50 Growing Apart Quotes to Boost Your Emotions

If you are interested in reading growing apart quotes, we have something to share with you.

Here, we have listed the best growing apart quotes that can motivate you to strengthen your relationship.

Apart from our quotes section, we have also explained the phrase “growing apart” and why it happens.

So, let’s dive in!

What is Meant by the phrase “Growing Apart”?

The phrase “Growing Apart” relates to an emotional situation where two people (friends or relatives) feel less connected emotionally. 

They start to pay less attention to each other.

Since relationships evolve and change over time, they start feeling less interested in each other. 

This aspect usually applies to both friends and partners. 

They start to feel as if they are not on the same page anymore. 

It further leads to a feeling of detachment, which ultimately ends the friendship or relationship.

Why People Grow Apart

People grow apart due to a variety of reasons.

A few of these include:

  • Change in beliefs or values
  • Lack of communication 
  • Changes in priorities or interests
  • Traumatic events

Change in Beliefs or Values

If the values or beliefs of two people are different, they start to grow apart.

Such people find it difficult to stay connected, which results in their separation. 

Lack of Communication 

If partners or friends stop communicating with each other, it’s the first sign that they are going to grow apart soon. 

This makes them feel emotionally disconnected. 

Changes in Priorities or Interests

As we grow, our interests, goals, and hobbies experience some change. 

People grow apart when one of the persons in a relationship starts to pursue interests or career goals that aren’t common to them. 

Traumatic Events 

Certain events in our life can also cause two individuals to grow apart.

For instance, if a person has lost a loved one, his/her interest in other relationships starts to weaken.

This results in separation between the couples or friends. 

Growing apart is a painful experience

Although growing apart is considered a part of life, it turns out to be a painful experience. 

Things significantly hurt if one of the persons is still interested in continuing the relationship.

Hence, it is highly recommended that friends and couples must find a way to reconnect by working through their differences. 

Top 10 Growing Apart Quotes

Here is our list of the top 10 best ‘growing apart’ quotes to read and share.

1. “We did not exist, then we thought we’d always be.” ― Catherine Lacey 

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2. “I can feel us growing apart; I can feel us fading away.” ― Cosmo Luce

3. “I miss how close we used to be; I hate how we grew apart.” ― Amy Sandas 

4. “We fall apart. We numb. We ache. We hurt others. We get sick.”Brene Brown 

5. “I’m sorry I broke your heart, but I can’t help growing apart from you.” ― Jonathan Flores

6. “We have much more in common with other people than we have apart.”Ben Carson

7. “And you know that we’re growing apart because you planted the seeds yourself.” ― Alexandra Savior

8. “We grow apart because we grow in different stages, and not all of our stages align.” ― Dominic Riccitello

9. “I believe that we’re going to find that we are closer, more connected than we are apart.”Ruby Bridges

10. “Even with the best intentions, growing apart might just be an inevitable part of growing up.” ― Megan McCafferty

You will also enjoy our article on drift quotes.

Growing Apart Quotes that are Instaworthy

The following ‘Growing Apart’ quotes are amazing, and you will surely like to share them on Insta without any hesitation. 

11. “It’s so easy to grow apart; marriage takes work.” ― Courteney Cox

12. “It simply means that sometimes when people grow, they grow apart.” ― Scott Neustadter 

13. “Even though we are now growing apart, the art in our heart still wants.” ― Joey Jones 

14. “Our love grew till it ran out of room now it looks like we’re growing apart.” ― Gene Watson

15. “I never thought a little time and space would turn into miles and worlds apart” ― Unknown 

16. “Being friends with anyone for 30 years is no easy task – people change, they drift apart, they move on.” ― Alana Stewart

17. “My theory is that maybe if I keep my distance, you’ll start to miss me. But so far, we are just growing apart.” ― Judith Saxton

18. “I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can play together all night.” ― Bill Watterson

19. “Growing apart doesn’t change the fact that for a long time, we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I’m glad for that.” ― Ally Condie 

20. “People change. Feelings change. It doesn’t mean that the love once shared wasn’t true and real. It simply means that sometimes when people grow, they grow apart.” ― Unknown

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Emotional Growing Apart Quotes

Listed below are some powerful quotes that will leave you emotional.      

