25 Ernest Scared Stupid Quotes For Classic Halloween Fun 

If you are searching for classic 1990s comedy nostalgia, then come check out our Ernest Scared Stupid quotes. 

A Halloween-centered movie released in 1991, Ernest Scared Stupid stars Jim Varney.

It’s the fourth and final film in a long line of Ernest features, but many argue this is the best one of the series.

Check out our Ernest Scared Stupid quotes below to find out why. 

What is Ernest Scared Stupid

In Ernest Scared Stupid, Jim Varney reprises his most well-known role as Ernest Worrel.

The movie also features:

What is Ernest Scared Stupid about?

Ernest has done everything from going to jail, repeating school, and saving Christmas. 

If you follow any of the Ernest films, you know the premise behind the entire series is set on Ernest Varney’s hijinx and misadventures. 

In Ernest Scared Stupid, he must contend with the actions of his ancestors while saving the world. 

The movie is a pretty cool allegory about the sins of the past.

The Varney ancestors participated in the condemnation of a troll who turned their children into dolls and ate them. 

He was captured and sealed under an oak tree. 

Generations later, Ernest unknowingly unleashes the evil troll who wishes to get his revenge on the Varney family and humankind. 

Was Ernest Scared Stupid successful?

Ernest Scared Stupid was the final film released under the Disney umbrella. 

The movie did not gross well, but fans of the series continue to support the film as one of the better of the Ernest series. 

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Looking back thirty years into the past, it is fantastic to see how films like Ernest Scared Stupid might be full of dated 90s cliches; it is a fun family movie.

It is uncommon to find movies without sexual references or curse words that the whole family can enjoy.

Ernest Scared Stupid is a family film full of 90s tropes, slapstick comedy, memorable one-liners, and plenty of laughs

Check out our Ernest Scared Stupid quotes below to learn more. 

Short Ernest Scared Stupid quotes from the film’s namesake

Let’s start with some of Ernest’s funniest short lines from the film. 

1. “I never knew when to quit. Just ask my fourth-grade teacher.” — Ernest P. Worrell, Ernest Scared Stupid 

2. “You better back off.” — Ernest P. Worrell, Ernest Scared Stupid 

3. “You don’t wanna fight me, I know tai chi, kung fu, chow mein, and I saw Hulkamania three times once in slow-mo.” — Ernest P. Worrell, Ernest Scared Stupid 

4. “How ’bout a bumper sandwich, Boogerlips?” — Ernest P. Worrell, Ernest Scared Stupid 

5. “Ahhhhh! Boy, I sure hope you’re from Keebler!” — Ernest P. Worrell, Ernest Scared Stupid  

The top Ernest Scared Stupid quotes from Trantor the Troll

Trantor just wants justice for the traumas he suffered; here are some of his best lines. 

6. “I’ve grown too strong for that.” — Trantor the Troll, Ernest Scared Stupid 

7. “Not even milk can stop me now.” — Trantor the Troll, Ernest Scared Stupid 

8. “Bring me the head of Ernest P. Worrell!” — Trantor the Troll, Ernest Scared Stupid 

9. “You will die for the disgrace of your forefathers!” — Trantor the Troll, Ernest Scared Stupid 

10. “You’re gonna pay for the sins of your forefathers!” — Trantor the Troll, Ernest Scared Stupid 

The best Ernest Scared Stupid quotes from Elizabeth

Elizabeth tells us the legend of Trantor the Troll. 

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11. “But Ernest saw something out of the tree, and he’s never lied to us.” — Elizabeth, Ernest Scared Stupid

12. “You said that Ernest came to your house last night yelling something about trolls, you think?” — Elizabeth, Ernest Scared Stupid

13. “Well, legend has it that from that moment on, Phineas’ descendants would get dumber and dumber.” — Elizabeth, Ernest Scared Stupid

14. “So in the hours just before midnight, the people of Briarville buried Trantor the Troll in the cold, damp ground. The end.” — Elizabeth, Ernest Scared Stupid

15. “No, Joey never got home last night.” — Elizabeth, Ernest Scared Stupid

Check out some of Kenny’s best lines in this selection. 

16. “Isn’t Joey here yet?” — Kenny, Ernest Scared Stupid 

17. “What? What’re you talking about?” — Kenny, Ernest Scared Stupid 

18. “Come on, there’s no such thing as trolls.” — Kenny, Ernest Scared Stupid 

19. “Ernest, I got it! What we need is a tree house!” — Kenny, Ernest Scared Stupid 

20. “Don’t worry, Ernest, we’ll figure out some way to beat this.” — Kenny, Ernest Scared Stupid 

Ernest’s quotes about life

We close with these funny quotes from Ernest’s hilarious characters. 

21. “Help, help! Mayday! Mayday! Christmas Day! Colombus Day!” — Attacked Ernest, Ernest Scared Stupid  

22. “A little nasal hygiene will go a long way, young man. Here you go.” — Old Lady Ernest, Ernest Scared Stupid  

23. “He looked like a big giant, Mr. Potato Head. Except he was shaped more like a watermelon.” — Attacked Ernest, Ernest Scared Stupid  

24. “There ain’t no trees in Botswana. Nuh uh, I know. I AM a Botswanian lumberjack, and I ain’t never had a job.” — Lumberjack Ernest, Ernest Scared Stupid  

25. “Pretty soon, the kids won’t have to worry about eating their Brussels sprouts because the Brussels sprouts will be eating them!” — Daydreaming Ernest, Ernest Scared Stupid 

Sometimes, you just need an Ernest film

On days when you don’t want to think about anything too deep, throw on Ernest Scared Stupid and laugh about the simple things. 

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Do you have a favorite Ernest Scared Stupid quote?

Be sure to let us know in the comments. 

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