25 Donnie Darko Quotes from the Sci-Fi Psychological Thriller

Donnie Darko quotes for those sci-fi fans among us.

Donnie Darko is an independently filmed sci-fi movie that was released in late 2001.

September 11th had taken place before the release and because the movie has a plane crash as part of the story, it was deemed a poor idea to push this to the public.

The movie had almost no advertising, but still made a profit and in fact, has a cult following.

Donnie Darko is the name of the movie as well as the main character.

Jake Gyllenhaal played Donnie Darko and the movie followed his doomsday dreams and how they affected him and those around him.

Enjoy these Donny Darko quotes!

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Our inspirational quotes category page has all of our motivational quotes for all the different areas of life.

Memorable Donny Darko quotes

1. Donny: “How can you do that?”

Frank: “I can do anything I want. And so can you.”

Memorable Donny Darko quotes

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2. “Destruction is a form of creation.” ― Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko quotes about destruction is a form of creation

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3. “How’s it feel to have a wacko for a son?” ― Donnie

Donnie Darko quotes about how’s it feel to have a wacko for a son

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4. “Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood.” ― Gretchen

Short Donnie Darko quotes

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5. “You are a fear prisoner. Yes, you are a product of fear.” ― Donnie Darko

Best Donnie Darko quotes

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6. “The children have to save themselves these days because the parents have no clue.” ― Karen Pomeroy

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Donnie Darko quotes for Instagram

7. “I just hope, that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief…because there will be so much to look forward to.” ― Donnie Darko

Funny Donnie Darko quotes

8. “Life isn’t that simple. I mean who cares if Ling Ling returns the wallet and keeps the money? It has nothing to do with either fear or love.” ― Donnie Darko

Relatable Donnie Darko quotes

9. “I was in jail once. I mean I accidentally burned down this house. It was abandoned, but still, I got held back in school and I can’t drive until I’m 21. But I’m over all of that. I… I… I’m painting and stuff. Writing. I want to be a writer, or maybe a painter, I don’t know, or maybe both. I’ll write a book and draw the pictures. Then maybe people will understand me. I don’t know, change things.” ― Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko quotes and sayings

10. “Do you want your sister to lose weight? Tell her to get off the couch, stop eating twinkies, and maybe go out for field hockey. You know what? No one ever knows what they want to be when they grow up. You know it takes a little, little while to find that out, right, Jim? And you… yeah, you. Sick of some jerk shoving your head down the toilet? Well, you know what? Maybe… you should lift some weights, or uh, take a karate lesson, and the next time he tries to do it, you kick him in the balls.” ― Donnie Darko

Motivational Donnie Darko quotes

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Donnie Darko quotes to make you think

11. “I’ve been watching you. Come closer.” ― Frank

Donnie Darko quotes about I’ve been watching you. Come closer

12. “Every living creature on this earth dies alone.” ― Roberta Sparrow

Donnie Darko quotes about every living creature on this earth dies alone

13. “Fear and love are the deepest of human emotions.” ― Kitty Farmer

Donnie Darko quotes about fear and love are the deepest of human emotions

14. “When it reminds you how beautiful the world can be?” ― Donnie Darko

Short Donnie Darko quotes

15. “I promise, that one day, everything’s going to be better for you.” ― Donnie Darko

Cool Donnie Darko quotes

16. “If this world were to end, there would only be you… and him… and no one else.” ― Dr. Lilian Thurman

Funny Donnie Darko quotes to make you think

17. “I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief because there will be so much to look forward to.” ― Donnie Darko

Top Donnie Darko quotes

18. “If the sky were to suddenly open up, there would be no law, there would be no rule. There would only be you and your memories.” ― Dr. Lilian Thurman

Special Donnie Darko quotes

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Best Donnie Darko quotes

19. Donnie: “I made a new friend today.”

Dr. Lilian Thurman: “Real or imaginary?”

Donnie: “Imaginary.”

20. “The search for God is absurd?” ― Dr. Lilian Thurman

Donnie Darko quotes about he search for God is absurd

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21. “This could be the death of an entire way of life, the end of an era…” ― Karen Pommeroy

Donnie Darko quotes to Inspire you

22. “28 days… six hours… 42 minutes… 12 seconds. That… is when the world… will end.” ― Frank

Other Donnie Darko quotes

23. “Did you stop and think that maybe infants need darkness? That maybe darkness is part of their natural environment?” ― Donnie Darko

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Appreciation Donnie Darko quotes

24. “What if you could go back in time, and take all those hours of pain and darkness and replace them with something better?” ― Gretchen

Donnie Darko quotes to helping others

25. “I don’t think that you have a clue what it’s like to communicate with these kids. We are losing them to apathy… to this prescribed nonsense. They are slipping away.” ― Karen Pomeroy

Which of these Donnie Darko quotes is your favorite?

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Which of these Donnie Darko quotes is your favorite?

Donnie Darko is based on Donnie waking up one day and sleepwalking outside to see a monstrous demon dressed rabbit who tells him about the end of the world in 28 days.

The movie is set in Virginia in 1988 and follows how Donnie reacts to the news of the end of the world and the events leading up to the time.

Throughout the movie, Donnie continues to see and hear the rabbit and his parents send him to a psychologist.

Although no one seems to understand what is going on with Donnie, the rabbit, named Frank, continues to appear to Donnie and often talks him into doing things that he would never have done before.

If you would like to find out what happens to Donnie when the time is up for the world according to Frank, then make sure you watch Donnie Darko today.

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