50 Stock Market Quotes to Inspire You to Invest
If you’re interested in stock market quotes, we’ve got you covered!
The stock market is referred to as the most critical element of every country’s free-market economy.
The stock market is where investors are able to buy and sell shares of publicly traded companies.
The first stock market started in 1773 in a coffee house in London. In 1790, the United States had its first stock exchange.
Since then, the stock market has grown into an indicator of overall economy.
When the stock market is doing well, companies are doing well. But that also means when companies aren’t doing well, stock prices drop.
While some people make millions in the stock market, others lose the same.
If you’re interested in investing, enjoy these stock market quotes.
Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration.
Our inspirational quotes category page has all of our motivational quotes for all the different areas of life.
Top Ten Stock Market Quotes
There are a lot of differing opinions when it comes to the stock market. Here are thoughts from several investors and professionals.
1. “If stock market experts were so expert, they would be buying stock, not selling advice.” – Norman Ralph Augustine

2. “The difference between playing the stock market and the horses is that one of the horses must win.” – Joey Adams

3. “The stock market is a giant distraction from the business of investing.” – John C. Bogle

4. “The stock market clearly values companies that can deliver disruptive innovation.” – Steve Blank

“5. Who owns the future? This is the question at the heart of every stock market.” – John Landgraf

6. “The American public historically was really not part of the stock market.” – Ron Chernow

7. “I didn’t go to business school, didn’t care about financial stuff and the stock market.” – Anita Roddick

8. “I have invested in the stock market since I was very young.” – Christie Hefner

9. “A lot of the money in the stock market is really our national retirement plan, for better or worse.” – Ron Chernow

10. “I am not criticizing investing in the stock market; I am an investor.” – Grace Napolitano

Stock Market Quotes for Investors
Is it better to be buying or selling when you’re in the stock market? As you’ll see in these quotes, everyone thinks they have it figured out.
11. “Nothing is simpler than owning the stock market and holding it forever, and that’s essentially the idea behind the index fund.” – John C. Bogle

12. “The stock market can be down, but the stock market is not an indication of where people’s spirits and enthusiam are, and where their intellectual energy is.” – James Daly

13. “One of the funny things about the stock market is that every time one person buys, another sells, and both think they are astute.” – William Feather

14. “You get recessions, you have stock market declines. If you don’t understand that’s going to happen, then you’re not ready, you won’t do well in the markets. ” – Peter Lynch

15. “The main purpose of the stock market is to make fools of as many men as possible.” – Bernard Baruch

16. “When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed. He said, Look, here’s what happened.” – Joe Biden

17. “I believe, in the stock market – that’s one of my fields – that most people are irrational. And to be irrational, you can be irrational in so many different ways that, practically, the result is indeterminate.” – Paul Samuelson

18. “As I have said before, the daily machinations of the stock market are like a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” – John C. Bogle

19. “With the possible exception of things like box scores, race results, and stock market tabulations, there is no such thing as Objective Journalism. The phrase itself is a pompous contradiction in terms.” – Hunter S. Thompson

20. “The guy that just arranges things so that the stock market holds up is nobody in my – in my estimation.” – James Stockdale

Stock Market Quotes and Opinions
Do you need to be an investing genius to make money in the stock market? According to these quotes, it depends who you ask.
21. “Every portfolio benefits from bonds; they provide a cushion when the stock market hits a rough patch. But avoiding stocks completely could mean your investment won’t grow any faster than the rate of inflation.” – Suze Orman

22. “Even from the very beginning, I didn’t put any money in the stock market.” – Trey Parker

23. “The studio system reminds me of the stock market.” – Bill Forsyth

24. “Anyone who thinks there’s safety in numbers hasn’t looked at the stock market pages.” – Irene Peter

25. “Everyone has the brainpower to follow the stock market. If you made it through fifth-grade math, you can do it.” – Peter Lynch

