54 Jennifer Lopez Quotes to Inspire Productivity

Searching for inspirational quotes from the multi-talented A-List celeb Jennifer Lopez? The Jennifer Lopez quotes featured below are just what you’re looking for. 

What’s your favorite Jennifer Lopez song? 

Whether you call her J-Lo, Jenny from the block or straight-up Jennifer Lopez, this multi-hyphenate star is known for creating hits on the Billboard charts and in Hollywood.

Some of her many chart-topping hits include “On the Floor”, “Dance Again”, and “I’m Real.”

Lopez has also starred in popular feature films including her Golden Globe-nominated portrayal as the late Tejano music star Selena Quintanilla-Pérez

As a 25+ year veteran of the entertainment industry, J-Lo has surely learned a thing or two during her journey.

Below, are some of Jennifer Lopez’s most inspirational and relatable quotes. 

For more inspiration, don’t forget to also check out these Rihanna quotes on living your best life.

If you enjoy this article, check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily motivation. 

Browse our entire collection of inspirational quotes for more motivating ideas and concepts.

Jennifer Lopez quotes on life lessons

1. “As you get older and as you experience and go through different things you realize you have to set boundaries. You have to for your life. You have to say this is okay and this is not okay. This is what I do for a living and this is my life. It’s the only one I get and so I have to set boundaries.” – Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez quotes on life lessons

2. “You get what you give. What you put into things is what you get out of them.” – Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez quotes that will encourage you

3. “Things don’t always turn out exactly the way you want them to be and you feel disappointed. You are not always going to be the winner. That’s when you have to stop and figure out why things happened the way they did and what you can do to change them.” – Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez quotes to helping others

4. “When you have children, you realize you can’t plan anything. There’s no Plan A, no Plan B. Life will happen and you will go with it.” – Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez quotes to inspire you

5. “It’s smart to listen to other people’s advice, but at the end of the day, you’re the only one who can tell you what’s right for you.” – Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez quotes and sayings

6. “Beauty is only skin deep. I think what’s really important is finding a balance of mind, body, and spirit.” – Jennifer Lopez

Meaningful Jennifer Lopez quotes

7. “Ultimately, we can never change someone else’s behavior—we can only change our own.” – Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez quotes for Instagram

8. “What you need to know is, nobody can save you or heal you. Only you can do that for you.” – Jennifer Lopez

Motivational Jennifer Lopez quotes

9. “Whenever it feels uncomfortable to tell the truth, that’s often the most important time to tell it.” – Jennifer Lopez

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Random Jennifer Lopez quotes

10. “I had found that taking risks, being true to myself, and making decisions with good intentions can exceed even my own expectations.” – Jennifer Lopez

Special Jennifer Lopez quotes

Jennifer Lopez quotes on life and success

11. “I’m not here to be perfect and I’m not here to be anything but my best, whatever that means for me.” – Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez quotes on life and success

12. “Doubt is a killer. You just have to know who you are and what you stand for.” – Jennifer Lopez

Top Jennifer Lopez quotes

13. “Keep it simple. I’m a big believer in the basics. Less is more.” – Jennifer Lopez

Special Jennifer Lopez quotes

14. “People underestimate me. They always have, and maybe that’s for the best. It’s fun to prove them wrong.” – Jennifer Lopez

Appreciation Jennifer Lopez quotes

15. “Affirmations are so important. I am youthful and timeless. I tell myself that every day, a few times a day. It sounds like clichéd bullshit, but it’s not: Age is all in your mind.” – Jennifer Lopez

Wise and inspirational Jennifer Lopez quotes

If you’re enjoying these quotes, make sure to check out our collection of daily affirmations to create a positive mindset.

16. “In your 20’s you think you know everything. In your 30’s you find out you know nothing. And in your 40’s you realize you’re not perfect and that’s okay.” – Jennifer Lopez

Motivational Jennifer Lopez quotes

17. “I am human, and of course, sometimes I make mistakes. But I promise that when I fall, I get back up. When I am wrong, I will learn the lesson and move on to face other challenges. For me, that’s what creating your own life is. Doing your best work while being your best self.” – Jennifer Lopez

Funny Jennifer Lopez quotes

18. “In the end, the truth finds a way to surface even if you don’t want it to.” – Jennifer Lopez

Wise Jennifer Lopez quotes

19. “The truth is, everything that’s happened was supposed to happen. That doesn’t mean I don’t look back and think, God, I wish I hadn’t had to go through some of those things.” – Jennifer Lopez

Relatable Jennifer Lopez quotes

20. “The bear is what we all wrestle with. Everybody has their bear in life. It’s about conquering that bear and letting him go.” – Jennifer Lopez

More Jennifer Lopez quotes

21. “There is a force in the world and an energy that you can put out, and when you put out love it comes back to you. I think that’s my basic philosophy.” – Jennifer Lopez

Best Jennifer Lopez quotes

Also read these fabulous Freddie Mercury quotes on being yourself.