21. “Sometimes growing up also means growing apart.” Erende Sangma

22. “Relationship is a growing part of life; not life growing apart.” Douglas McGregor

23. “Seasons change, people grow together and grow apart, life moves on.” Alexandra Elle

24. “There are a million little ways that a marriage grows apart, most too mundane to mention.” Katherine Woodward Thomas

25. “We can play at being broken, we can play at being boys, you can hear it in our voice, we’re growing up to grow apart.” Unknown 

26. “Sometimes as friends, you grow apart, and you have different visions for what you wanna do, and that’s OK; there’s no love lost.” ― Cordae

27. “That’s the thing with fences, though—where properties touch, only one person has to create a divide for both to feel the separation.” ― Janice Lynn Mather

28. “We sleep in separate rooms, we have dinner apart, we take separate vacations – we’re doing everything we can to keep our marriage together.”Rodney Dangerfield

29. “Some people change quicker than others. Sometimes people don’t change at all, but their context changes, and just by being the same, they change.” ― Jonathan Evison

30. “Every friendship goes through ups and downs. Dysfunctional patterns set in; external situations cause internal friction; you grow apart and then bounce back together.” ― Mariella Frostrup

Growing Apart Quotes About Friendship

Here are the inspiring quotes about navigating the heartache of growing apart from a friend.

31. “You can grow apart from people very quickly.” Rachel Leigh Cook

32. “True friends won’t grow apart even if they don’t every day.”Jack Kerouac

33. “We growing apart you growing irate stuck in the door of my state.” ― Ghostface Killah

34. “Whenever you feel like we’re growing apart, let’s just go back, back.” Cheryl Cole

35. “That sad moment when you can feel you and your best friend slowly growing apart.” ― Tiny Buddha

36. “The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.” Elizabeth Fowley

37. “Lately seems we’ve been growing apart I don’t know how much more I can take this I feel like saying buh.” ― Jeremih

38. “When he looks your way, have we been growing apart every day? all of a sudden, I don’t have any words to say.” ― Burkum Boys

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39. “All this time, I thought we were growing apart because I was leaving yiu behind. But really, it was the reverse. She was learning to lie. She was learning to love.” ― Lauren Oliver 

40. “Sometimes the comfort of being in a relationship lulls you into mundane complacency; you become irrelevant in each other’s lives. We call this phenomenon ‘growing apart’.” Steve Maraboli

More Growing Apart Quotes 

Here are some more growing apart quotes that are inspirational and emotional. 

41. “Chess and me, it’s hard to take them apart. It’s like my alter ego.” ― Bobby Fischer

42. “My tiger, my heart, we’re growing apart we’re trying to be friends.” ― Unknown

43. “Relationships will fall apart if only one person is trying to hold it together.” ― Sonya Parker

44. “Cause you’re growing apart, taking this heart and making it two from one.” ― Stephen Fearing

45. “In a separation, it is the one who is not really in love who says the more tender things.”Marcel Proust

46. “Growing apart, where do I start you had my heart I’ll be careful to let down my guard.” ― Faron Rashelle

47. “Growing apart, you couldn’t see you, not the man I want to be stalemate time it was over.” ― Xentrix  

48. “So here you are, older than them growing apart, and I can only hope you find a reason for the grind.” ― Methyl Ethel

49. “We live in a world of shifting values. The family is falling apart. Parents failing in what they ought to do.” ― Gordon B. Hinckley

50. “For when two beings who are not friends are near each other there is no meeting, and when friends are far apart there is no separation.” ― Simone Weil 

Which of these growing apart quotes inspires you the most? 

The growing apart quotes listed above are emotional as well as inspirational.

Hence, most readers would feel the pain of a broken heart. 

Although growing apart is a natural phenomenon, people must always try to stay connected irrespective of their social or economic circumstances. 

We created this list of quotes to help you understand how people feel once they grow apart.

Hopefully, it wasn’t difficult to find your favorite growing apart quote.

If you have found one, don’t hesitate to mention it in the comments section.

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