26. “Insurance, pension reforms are going to be extremely important for the stock market because the kind of money we’ll get from that is unbelievable.” – Rakesh Jhunjhunwala
27. “The techniques I developed for studying turbulence, like weather, also apply to the stock market.” – Benoit Mandelbrot
28. “What I put in the stock market, I don’t have to touch in my lifetime. I want to live off my bonds. I want to be that safe.” – Monica Seles
29. “All my money is in a savings account. My dad has explained the stock market to me maybe 75 times. I still don’t understand it.” – John Mulaney
30. “The stock market is overpriced. Everything is overpriced. Junk is king.” – Jeremy Grantham
Stock Market Quotes about its impact on the economy
Undoubtedly, the stock market plays an important role in the economy. Some believe it’s for the best and others don’t agree as you’ll see in these quotes.
31. “There is no country in the world where it’s as easy to find venture capital in the stock market as the United States.” – Ron Chernow
32. “Anybody who plays the stock market not as an insider is like a man buying cows in the moonlight.” – Daniel Drew
33. “I don’t know where the stock market is going, but I will say this, that if it continues higher, this will do more to stimulate the economy than anything we’ve been talking about today or anything anybody else was talking about.” – Alan Greenspan
34. “Under Reagan came the idea of putting your pension plan in the stock market, which wasn’t a guaranteed pension.” – Michael Moore
35. “But we have to ask ourselves, what’s the purpose of the stock market? It’s supposed to be a source of capital for growing business. It’s lost that purpose.” – Mark Cuban
36. “Whenever I see a stock market explode, six to 12 months later you are in a full blown recovery.” – Stanley Druckenmiller
37. “It is indeed true that the stock market can forecast the business cycle.” – Paul Samuelson
38. “I’ve learned that things change. The whole boy band thing almost turned into a stock market crash.” – Max Martin
39. “Mutual funds give people the sense that they’re investing with the big boys and that they’re really not at a disadvantage entering the stock market.” – Ron Chernow
40. “For those of us in the financial world, Black Friday has a strong negative connotation, referring to a stock market catastrophe.” – Mark Skousen
Stock Market Quotes for the Investor in You
Is the stock market unpredictable? Yes, but does that mean you shouldn’t get involved? Read these quotes and decide for yourself.
41. “Big money is made in the stock market by being on the right side of the major moves. The idea is to get in harmony with the market. It’s suicidal to fight trends. They have a higher probability of continuing than not.” – Martin Zweig
42. “The stock market is a discounter of all known information.” – Kenneth Fisher
43. “The film industry has always been unpredictable! It is like the stock market really.” – Mahima Chaudhry
44. “I’ve been investing in the stock market for 27 years and, within that time, have helped investors beat the market nearly four to one.” – Louis Navellier
45. “I have a million dollars in the stock market, because if I lose a million dollars, I don’t personally care.” – Suze Orman
46. “Today’s stock market actually hates technology, as shown by all-time low price/earnings ratios for major public technology companies.” – Marc Andreessen
47. “In other words, Social Security is every bit as insecure as the stock market.” – Tony Snow
48. “After 1929, so many people had been traumatized by the stock market crash that there was a lost generation.” – Ron Chernow
49. “The arts are an even better barometer of what is happening in our world than the stock market or the debates in congress.” – Hendrik Willem Van Loon
50. “But the minute we went public on the stock market, which is how our wealth was created, it was no longer how many people you employed, it was how much you were worth and how much your company was worth.” – Anita Roddick
Which one of these Stock Market Quotes is Your Favorite
The stock market can be difficult to understand.
Some people view it as the answer to their financial problems, while others view it as the reason for their financial problems.
Many people are tempted to buy when it’s going well and then get scared and sell their stocks when the prices drop.
However, many financial professionals share that the best stock market strategy is to put your money in and let it ride.
Share which of these stock market quotes has motivated you to start or increase your investments. Then, share the love with your circle by sharing the insight with them.