72 Jim Carrey Quotes On Life, Money, and Success

Looking for inspirational Jim Carrey quotes?

James Carrey is a Canadian actor and comedian who’s known for his splendid comic performances in films like ‘Ace Ventura: Pet Detective‘, ‘The Mask’, ‘Dumb and Dumber‘, ‘Liar Liar’, and ‘Me, Myself & Irene’.

Born on January 17, 1962, in Ontario, Canada, Carrey started performing when he was just a teenager.

However, he did not have it easy initially and was rejected as a performer the first few times.

Carrey faced poverty in his childhood, could not finish school, and had to help fend for his family.

At one point, his family became homeless after his father lost his job, and as a result, they had to live in a minivan parked on a relative’s lawn.

Despite all the challenges, Carrey never lost confidence and never stopped believing in his talent and abilities.

He has won two ‘Golden Globe’ awards and has been inducted into the ‘Canadian Walk of Fame’ for his achievements in cinema.

Carrey used his Everyday Power and went on to prove to the world that our dreams can come true if work hard for them.

In that regard, here are some uplifting Jim Carrey quotes to inspire you to believe in your dreams and fight for them.

Don’t forget to also check out our list of Jim Carrey’s funniest Grinch quotes.

If you enjoy this article, check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily motivation. 

Browse our entire collection of inspirational quotes for more motivating ideas and concepts.

Jim Carrey Quotes On Life, Money, and and Success

1. “Creative people don’t behave very well generally. If you’re looking for examples of good relationships in show business, you’re gonna be depressed real fast. I don’t have time for anything else right now but work and my daughter. She’s my first priority.” – Jim Carrey

2. “Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them.” – Jim Carrey

3. “It is better to risk starving to death than surrender. If you give up on your dreams, what’s left?” – Jim Carrey

4. “Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.” – Jim Carrey

5. “I just want to be myself.” – Jim Carrey

6. “That’s the trouble with being me. At this point, nobody gives a damn what my problem is. I could literally have a tumor on the side of my head and they’d be like, ‘Yeah, big deal. I’d eat a tumor every morning for the kinda money you’re pulling down.'” – Jim Carrey

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Jim Carrey Quotes About Success

7. “Maybe other people will try to limit me but I don’t limit myself.” – Jim Carrey

8. “I tend to stay up late, not because I’m partying but because it’s the only time of the day when I’m alone and don’t have to be performing.” – Jim Carrey

9. “Morgan Freeman is so class. He’s so cool. He’s so scary.” – Jim Carrey

10. It’s nice to finally get scripts offered to me that aren’t the ones Tom Hanks wipes his butt with.” – Jim Carrey

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Motivational Jim Carrey Quotes

11. “People need motivation to do anything. I don’t think human beings learn anything without desperation.” – Jim Carrey

12. “I’m the first to admit this whole salary thing is getting out of control. In the final analysis, it’s still about the work.” – Jim Carrey

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13. “My focus is to forget the pain of life. Forget the pain, mock the pain, reduce it. And laugh.” – Jim Carrey

14. “I got a lot of support from my parents. That’s the one thing I always appreciated. They didn’t tell me I was being stupid; they told me I was being funny.” – Jim Carrey

15. “I practiced making faces in the mirror and it would drive my mother crazy. She used to scare me by saying that I was going to see the devil if I kept looking in the mirror. That fascinated me even more, of course.” – Jim Carrey
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Jim Carrey Quotes About Hope

16. “Life is an ordeal, albeit an exciting one, but I wouldn’t trade it for the good old days of poverty and obscurity.” – Jim Carrey

17. “I don’t think human beings learn anything without desperation. Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning anything or creating anything. Period. If you ain’t desperate at some point, you ain’t interesting.” – Jim Carrey

18. “If you aren’t in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret.” – Jim Carrey

19. “Maybe there is no actual place called hell. Maybe hell is just having to listen to our grandparents breathe through their noses when they’re eating sandwiches.” – Jim Carrey

