50 Advent Quotes To Fill Your Heart With Peace And Joy

These Advent quotes will help you reflect on the coming of Jesus Christ.

Advent, from the Latin word Adventus, means the coming or the arrival of something or someone special.

For many Christians worldwide, Advent is the period they start preparing for the celebrations of the birth of Jesus Christ. It’s also a time for Christians to look forward to His second coming.

In most Christian churches, Advent begins on the Sunday nearest to November 30 or the fourth Sunday before Christmas and ends at midnight on Christmas Eve.

What are the Benefits of reading these Advent Quotes

Apart from warming your heart and preparing for Christmas, these Advent quotes will:

  • prepare your heart for the birth of Jesus Christ
  • fill your heart with peace and joy
  • inspire you to spend time with family and friends

The two purposes of the advent period in Christians’ lives are to prepare them for the Christmas season when they celebrate the first coming of Jesus and to help them reflect on his second coming.

To commemorate this period, churches light a candle each Sunday of the four weeks preceding Christmas, while the fifth advent candle is lit on Christmas day.

While the four candles represent peace, hope, love, and joy, Christians believe the fifth candle represents the coming of Christ, who is the world’s light.

Here’s our collection of inspirational Advent quotes and verses to prepare you for the Christmas season.

Don’t forget to check out these Christmas quotes about family and love.

Advent quotes to inspire hope and joy

1. “The word advent means “expectation.” What advent can do for us is create a sense of hope.”– Louie Giglio

2. “Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem. May we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made man.” —Pope Francis

3. “At this Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a warm heart? Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving the others with God’s own love and concern.”― Mother Teresa

4. “In the seasons of our Advent—waking, working, eating, sleeping, being—each breath is a breathing of Christ into the world.” —Caryll Houselander

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5. “The Advent season is that time when we seek to, in a manner of speaking, mute our memory of what has already happened, that we might brighten our joy that it happened.” – R. C. Sproul

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6. “God is coming! God is coming! All the element we swim in, this existence, echoes ahead the advent. God is coming! Can’t you feel it?” —Walter Wangerin, Jr.

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7. The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul, who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, and who look forward to something greater to come.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

8. “Advent is the spiritual season of hope par excellence, and in this season, the whole Church is called to be hope, for itself and for the world.” – Pope Benedict XVI

9. “God of hope, I look to you with an open heart and yearning spirit. During this Advent season, I will keep alert and awake, listening for your word and keeping to your precepts. My hope is in you.” – Matthew Kelly

10. “Advent, like its cousin Lent, is a season for prayer and reformation of our hearts.” – Edward Hays

Inspirational Advent quotes

11. “It is now, at Advent, that I am given the chance to suspend all expectation…and instead to revel in the mystery.”― Jerusalem Jackson Greer

12. “Hills of the North, rejoice: Rivers and mountain-spring, Hark to the advent voice! Valley and lowland, sing!” —Charles Edward Oakley

13. “The Lord is coming, always coming. When you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will recognize him at any moment of your life. Life is Advent; life is recognizing the coming of the Lord.”– Henri Nouwen

14. “The waiting of Advent teaches us to live in increments, in small pieces rather than large chunks. Waiting also teaches us to measure our progress slowly.” — Reverend Holly Whitcomb

15. “The extraordinary thing that is about to happen is matched only by the extraordinary moment just before it happens. Advent is the name of that moment.” – Frederick Buechner

16. “Advent is the perfect time to clear and prepare the Way. Advent is a winter training camp for those who desire peace.” – Edward Hays

17. “The season of Advent means there is something on the horizon the likes of which we have never seen before … What is possible is to not see it, to miss it, to turn just as it brushes past you.” – Jan L. Richardson

18. “He became what we are that he might make us what he is.” – St. Athanasius

19. “That’s the way it is when Jesus comes to be our High Priest. That’s what Christmas is. Christmas is the replacement of shadows with the real thing.” – John Piper

20. “Every year we celebrate the holy season of Advent, O God. Every year we pray those beautiful prayers of longing and waiting, and sing those lovely songs of hope and promise.” – Karl Rahner

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Advent quotes about peace

21. “When we soften our thoughts and open our hearts to the coming season of Christmas, we make room for Jesus…Christmas is the season for His perfect love.”― Allene van Oirschot

22. “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” – Jimi Hendrix

23. “It is the beautiful task of Advent to awaken in all of us memories of goodness and thus to open doors of hope.”– Pope Benedict XVI

24. “It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

25. “Into this world, this demented inn
in which there is absolutely no room for him at all,
Christ comes uninvited.” ― Thomas Merton

26. “First keep peace with yourself, then you can also bring peace to others.” – Thomas a Kempis

27. “In this day, this season, miracles will grow within, unfurl, bear fruit. And the heart that makes time and space for Him to come will be a glorious place.” – Ann Voskamp

28. “While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.” – Francis of Assisi

29. “You can never truly enjoy Christmas until you can look up into the Father’s face and tell him you have received his Christmas gift.” – John R. Rice

30. “Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Advent quotes from the Bible

31. “The true light that gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.” – John 1:9

32. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” – John 1:14

33. “Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign: See, the virgin will conceive, have a son, and name him Immanuel.” – Isaiah 7:14

34. “Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet: See, the virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and they will name him Immanuel, which is translated “God is with us.”” – Matthew 1:22-23

35. “But with the precious blood of Christ, like that of an unblemished and spotless lamb. 20. He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was revealed in these last times for you.” – 1 Peter 1:19-20

36. “After Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, wise men from the east arrived in Jerusalem saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star at its rising and have come to worship him.” – Matthew 2:1-2

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37. “When the time came to completion, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” – Galatians 4:4-5

38. “For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on his shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” – Isaiah 9:6

39. “Doesn’t the Scripture say that the Messiah comes from David’s offspring and from the town of Bethlehem, where David lived?” – John 7:42

40. “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” – John 1:17

Beautiful Advent quotes

41. “First, I have not minded so much leaving the Garden because God, blessed be his holy name, has never abandoned us.”― Katerina Whitley

42. “The advent of truth, like the dawn of day, agitates the elements, while it disperses the gloom.” – Elias Lyman Magoon

43. “The thing I love most about Advent is the heartbreak. The utter and complete heartbreak.”― Jerusalem Jackson Greer

44. “Out of the darkness, into the light: the time before Christmas is the time of light and mutual love.” – Sir Kristian Goldmund Aumann

45. “The very purpose of Christ’s coming into the world was that he might offer up his life as a sacrifice for the sins of men. He came to die. This is the heart of Christmas.” – Billy Graham

46. “Advent: the time to listen for footsteps – you can’t hear footsteps when you’re running yourself.” – Bill McKibben

47. “I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” – Charles Dickens

48. “Advent is not about a sentimental waiting for the Baby Jesus.” – Richard Rohr

49. “Advent creates people, new people.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

50. “Advent is the season that can remind us God is working while we’re waiting and we’re really waiting with God.” – Louie Giglio

What did you learn from these Advent quotes?

Advent is a time marked by a sense of waiting and prayerful reflection. Hopefully, these Advent quotes have inspired you as you make room for Jesus in your life.

What’s your biggest takeaway from these Advent quotes and verses? Do you have any other inspirational quotes to add? Let us know in the comment section below.

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