50 Popular Pandemic Quotes Related to COVID-19
These popular pandemic quotes serve as a simple, yet accurate summary of how life has changed after COVID-19.
These include our day-to-day routines like job schedules, shopping, and schooling.
To explain what we have learned from the pandemic and how we fought against it, we have compiled the most popular pandemic quotes.
However, before going any further, let’s take a look at the section below.
What We Have Learned from Pandemic?
Discussed below are the key lessons that we have learned from the recent pandemic.
Masks Proved to be a Great Preventive Measure – During the pandemic, people tried to wear their masks in public places. Masks served as a barrier and in the fight to keep our respiratory system safe from viral infection.
Vaccines are Life Savers – Vaccines can do magic and we have seen this in the recent past when COVID-19 was pushed back significantly after the introduction of its vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccine not only prevented the spread of the virus, but it also lowers the severity of symptoms.
Telemedicine is Here – Although there are certain health issues where you need to see the doctor in person, telemedicine still manages to tackle a wide range of diseases. The move to telemedicine was a move to prevent the spread of viral infection to healthy people and it has been helpful in the fight against covid.
We are More Powerful as a Community – A lot of us are now aware of how much it is essential to stay connected to each other. During the lockdown, we were forced to stay away from society. This was the time when we realized that maintaining social connections is the key to growing as a community.
Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration.
Check out our entire collection of motivational quotes here.
Popular Pandemic Quotes by World Leaders
We may not always agree with the leaders of the world, but we still look to them in times of need. Take a look at the quotes below and see if you agree with the quotes below.
1. “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” – US President Joe Biden

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2. “In the absence of a vaccine, we may have to live this way for years.” – Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison

3. “If I had taken hydroxychloroquine preventively, I would still be working (instead of heading into quarantine).” – Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro

4. “We’re now seeing a warning light on the dashboard … Our assessment is that we should now squeeze that brake pedal in order to keep the virus under control.” – British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

5. “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.” – Former US President Donald Trump

6. “We’re on the brink of a fall that could be much worse than the spring.” – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

7. “I said to myself, with satisfaction, ‘You have got away with it again.” – Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi

8. “We should enhance solidarity and get through this together. Any attempt of politicizing the issue, or stigmatization, must be rejected.” – Chinese President Xi Jinping

9. “We must as long as possible allow our fellow citizens in nursing homes to continue having interactions.” – French President Emmanuel Macron

10. “We are ready to share experience and continue cooperating with all states and international entities, including in supplying the Russian vaccine which has proved reliable, safe, and effective, to other countries.” – Russian President Vladimir Putin

Popular Pandemic Quotes That Show Real Pandemic Struggles
The pandemic has not only been life changing, it has also been exhausting and in some cases heart breaking. The quotes below do a good job of showing what people have had to deal with.
11. “The caution that existed in the spring has more and more been replaced by hugs and parties, bus trips in rush-hour traffic, and an everyday life that, for many, seems to return to normal.” – Swiss Prime Minister Stefan Lofven

12. “The trend in the UK is heading in the wrong direction and we are at a critical point in the pandemic.”– Chris Whitty

13. “There’s a lot of anxiety about the speed of vaccine development (for COVID-19). But the public is not really keen on speed – they’re more keen on thoroughness, effectiveness and safety.” – Heidi Larson

14. “We’re overwhelmed … We can’t be on the phone, physically greeting patients and carrying out tests all at once. We’re exhausted, physically and mentally.” – Aminata Diene

15. “I prefer her to be going to school. It’s not easy home-schooling, and I have to work too … If there are cases at the school, that will worry me. (Then) I won’t send her in.” – Laure Gevaert

16. “It (the pandemic) has called into question the scale of values that sets money and power over all else … It has toppled the shaky pillars that supported a certain model of development.” – Pope Francis

17. “My father was left to die alone, at home, without help. We were simply abandoned. No one deserves an end like that.” – Silvia Bertuletti

18. “Just to be safe I quarantined myself and just taking it easy.” – Usain Bolt

19. “It is pointless. They tell us to stay open but tell people to stay home … How will I cover my costs?” – Teofilo Jimenez

20. “It gives us hope because after being locked up so long, look how happy they are to see each other again. It’s marvellous.” – Richard Moreno

Popular Pandemic Quotes by Print and Electronic Media
These quotes are from the media. Being from the media, these quotes show a great summary of what we were all experiencing in the moment.
21. “The idea that you’re modeling six months out? It’s pixie dust. Six months ago we didn’t have Omicron,” – CNN, May 13, 2022

22. “If you do just look at those friends, colleagues, neighbors who are infected—confirmed by a home test or a PCR test—it is remarkable how many people are infected right now.” – Washington Post, May 19, 2022

23. “We’ve never seen this subvariant activity with Alpha, Beta, or Delta, so who could have predicted 6 months ago where we’d be at? That’s the challenge we have.” – Medpage Today, May 24, 2022

