25 Julian of Norwich Quotes From The Devout Anchoress

Get inspired with our Julian of Norwich quotes.

Julian of Norwich is remembered as a revolutionary figure who pioneered women’s rights during a restrictive time in history

Learn more with our Julian of Norwich quotes below.

Who was Julian of Norwich?

Julian of Norwich was an English achoress from the Middle Ages. 

An anchorite is someone who withdraws from society for religious reasons to live an intensely prayer-oriented life. 

Julian of Norwich is also known by the following names:

  • Dame Julian
  • Mother Julian 
  • The Lady Julian

Julian, the Revolutionary

History remembers Juliana of Norwich as a holy woman who devoted her life to Christianity. 

However, in terms of women’s literacy, she challenged many customs and practices of her time. 

Julian was born in an era where it was considered heresy for women to write any form of theology or mystical theology in English. 

The Church issued many edicts threatening to excommunicate or even kill any layperson who taught or wrote theology, especially women. 

Juliana sent a powerful message to the women of her era and everyone today who struggles for the right to speak.

She was unafraid to give a voice to those who felt unheard. 

Julian the Mystic

Lady Julian lived through some of England’s most trauma-filled times. 

She survived the Black Death and Peasant’s Revolt.

She developed a severe illness at age 30 and decided to become an anchoress, living her life in a small cell connected to a church

During this time, she had several visions from the divine.

She wrote about the messages she received and formed a version of Christian mysticism that challenged conventional beliefs. 

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Julian and the Motherhood of God

Julian was responsible for developing a mode of spirituality called the Motherhood of God.

She once said, “Our Lord wants us to know about God’s unconditional love, mercy, and grace.

Her teachings were centered on what she described as the “godly will at the very core of our being.”

Many suggest that while the divine feminine inspired her words, they speak to everyone from every age.  

To learn more, check out our Julian of Norwich quotes below. 

Short Julian of Norwich quotes about God

We begin with these short and powerful quotes about God from Julian’s perspective. 

1. “God is all that is good.” — Julian of Norwich 

2. God has made all that is made.” — Julian of Norwich

3. God loves all that he has made.” — Julian of Norwich

4. “The more the soul sees of God, the more it desires Him.” — Julian of Norwich

5. “The greatest honor we can give Almighty God is to live gladly.” — Julian of Norwich

Julian of Norwich quotes and sayings about love

Here, Julian breaks down the power of love. 

6. “What did he show? Love.” — Julian of Norwich

7. “Who showed you this? Love.” — Julian of Norwich

8. “Why did he show it to you? For Love.” — Julian of Norwich

9. “Know well that love was what he meant.” — Julian of Norwich

10. “Do you want to know what your Lord meant?” — Julian of Norwich

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The top Julian of Norwich quotes about Nature and God

Norwich understood that Nature and God were one and the same. 

11. “And I was answered in my understanding: It lasts and ever shall, for God loves it.” — Julian of Norwich

12. “The Goodness that is Nature is God.” — Julian of Norwich

13. “He is the ground, He is the substance.” — Julian of Norwich

14. “He is the same thing that is Naturehood.” — Julian of Norwich

15. “And He is very Father and very Mother of Nature.” — Julian of Norwich

The best Julian of Norwich quotes about the goodness of God

Norwich believed all good things originated with God. 

16. “God desires not only to be known but that we be lovingly united to him.” — Julian of Norwich

17. “Everything that God inspires us to search for is God’s own eternal desire.” — Julian of Norwich

18. “I am Ground of your longing.” — Julian of Norwich

19. “God, of your goodness, give me yourself; you are enough for me, and anything less that I could ask for would not do you full honor.”  — Julian of Norwich

20. “And so have all things their beginning by the love of God.” — Julian of Norwich

Famous Julian of Norwich quotes about the power of prayer

Julian was devout in her prayer practice daily. 

21. “The fruit and the end of our prayers is that we be owned and like to our Lord in all things.” — Julian of Norwich 

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22. “Prayer oneth the soul to God.” — Julian of Norwich

23. “For when the soul is tempested, troubled, and left to itself by unrest, then it is time to pray, to make ourselves supple and buxom to God.” — Julian of Norwich

24. “Pray inwardly, though you think it does not help you.” — Julian of Norwich

25. “For in dryness and in barrenness, in sickness and in feebleness, then is your prayer well pleasing to Me, though you think it helps you but a little.” — Julian of Norwich

Remember the words of Julian of Norwich:

Julian left the following message for anyone ever feeling the pressures of life:

“All shall be well, and all shall be well, and thou shalt see thyself that all manner of thing shall be well.”

What is your favorite Julian of Norwich quote?

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