Jennifer Lopez quotes on her career

22. “Being an artist doesn’t start because you’re 21, and it doesn’t end because you’re 51. You are who you are until the day you die.” – Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez quotes on her career

23. “My parents wanted me to be a lawyer. But I don’t think I would have been very happy. I’d be in front of the jury singing.” – Jennifer Lopez

Unique Jennifer Lopez quotes

24. “A romantic comedy has to be funny and make you think about life, but the obstacle that has to be overcome is key.” – Jennifer Lopez

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Epic Jennifer Lopez quotes

25. “I think that’s what a partnership is—you take the positives from both people and incorporate them.” – Jennifer Lopez

Appreciation Jennifer Lopez quotes

26. “One day somebody told me I had to perform in front of 35,000 people on the set of ‘Selena’. I didn’t know how to do it, I just said to myself, ‘Don’t think about it. You can do this, and you’ll be great. And then I did. I’ve been following that rule ever since.” – Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez quotes on love and relationships

27. “The best partner you can have is someone who makes you want to be the best form of yourself.” – Jennifer Lopez

28. “Your friend mourns your losses with you because they experience them too. The truth is, no matter how lonely you might feel, you’re never going through anything alone, you can choose your family.” – Jennifer Lopez

29. “You have to be okay on your own before you can have a healthy relationship with another person.” – Jennifer Lopez

30. “We complement each other, and there’s really pure, true love. Just wanting to support the other person and make them happy. So there’s a different selflessness in the love that’s beautiful and different. And healthy!” – Jennifer Lopez

31. “For me, love is the never-ending question. It is confusing. It is the answer, but it is also inundated with contradictions and complications.” – Jennifer Lopez

32. “Sometimes it doesn’t work—and that’s sad. But I remain an eternal optimist about love. I believe in love.” – Jennifer Lopez

33. “You can have a great mentor, a great partner, a great love in your life who gives you confidence and makes you feel great about yourself. And that’s all wonderful, but at the end of the day, if you don’t believe it, all of that means nothing.” – Jennifer Lopez

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Inspirational Jennifer Lopez quotes 

34. “Sometimes you have to explore the darkness to get to the light and get back to who you are.” – Jennifer Lopez

35 “Don’t push your weaknesses, play with your strengths.” – Jennifer Lopez

36. “With hard work, living a good life, you can do anything. You will be rewarded for that.” – Jennifer Lopez

37. “You’ve got to love yourself first.” – Jennifer Lopez

38. “Life’s too short to live the same day twice.” – Jennifer Lopez

39. “Always remember, you will live, you will love, you will dance again.” – Jennifer Lopez

40. “You mirror what the world mirrors to you.” – Jennifer Lopez

41. “You really have that power to make your life whatever you want it to be.” – Jennifer Lopez

42. “”You have to stand up and say, ‘There’s nothing wrong with me or my shape or who I am, you’re the one with the problem!'” – Jennifer Lopez

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43. “I feel if in your mind you can do it, you can do it. You cannot doubt yourself. Doubt is a killer. You just have to know who you are and what you stand for.” – Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez quotes on success

44. “Always follow your heart. Sometimes it’s gonna hurt—but you’re going to be fine.” – Jennifer Lopez

45. “I know it’s hard for women to tap into that feeling of self-worth. We need to get the message out that you are valued, you are a goddess and don’t forget that.” – Jennifer Lopez

46. “I only do what my gut tells me to. I think it’s smart to listen to other people’s advice, but at the end of the day, you’re the only one who can tell you what’s right for you.” – Jennifer Lopez

47. “You can’t let the fear of what people might say or think stop you from doing what you want to do or else we would never do anything.” – Jennifer Lopez

48. “Once you have a lot of success, you become a target in many ways.” – Jennifer Lopez

49. “You have to remember the value of your individuality—that you have something special and different to offer that nobody else can.” – Jennifer Lopez

50. “It’s a shame to call somebody a “diva” simply because they work harder than everybody else.” – Jennifer Lopez

51. “My mom always told me that if you work hard, you can achieve anything. And it’s true. It’s one of the truest things ever.” – Jennifer Lopez

52. “Women should never go without earrings. Passing on them is an opportunity missed.” – Jennifer Lopez

53. “I’m very comfortable with being productive. I like doing things, and I like creating things. As far as being powerful, I guess I’m comfortable with it. It’s not really how I think of myself.” – Jennifer Lopez

54. “I don’t look at people and see color and race. I see inside.” – Jennifer Lopez

What inspires you about Jennifer Lopez’s career? 

Maintaining a long career in the entertainment industry takes resilience, passion, and sheer talent.

These are all things that Jennifer Lopez is overflowing with.

Jennifer Lopez also doesn’t shy away from her roots, as evidenced by her hit-single “Jenny From the Block.” 

Despite the successes you may achieve in life, don’t forget to thank the ones that have supported you along the way.

If you can, give back to the community that helped shape you into the person you are today. 

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