7 Reminders Dream Chasers Need Sometimes

Who are dream chasers?

The Urban Dictionary defines a dream chaser as someone who always goes after things that are beyond their reach.

Staying positive, strong, and idealistic, all while becoming successful, has become the mantra of our time.

No generation has been so consumed by individual accountability and personal advancement as ours.

But this has also made us unnecessarily hard on ourselves and others.

One of the many ways in which you can have a fulfilling life is to nurture a dream and go about achieving it in the fastest way possible.

This gives you the desire to wake up each morning and show up.

In this video, people reveal what their childhood dream career was and what they ended up doing for a living.

Most of us go through the motions and lead fairly normal and unexciting lives.

However, several others feel disappointed in not achieving their dream.

Yet, in life, everything is not about materialistic possessions and money in the bank.

There is so much more than that!

If you are a dream chaser, read these seven truths and keep them at the forefront of your mind.

#1. Failure is part of life for dream chasers

For all the meticulous planning we do, there is no plan in place to deal with failure.

Optimism is fantastic – but it has to be tinged with realism.

The bigger your dreams are, the higher are chances of failure.

Think of the U.S. Presidential elections, and you get the picture.

A loss hurts badly, but then you must accept it and move on.

If it has not worked out for you on one front, it will on another.

Take a few days to recoup, grieve, and get your life back in order.

Think of your life as a song.

It will have high notes and low ones.

It is only when they all come together that the song becomes melodious.

#2. Embrace Regret and Disappointment

These two are the most negative emotions a human can experience, next only to anger, possibly.

We commonly assume that we have to get over these feelings, prevent them from messing up our minds, and pretend as if everything is fine.

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If you can shut out the negativities and sadness, then it’s great.

But a majority of us cannot.

We experience regret when we know that we have failed to do (or not do) something that could have changed the outcome for the better.

Research shows that regret over failing to do something is several times more prevalent than regret over acting on something.

Do not rue missed opportunities and possibilities.

Some things were never meant to be.

We think and act in a certain manner at a particular point in time because of a combination of several factors.

Over time, those factors will cease to be crucial, and regret forms.

So the next time you are faced with a dilemma, listen to Nike and just do it – as long as it will not get you killed, put you in jail, or destroy precious relationships.

It may save you from feeling regretful and disappointed later on.

Do not regret regretting.

As mentioned earlier, the best thing you can do is resolve not to let fear or doubts stop you from doing something you want.

Also, dream chasers need to remember that they still have opportunities.

Not spending enough time with loved ones and working too hard are among the topmost regrets of the aged.

These regrets don’t include missing a profitable business opportunity or not making the right bid for the dream home.

#3. Personal accountability matters to the dream chaser

We cannot emphasize enough that we are the ones who are responsible for our lives.

Yes, it is good to teach personal responsibility to your teenage son or daughter.

Their choices determine if they will get a DUI ticket or whether their grades will be good in finals.

But many things in life are beyond our control.

Childhood experiences, family and friends, school life, and many factors affect how we think and behave in adulthood.

Many experiences are just memories; many are forgotten and exist only in our complex subconscious.

Panic attacks and stress in adulthood are not a sign of weakness or your inability to cope.

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It is just something that we have to deal with in life.

Seek help if you feel that life is overwhelming or if some events of your past haunt you.

#4. Do Not Be a Victim of Self-Criticism

Be strong, and do not let your past stop you from enjoying the present or building a great future.

Dream chasers have the power to change the lives of innumerable people.

It can be your spouse and children, your parents, your friends, or a bigger community.

Stay positive and welcome new learning.

It is difficult to stay optimistic when things are going terribly.

But remember that sadness gives out sad vibes and attracts negativity.

It builds a cycle of self-blaming and self-loathing.

You may often end up blaming yourself for things that have gone wrong.

Moderate self-criticism makes you aware of your strengths and weaknesses and will help you gain control over your weak points.

But too much of it, and it is hard to love yourself.

Do not let that happen to you.

Personal happiness comes when others love you and when you love yourself.

#5. Dream chasers do not make money the be-all and end-all

Money is important; there are no second guesses on that.

However, in a worldwide survey by healthcare company Abbott, respondents said that one thing that made them feel the most fulfilled was family.

In China, respondents considered health the most crucial to leading a fulfilling life.

In the same survey, 44 percent responded that money was the number one barrier that prevented them from leading a contented life.

So you can see that lack of money contributes to poor quality of life, even if everything else is in perfect condition.

So while chasing your career, ensure that it pays you well, allows work-life balance, and encourages personal growth and learning.

Remember that real dream chasers understand money’s importance—but don’t let it take hold of them.

#6. Do not be a part of the ‘Culture of Control’

Developed Western countries place importance on controlling or shaping everything that happens around an individual.

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But it will help to let things go at times.

Do not be frustrated by your apparent lack of control over circumstances or events.

They all fit into the bigger picture that we are all a part of but are not individually aware of.

Belief in a superior power relieves you of the stress of living a super-predictable life.

You can share the burden of working out things with the unseen force, and also, do not forget to share your success with Him/Her as well.

This will keep you humble, grounded, and realistic when success finds you.

#7. Dream chasers should stay happy and self-aware

This applies if you are not suffering abuse, torture, or illness and are not living in any war-ravaged country.

Gratefulness is a positive feeling.

Gratefulness for what you have helps you be happy and feel good about yourself.

Be happy about the new bud in your flower pot and for the unexpected freebies you received shopping online.

In a world where more walls are being built than demolished, that’s a lot of good news.

Happiness allows you to be kind towards yourself and others and view life in a better light.

Remember that happiness lives within you than without.

So look inside you and understand what makes your light shine brighter.

Once you are aware of the driving factors behind your personal happiness, you will work towards improving and building on them.

Self-awareness will also help you be flexible about your dreams.

You will modulate and shape them according to what you feel is the best for you at the moment or in the future.

Are you a dream chaser?

Life is complex, and there is no easy way to compartmentalize right from wrong.

Trust your instincts and act with honest intentions.

Everybody loves a dreamer.

So act today and be one of the dream chasers who are realistic as well!

Do you consider yourself a dream chaser?

Do you have any additional reminders you would add to this list?

Tell us about it in the comment section!

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