110 Inspirational Therapy Quotes for Your Mental Health

These positive therapy quotes will motivate you on a journey of emotional healing and growth.

Therapy is a wonderful tool that can help you develop future goals, heal from past trauma, and reach your full potential.

There are some negative stigmas surrounding therapy, but the truth is that working with a therapist can greatly improve your mental health.

These quotes will open your mind up to the opportunities therapy can provide you.

Everyone can benefit from therapy, regardless of your current state in life.

You do not need to be in a crisis in order to professionally address your mental health.

Routinely checking in with a therapist or counselor is the best way to maintain a healthy mind.

Everyone struggles to cope with challenging thoughts and feelings sometimes.

Genuine healing is possible if you believe in yourself and truly want to change.

Read these therapy quotes for motivation to begin your journey of development and growth.

Don’t forget to also check out these mental health quotes for happiness and success.

Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration. 

Our inspirational quotes category page has all of our motivational quotes for all the different areas of life.

Inspirational therapy quotes for your mental health

1. “I don’t know how people can live without a therapist.” – Neve Campbell

2. “Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it does pay for therapy.” – Travis Kalanick

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3. “I didn’t learn about depression or anxiety at school. So when I had to go to my parents to say ‘I need help, I need to go to therapy,’ I felt like this weird, messed up kid. And I wasn’t, but I felt that way.” – Lili Reinhart

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4. “It’s incredibly liberating to spend an hour talking to someone and not caring about what you sound like. It’s about understanding myself. Sometimes I’ll speak to my therapist for an hour a day. It’s become part of my routine.” – Shakira

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5. “The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.” – Hubert H. Humphrey

6. “It does not mean you’re broken to have depression and anxiety. I would encourage you to speak out. Don’t hold it inside. Talk to friends. Talk to parents. If it’s available, go to a therapist.” – Dan Reynolds

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7. “Words of comfort, skillfully administered, are the oldest therapy known to man.” – Louis Nizer

8. “Sometimes it takes dealing with a disability – the trauma, the relearning, the months of rehabilitation therapy – to uncover our true abilities and how we can put them to work for us in ways we may have never imagined.” – Tammy Duckworth

9. “Music is therapy for me. It’s my outlet for every negative thing I’ve ever been through. It lets me turn something bad into something beautiful.” – Amy Lee

10. “Using no control and using humor will build a relationship and make a dent to where the client puts the counselor in their quality world and then begins to relate and seek out the counselor. Effective therapy begins with the acceptance of the therapist into the client’s quality world.” – William Glasser

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Therapy quotes to inspire healing and growth

11. “The wilderness is healing, a therapy for the soul.” – Nicholas Kristof

12. “Food is a lot of people’s therapy – when we say comfort food, we really mean that. It’s releasing dopamine and serotonin in your brain that makes you feel good.” – Brett Hoebel

13. “Just about every therapist or counselor or social worker is practiced in dealing with people going through failing relationships, ending them, and confronting issues of custody and support.” – Laura Wasser

14. “To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist.” – Gail Sheehy

15. “Our family makes us who we are, defines us totally. When you go to a therapist or have analysis, whatever reason you go in for, they will always bring you back to your family. We’re strong or weak according to what family we have. You might have left them long ago, might not even talk to them, but something lingers; we have no choice.” – Sandrine Bonnaire

16. “Writing is a form of therapy; sometimes I wonder how all those who do not write, compose or paint can manage to escape the madness, melancholia, the panic and fear which is inherent in a human situation.” – Graham Greene

17. “Smile, it’s free therapy.” – Douglas Horton

18. “The key to nature’s therapy is feeling like a tiny part of it, not a master over it. There’s amazing pride in seeing a bee land on a flower you planted – but that’s not your act of creation, it’s your act of joining in.” – Victoria Coren Mitchell

19. “Music is therapy. Music moves people. It connects people in ways that no other medium can. It pulls heartstrings. It acts as medicine.” – Macklemore

20. “I’m very physical. I love to work out; I’m very athletic. It’s a great therapy, not only for my body but for my mind.” – Edgar Ramirez

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Therapy quotes to inspire and teach

21. “Cooking and baking is both physical and mental therapy.” – Mary Berry

22. “My therapist says I still haven’t got in touch with my anger. Maybe one day I’m going to explode. But I’m still really happy. I know it looks like a strange and painful upbringing – all those experiences led me to the paths that I’m on now.” – Drew Barrymore

23. “Psychotherapy works, and some types of therapy have been shown to be much more effective than antidepressants over the long run.” – Irving Kirsch

24. “I do it as a therapy. I do it as something to keep me alive. We all need a little discipline. Exercise is my discipline.” – Jack LaLanne

25. “Cleaning is therapy for me. I’m not ashamed of holding the duster or broom.” – Amisha Patel

26. “I met with my spiritual teacher and went to a therapist. I realized that if I came from a positive place, not only will everyone feel better and I will feel happier, but the company will work better.” – Adam Neumann

27. “I have always been scared of confrontation. My therapist says it stems from my fear of abandonment.” – Nikki Glaser

28. “I’m realizing that my childhood is not my daughter’s, that I can’t heal myself by any actions I take with her – and that it’s definitely time for me to go back to my own childhood… with my therapist.” – Eva Amurri