20. “My upbringing in Canada made me the person I am. I will always be proud to be a Canadian.” – Jim Carrey

21. “I try to do something the audience might not have seen before. Like if I’m gonna kiss a girl I wanna kiss her like a girl has never been kissed. Like maybe I would kick her legs out from under her and catch her right before she hits the ground and then kiss her.” – Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey Quotes About Life

22. “I love playing ego and insecurity combined.” – Jim Carrey

23. “My family kinda hit the skids. We were experiencing poverty at that point. We all got a job, where the whole family had to work as security guards and janitors. And I just got angry.” – Jim Carrey

24. “My life is not unlike Truman’s. I can’t go anywhere.” – Jim Carrey

25. “My report card always said, ‘Jim finishes first and then disrupts the other students’.” – Jim Carrey

26. “I’ve tried everything. I’ve done therapy, I’ve done colonics. I went to a psychic who had me running around town buying pieces of ribbon to fill the colors in my aura. Did the Prozac thing.” – Jim Carrey

27. “What I have in common with the character in ‘Truman’ is this incredible need to please people. I feel like I want to take care of everyone and I also feel this terrible guilt if I am unable to. And I have felt this way ever since all this success started.” – Jim Carrey

28. “Originality is really important.” – Jim Carrey

29. I think I could go away tomorrow. I’ve already accomplished something. It’s such a selfish business that sometimes I get sick of myself.” – Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey Quotes on Life and Success

30. “I feel like I want to take care of everyone and I also feel this terrible guilt if I am unable to. And I have felt this way ever since all this success started.” – Jim Carrey

31. “I need privacy. I would think that because what I do makes a lot of people happy that I might deserve a little bit of respect in return. Instead, the papers try to drag me off my pedestal.” – Jim Carrey

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32. “I know this sounds strange, but as a kid, I was really shy. Painfully shy. The turning point was freshman year, when I was the biggest geek alive. No one, I mean no one, even talked to me.” – Jim Carrey

33. “Green Eggs and Ham was the story of my life. I wouldn’t eat a thing when I was a kid, but Dr. Seuss inspired me to try cauliflower!” – Jim Carrey

34. “A lot of good love can happen in ten years.” – Jim Carrey

35. If I had never ventured beyond being a stand-up comic, then I would be sitting in my house today working on my Leonardo DiCaprio impression.” – Jim Carrey

36. “Before I do anything, I think, well what hasn’t been seen. Sometimes, that turns out to be something ghastly and not fit for society. And sometimes that inspiration becomes something that’s really worthwhile.” – Jim Carrey

37. “My mother was a professional sick person; she took a lot of pain pills. There are many people like that. It’s just how they are used to getting attention. I always remember she’s the daughter of alcoholics who’d leave her alone at Christmas time.” – Jim Carrey

38. “You know, I live a monastic lifestyle. No, I do. I do live in extremes, basically. I go back and forth. Once every six months, I’ll have a day where I eat more chocolate than has ever been consumed by a human being.” – Jim Carrey

39. “I absolutely want to have a career where you make’em laugh and make’em cry. It’s all theater.” – Jim Carrey

40. “I really believe in the philosophy that you create your own universe. I’m just trying to create a good one for myself.” – Jim Carrey

41. “Ever since I started to get recognition I’ve picked out certain fans and reverse-stalked them.” – Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey Quotes About Being Yourself and Loving Yourself

42. “But, you know, you can’t be a star at home.” – Jim Carrey

43. “I really want to love somebody. I do. I just don’t know if it’s possible forever and ever.” – Jim Carrey

44. “I’ve arrived at the place if I’m not taking a career risk, I’m not happy. If I’m scared, then I know I’m being challenged.” – Jim Carrey

45. “We had problems like all families but we had a lot of love. I was extremely loved. We always felt we had each other.” – Jim Carrey

