21. “By the cross, we, too, are crucified with Christ; but alive in Christ. We are no more rebels, but servants; no more servants, but sons!” – Frederic William Farrar

22. “Good Friday marks the slaying of our Jesus, the unblemished lamb, the perfect sacrifice. He took our guilt and blamed upon Himself.” – Anonymous

Wise Good Friday Quotes

23. “Practice mercy and forgiveness throughout as a lesson that symbolizes the love shown through his crucifixion.” – Unarine Ramaru

More Good Friday Quotes

24. Good Friday and Easter free us to think about other things far beyond our own personal fate, about the ultimate meaning of all life, suffering, and events; and we lay hold of a great hope.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Best Good Friday Quotes

25. “The lesson of Good Friday is to never lose hope or at least give it 48 hours.” – Robert Breault

Unique Good Friday Quotes

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Good Friday Quotes About Prayers and Well-Wishes

26. “May on this Good Friday, we start it with Fasting & Prayers so that we can bring God’s mercy & forgiveness on all mankind. Let’s pray together.” – Anonymous

27. “May the loving-kindness of the most high God be with you as you take the time to reverence his name this Good Friday.” – Anonymous

28. “We who are enlisted to be fellow-workers with God know that..death did not have the last word, that Good Friday was not the end of the story.” – Anonymous

29. “Good Friday is about to come. A great historical day which is celebrated as a liturgical & ceremonially prominent manner.” – Anonymous

30. “May the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. Have a positive hope on this Good Friday!” – Anonymous

31. “May the glory of our Savior strengthen you and may His graces shine upon you on Good Friday and always!” – Anonymous

32. “On this Good Friday may we never forget the true meaning of Easter – ‘For when He was on the cross, I was on His mind’.” – Anonymous

33. “Good Friday. Way of the Cross. Fasting and abstinence. Examine conscience. Have a really blessed day.” – Nevez Rhanny

Good Friday Quotes About Love and Humanity

34. “God proved his love on the cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I LOVE YOU'” ― Billy Graham

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35. “All of heaven is interested in the cross of Christ, hell afraid of it, while men are the only ones to ignore its meaning.” ― Oswald Chambers

36. “It is the resurrection that makes Good Friday good.” – Ravi Zacharias

37. “What is good about Good Friday? Why isn’t it called Bad Friday? Because out of the appallingly bad came what was inexpressibly good. And the good trumps the bad, because though the bad was temporary, the good is eternal.” – Randy Alcorn

38. “Good Friday is a day of sorrow mingled with joy. It is a time to grieve over the sin of man and to meditate and rejoice upon God’s love in giving His only Son for the redemption of sin.” – David Katski

39. Unless there is a Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday.” – Fulton Sheen

40. “Good Friday is the mirror held up by Jesus so that we can see ourselves in all our stark reality, and then it turns us to that cross and to his eyes and we hear these words, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. That’s us!” – Robert Trache

41. “Catholics often choose Good Friday-which is a day of fast-to strengthen their faith, to repent for their wrongdoings and to forgive those who have wronged them.” – Fr Alvito Fernandes

42. “Good Friday is not about us trying to get right with God. It is about us entering the difference between God and humanity and just touching it for a moment.” – Nadia Bolz-Weber

43. “Think of everything you’ve ever experienced that was painful; that’s the meaning of Good Friday. Think of all the ways that love ultimately healed your heart; that’s the meaning of Easter.” – Marianne Williamson

44. “The beauty of the cross and our crucified Lord cannot be easily fathomed by human mind or by barely reading scriptures in bits, but by careful reading of entire scripture in the spirit which will, in turn, engulf one with wisdom and love.” – Henrietta Newton Martin

45. “On the eve of the cross, Jesus made his decision. He would rather go to hell for you than go to heaven without you.” – Max Lucado

Good Friday Quotes About History and New Beginnings

46. Our old history ends with the cross; our new history begins with the resurrection.” – Watchman Nee

47. “Every day of the year is a good day to think more deeply about Good Friday, for Good Friday is the drama of the love by which our every day is sustained.” — Richard John Neuhaus

48. “We may say that on the first Good Friday afternoon was completed that great act by which light conquered darkness and goodness conquered sin. That is the wonder of our Saviour’s crucifixion.” – Phillips Brooks

49. “It has been the cross which has revealed to good men that their goodness has not been good enough.” – Johann Hieronymus Schroder

50. 2,000 years ago one man got nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be if everyone was nice to each other for a change.” – Douglas Adams

Good Friday Quotes To Remind You About Jesus’ Crucifixion

51. “We have to make sure the Good Friday Agreement works.” — Gerry Adams

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52. “Bearing sham and scoffing rude, in my place condemned He stood – Sealed my pardon with His blood: Hallelujah, what a Savior!” — Philip Bliss

53. “Altruism is written in everlasting and resplendent character on the Cross of Christ, and it was at Calvary that the centre of life was shifted from selfishness to sacrifice.” — Jon Weber

54. “The Passion of the Christ opened up on Ash Wednesday, had a Good Friday.” — Billy Crystal

55. “The Good Friday Agreement and the basic rights and entitlements of citizens that are enshrined within it must be defended and actively promoted by London and Dublin.” — Gerry Adams

56. “Gethsemane is where He died; the cross is only the evidence.” — Leonard Ravenhill

57. “Now, who can call ‘Good Friday’ good? – A term too oft misunderstood – You, who were bought by the blood of His cross, You can call ‘Good Friday’ good.” — Johnny Hart

58. “By the cross we, too, are crucified with Christ; but alive in Christ. We are no more rebels, but servants; no more servants, but sons!” — Frederic Farrar

59. “The way of the cross is the way of suffering. Christians are called to die, not kill, in order to show the world how they are loved by Christ.” — John Piper

60. “The symbol of the religion of Jesus is the cross, not the scales.” — John Stott

Good Friday Quotes That Show How Miraculous God Is

61. “Apart from the cross, condemnation is normal. Without Jesus, we all deserve to be condemned and punished for sin. But here’s the good news: ‘There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus’.” — C. J. Mahaney

62. “We do not attach any intrinsic value to the Cross; this would be sinful and idolatrous. Our veneration is referred to Him who died upon it.” — James Gibbons

63. “The cross was two pieces of dead wood; and a helpless, unresisting Man was nailed to it; yet it was mightier than the world, and triumphed, and will ever triumph over it.” — Augustus William Hare

64. I believe in person to person; every person is Christ for me, and since there is only one Jesus, that person is only one person in the world for me at that moment.” — Mother Teresa

65. The atheists traditionally hold their conventions from Good Friday to Easter Sunday during the hours Christ spent in the grave.” — Bill Murray

66. “When Good Friday comes, these are the moments in life when we feel there’s no hope. But then, Easter comes.” — Coretta Scott King

67. “The miracle of Good Friday is that there was no miracle. Legions of angels stood – with swords sheathed – watching as the Son took our place.” — Mark Hart

68. “This is the centre of the gospel – this is what the Garden of Gethsemane and Good Friday are all about – that God has done astonishing and costly things to draw us near.” — John Piper

69. “We are Easter people living in a Good Friday world.” — Barbara Johnson

70. “Good Friday was the worst Friday until Sunday.” — Mike Donehey

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