24. “Look what happened—Delta showed up a month from now, relative to a year ago, and then Omicron. In a way, we’re still in that kind of world. We don’t know yet what the next variant or variants will be.” – Minneapolis StarTribune, May 31, 2022

25. “There’s probably more transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the last 30 days than there had been in any 30-day period in the entire pandemic.” – Washington Post, Jun 11, 2022

26. “We are still learning a lot about this virus, and it’s changing so quickly. Fortunately, we’re not seeing a major increase in severe illness, hospitalizations and deaths.” – CBS News, Jul 11, 2022
27. “As infectious as BA.5 is, we have to acknowledge that it’s important that you’re not in crowded conditions with limited air.” – New York Times, Jul 25, 2022
28. “Every time we’ve tried to out-guess this [COVID-19] virus, it has caused us to second-guess ourselves.” – National Geographic, Jul 29, 2022
29. “Public health advice has been way off the mark, all along, about mask protection. We have given the public a sense of a level of protection that is just not warranted. Let’s just be honest.” – New York Times, Apr 22, 2022
30. “Any time you’re dealing with H5N1, you sleep with one eye open.” – Stat, Apr 28, 2022
Popular Pandemic Quotes by Teachers
This next collection of quotes are from how the pandemic has affected the education system. Take a look at these quotes from the viewpoints of teachers.
31. “This pandemic is unprecedented for us, but we have experienced other hard things. This time gives us an opportunity to practice resilience and to show our kids what resilience looks like” – Audrey Monke
32. “The mask environment – having to teach through that, having to work with students through that and communicate through this barrier was a struggle. I couldn’t quite tell if they were getting it.” – Josh Montgomery
33. “Serving two student populations at the same time. I have people joining online and joining from the classroom. Learning to work with both groups simultaneously — that was pretty difficult.” – Orion Smith
34. “What surprised me most about virtual learning is probably how exhausting it is.” – Joellen Persad
35. “When my wife got sick, that was very scary. I had four members of my family die from COVID.” – Aaron Jemison
36. “Families want a pre-pandemic education, and not being able to give them exactly what they want has been really hard.” – David Miyashiro
37. “I prayed a lot. My salvation was when I started collaborating with other superintendents.” – Robert Gregory
38. “Initially, it was difficult — I couldn’t find words for it, and I didn’t want to seem like I was complaining. I started seeing a counselor, someone that I could talk to myself, just to kind of release and unload my stress.” – Winnie Williams
39. “It’s not that parents don’t want to be involved — it’s that parents are not being educated about education … and don’t know how to be involved.” – Janet Huger
40. “We’ve learned the power of digital tools is only as good as the buy-in teachers and students develop to include them. With hard-to-reach students, we’ve been gobsmacked with how true that is.” – Orion Smith
Popular Pandemic Quotes by Students
Learning can be hard enough in normal circumstances, but add in a pandemic and it can be even harder. Take a look at how students described learning during the pandemic.
41. Doing the same repetitive tasks every day with little variation can be so boring.” – Evelyn Lund
42. Being at home and not in person made it more difficult to manage my school work and my personal life, which brought a lot of stress and anxiety. Having someone guide me is the way I learn best.” – Cristina Alvizo
43. The convenience of being able to wake up and log into class was one of the most surprising things about virtual learning. It allowed me to expand the number of activities I was involved in because it totally removes the travel time.” – Denis Alvarez
44. The uncertainty of everything. Would I have the opportunity to return to campus, or have a basketball season?” – Temi Carda
45. The reverted sleep schedule. I’m very much an early bird, and I can’t do this if my classes start at 6 p.m. (local time) and end at a quarter to 2 a.m.” – Elisabeth Koch
46. I got strong when I realized that homeschool is learning at your own pace. I think it was the end of the quarter when I got good grades for the entire quarter.” – Victoria Bradley
47. By going on Zoom at my own time, playing Minecraft with my friends. And also by having discussions with my class, because they usually will put us in breakout rooms and we’ll be able to talk together — not just about the work but our personal lives as well.” – Gwynnie Poutasse
48. I didn’t really maintain the same relationships, I built new ones. Seeing how everyone responded to the pandemic made me pay attention to who I call my friends.” – Korea Mi Amour Rankin
49. I learned more about American history. These are some of the best times I’ve had, being with my family, learning about myself.” – Patrick Green
50. I’m going to describe (the pandemic) as kind of a challenging time. And I think that it’s brought out really good things in a lot of people — like support and friendliness.” – Russell Poutasse
Which are your Favorite Pandemic Quotes?
After reading these popular pandemic quotes, you might have felt inspired.
No doubt, COVID-19 has taught us a lesson that even the advancement of technology can’t do any good if we aren’t committed and connected.
We have defeated the pandemic with our determination and collective efforts.
In fact, the world reacted as one nation against COVID-19.
We hope you have found your favorite pandemic quotes.
Please share with your friends and post your comments in the comment section below.