46. “I don’t make it in regular channels, and that’s okay for me.” – Jim Carrey

47. “So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality. What we really want seems impossibly out of reach so we never dare to ask the universe for it. I’m the proof that you can ask the universe for it”– Jim Carrey

48. “I learned many great lessons from my father, not the least of which, was that you can fail at what you don’t want so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love”– Jim Carrey

49. “I’m making a conscious choice to see challenges as beneficial so that I can deal with them in the most productive way”– Jim Carrey

50. “I’m very serious about no alcohol, no drugs. Life is too beautiful.” – Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey quotes that will change the way you think

51. “I don’t believe in hope. Hope is a beggar. Hope walks through the fire, faith leaps over it.”– Jim Carrey

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52. “If you’ve got a talent, protect it.” – Jim Carrey

53. “You know the trouble with real life? There’s no danger music.” – Jim Carrey

54. “Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world.” – Jim Carrey

55. “Life doesn’t happen to you. It happens for you.” – Jim Carrey

56. “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.” ― Jim Carrey

57. “The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.” ― Jim Carrey

58. “Isn’t it cool when the days that are supposed to feel good, actually do?”― Jim Carrey

59. “When things are really bad the only thing to do is laugh” ― Jim Carrey

60. “For the most sensitive among us, the noise can be too much.” – Jim Carrey

More Jim Carrey quotes and sayings

61. “People need the motivation to do anything. I don’t think human beings learn anything without desperation.”– Jim Carrey

62. “No doubt, there are reasons for your worries, no one could dispute, but that doesn’t make them any less useless. It’s ok to let them go.”— Jim Carrey

63. “My soul is not contained within the limits of my body. And My body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul.” – Jim Carrey

64. “All that you see and all that you don’t see, is you. Feel that and be free. There are no two things.”— Jim Carrey

65. “There is a huge difference between a dog that is going to eat you in your mind and an actual dog that’s going to eat you.” – Jim Carrey

66. “I used to spend a lot of time burning with anxiety. That happens when you imagine that you’re less than infinite.”— Jim Carrey

67. “Never let your mind and your ego fill you with the fear of failure and turn you against your playful heart.”— Jim Carrey

68. “Don’t worry folks as long as the Sun is revolving around the Earth, we’ll be fine!”— Jim Carrey

69. “I wish you all freedom from past regrets, fear of the future and the illusion of time itself. Don’t wait for a countdown.”— Jim Carrey

70. “I don’t decide when the sun will shine but I know that it will never shine without me.”— Jim Carrey

71. “I feel that we’re all lighthouses, and my job is to shine my light as brightly as I can to the darkness.” – Jim Carrey

72. “I used to be a guy who was experiencing the Universe, but now I feel like the Universe experiencing a guy.” – Jim Carrey

Which Jim Carrey quotes were your favorite?

Jim Carrey faced a lot of challenges when he was younger.

He became homeless at one point and had to drop out of school to help fend for his family.

But despite all these difficulties, he still had the courage to fight for his dreams.

If Carrey had given up after being rejected as a performer the first few times, we would not have great movies like ‘Ace Ventura: Pet Detective’ and ‘The Truman Show.’

Hopefully, these Jim Carrey quotes have inspired you to keep believing in yourself and work hard for your dreams.

What other Jim Carrey quotes would you add to the list?

Tell us in the comment section below.

We would love to hear all about them.

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  1. larry le

    December 19, 2019 at 1:53 PM

    Carrey’s impersonations bombed and this gave him doubts about his capabilities as a professional entertainer. His family’s financial struggles made it difficult for them to support Carrey’s ambitions. With more domestic stability, Carrey returned to the stage with a more polished act. In a short period of time, he went from open-mic nights to regular paid shows, building his reputation in the process. A reviewer in the

  2. Sunil Tambe

    July 23, 2019 at 4:57 AM

    I love Jim Carreys comments they”re life’s most simple philosophies framed in most simple words, you can rate him in the same ranks of that of world’s best philosophers.

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