25 The 40-Year-Old Virgin Quotes From The 2005 Comedy

Sure, some of these The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes are a little raunchy, but the movie actually has a lot of insightful and heartwarming scenes.

After all, it would be a horrible movie if the characters were just jerks trying to get their friend laid.

Instead, the movie focuses on the budding relationship between Andy and Trish, that doesn’t involve them immediately having sex.

Trish has no idea, that the shy and introverted man she is dating is actually a 40-year-old virgin.

Many of the other characters like David, Cal, and Mooj, might be more experienced and crass, but they are also dealing with their own relationship struggles.

These hardships make them a bit more endearing as characters (and give us some hilarious quotes).

The movie stars Steve Carell (Andy), Paul Rudd (David), and Seth Rogan (Cal).

With this all-star funny cast and the subject matter of the film, you will likely be laughing the whole way through!

Keep reading through these The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes for a good time.

However, you might not want to read them aloud at work, or in front of small children!

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The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes from Andy (the virgin)

1. “I may not have had sex, but I can fuck you up.” — Andy

2. “It’s a Mentos. They’re the fresh-maker.” — Andy

The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes about it’s a Mentos. They’re the fresh-maker

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3. “I hope you got a big trunk ’cause I’m putting my bike in it.” — Andy

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The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes from Andy (the virgin)

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4. “I’m a virgin. I always have been.” — Andy

The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes about I'm a virgin. I always have been

5. “You know how when you grab a woman’s breast… it feels like… a bag of sand.” — Andy

Short The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes

6. “Hold my god damn hand, man!” — Andy

The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes about hold my god damn hand, man

7. “You know what? I don’t have to answer to you, you ain’t my bitch! Know what I sayin’? So, shit, man… fuck it!” — Andy

8. “You know what? I respect women! I love women! I respect them so much that I completely stay away from them!” — Andy

Funny The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes

9. “ She had hands as big as Andre the Giant’s, and she had an Adam’s apple as big as her balls.” — Andy

The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes that will encourage you

10. “Who the… Who the fuck are you to put me on trial? I’ve never even met you. So why don’t you back the shit off, all right? And stop with the inquisition.” — Andy

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The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes from Cal

11. “I don’t wanna end up a lampshade in some creepy apartment.” — Cal

The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes from Cal

12. “You know how I know *you’re* gay? You just told me you’re not sleeping with women any more.” — Cal

The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes to helping others

13. “When I was growing pot, I realized that the more seeds I planted, the more pot I could ultimately smoke.” — Cal

The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes to motivate you

14. “You should totally tell her, man. ‘Cause I watched this movie called Liar, Liar and the message was “Don’t lie.” And that was a smart movie.” — Cal

The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes to inspire you

15. “Ghandi baked is good. I always feel bad when I watch it baked because I get really hungry and I’m eating a lot and poor Gandhi is starving his ass off.” — Cal

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The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes and sayings

16. “OK, we just take everything that’s embarrassing and we move it out of here so it doesn’t look like you live in Neverland Ranch.” — Cal

The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes for Instagram

17. “Why?! Seriously! I mean, look at this place, man. You gotta see this through the eyes of a woman, you know? What is she going to think when she comes in here? “Look! He’s got a billion toys!” — Cal

Meaningful The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes

18. “There are three rules when it comes to talking to women. Number one: Ask questions, don’t say anything, because women, all they wanna do is talk about themselves so you’re just gonna let them do that. Two: Be cool. And, three, be kind of a dick. Look. Be like David Caruso in Jade.” — Cal

Top The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes

19. “I hired a 90-lb girl to work in the stock room at Smart Tech for you, okay? I should’ve hired a 300-lb guy to lift the 60-inch flat screen, but instead I hired a hot girl who can’t lift an iPod to bring you out of your funk.” — Cal

Special The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes

20. “Screw these analogies, OK? What he’s saying is that you are gonna be so bad at sex the first time that you don’t wanna have sex with someone you like, ’cause they’ll think you’re a weirdo for being so lame at it.” — Cal

Random The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes

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The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes from David

21. “No, I’m not gay. I’m just celibate.” — David

The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes about no, I'm not gay. I'm just celibate

22. “I love your sweater. Does that come in a V-neck?” — David

Special The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes

23. “Y’know, I always thought that Matt Damon was like a Streisand, but he’s rocking the shit in this one!” — David

The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes to inspire you

24. “Andy for the last time, I don’t want your giant box of pornography!” — David

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The 40-Year-Old Virgin quotes to motivate you

25. “Uncool? Uncool is trying to give an honest man a big box of porn, Andy!” — David

Is The 40-Year-Old Virgin vulgar or brilliant?

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Is The 40-Year-Old Virgin vulgar or brilliant?

After a series of wild and comical events, Andy, the 40-year-old virgin finds love.

Later on in the film, after the wedding, he and Trish eventually have sex!


The other characters in the film also seem to work out most of their issues, and everyone has a relatively happy ending.

The movie was also a smash hit, which was great since it was Steve Carell’s first leading role.

It was also Judd Apatow’s directorial debut.

Apatow got the idea for the film when he worked with Carell on Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.

Apatow and Carell actually co-wrote the film together.

The ending gave them a bit of trouble until actor Gary Shandling put in his two cents.

He suggested it would be important to show that Andy was having better sex because he was in love.

This is the reason we see all the growth between Andy and Trish.

Instead of directly showing the sex scene, they decided to have Andy sing and cast members perform a musical number.

Details like this are reasons this movie is insightful and endearing instead of a total bomb.

The movie is often referred to as one of the best comedies of the 2000s and was a hit back in the day at the box office.

Were you a fan of The 40-Year-Old Virgin?

Or did you find it simply vulgar and offensive?

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