29. “I use music as therapy. Whenever I’m feeling angry or needing some ‘me’ time, which is quite regularly, I’ll go and bang a piano or flesh out something on a guitar.” – Arthur Darvill

30. “Individual psychotherapy – that is, engaging a distressed fellow human in a disciplined conversation and human relationship – requires that the therapist have the proper temperament and philosophy of life for such work. By that I mean that the therapist must be patient, modest, and a perceptive listener, rather than a talker and advice-giver.” – Thomas Szasz

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Therapy quotes for your journey of development and growth

31. “The one thing I really learned, and learned well, in group therapy was that you don’t die if someone doesn’t like you.” – Rita Moreno

32. “I would say that I began with a very edgy, very driven personality and after a sufficient amount of therapy over many, many years, I managed to become rather relaxed and happy.” – John Cleese

33. “My feeling on therapy is it’s a luxury, and if you’re fortunate enough to get some smart people to talk to about life, then that’s fortunate and you should go for it.” – Matthew Perry

34. “I was almost teaching myself through writing without even realizing it. It’s like therapy. You can hear my progression as a person and how much happier I became, which is really cool for me to hear because I’m proud of myself.” – Bea Miller

35. “When I was in drama school, I really got into a dark place. I went to a therapist – it was really helpful to have that dialogue with someone. So I understand anxiety.” – Finn Jones

36. “In therapy, I have learned the importance of keeping spiritual life and professional life balanced. I need to regain my balance.” – Tiger Woods

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37. “There’s nothing wrong or weak about seeking a therapist. I have a therapist.” – Dan Reynolds

38. “I should have a therapist. I have plenty to therapise about.” – Norah Jones

39. “We may define therapy as a search for value.” – Abraham Maslow

40. “Cognitive therapy is a fast-acting technology of mood modification that you can learn to apply on your own. It can help you eliminate the symptoms and experience personal growth so you can minimize future upsets and cope with depression more effectively in the future.” – David D. Burns

Therapy quotes to brighten your day

41. “Acting’s not therapy, but it can be therapeutic.” – Josh Peck

42. “I think that every therapist that I know, including my dad and my sister, have their own issues. But that empathy is what makes them good at their job.” – Laura Benanti

43. “I’m a therapist and that fascinates people because they think I carry secrets.” – Susie Orbach

44. “I’m an incredibly emotional person, but I always feel bad about that. The work is therapy… I need to emote wildly while I write. I weep. I’ll laugh, get excited, and get up and pace. I try to take the emotional journey with the characters.” – Matthew Quick

45. “To go into therapy is an adventure, not really to iron anything out.” – Jeff Bridges

46. “I believe that the therapist’s function should be to help people become free to be aware of and to experience their possibilities.” – Rollo May

47. “Performing is my therapy, to become different people onstage.” – Britney Spears

48. “I’ve spent years in therapy excavating my endless, often fruitless drive to overachieve. I have learned that being successful hasn’t made me happy. It’s just made me successful. I even call myself a recovering overachiever.” – Rachel Simmons

49. “I was in therapy as a child and definitely think that therapy is a very useful tool.” – Dale Earnhardt Jr.

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50. “I believe that a different therapy must be constructed for each patient because each has a unique story.” – Irvin D. Yalom

More therapy quotes and sayings

51. “Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.” ― David Richo

52. “Therapy was the biggest romance of my life.” – Dar Williams

53. “The best therapy is actually the more aggressive kind when they break you open; they unleash you.” – Cara Delevingne

54. “If you break your knee, you have therapy on your knee, and it’s the same for your heart.” – Toni Braxton

55. “Acting is therapy. It keeps you in contact with your feelings.” – Diego Luna

56. “My therapy has come from paying attention to my life.” – Oprah Winfrey

57. “Therapy is not to ‘talk about’ things, but to change the person’s life, and to relieve suffering, such as depression, anxiety, or relationship problems.” – David D. Burns

58. “Working out makes me feel strong and energized every time. It’s my therapy for my mind and my body.” – Stacy Keibler

59. “Therapy is like a toothbrush. You can’t really put it to use for anybody but yourself.” ― Linda Holmes

60. “Rest is not the answer, Activity and therapy help healing most.” ― Joerg Teichmann

Therapy quotes to help you not feel alone

61. “Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”  -David Richo

62. “Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your whole life.”  -Shannon L. Alder 

63. “Think of your head as an unsafe neighborhood; don’t go there alone.”  -Augusten Burroughs

64. “In my early professional years I was asking the question: How can I treat, or cure, or change this person? Now I would phrase the question in this way: How can I provide a relationship which this person may use for his own personal growth?”  -Carl R. Rogers 

65. “Some seek the comfort of their therapist’s office, other head to the corner pub and dive into a pint, but I chose running as my therapy.”  -Dean Karnazes

66. “I’ve realized therapy is incredibly therapeutic.”  -Lisa Schroeder

67. “There’s no weakness as great as false strength.”  -Stefan Molyneux 

68. “I wish you’d help me look into a more interesting problem – namely, my sanity.”  Kurt Vonnegut

69. “It is painful to face the self we know we have never had the integrity to honor and assert.”

 -Nathaniel Branden 

70. “There are many ways of getting strong, sometimes talking is the best way.”  -Andre Agassi

Therapy quotes for when you’re feeling hopeless

71. “In Hollywood if you don’t have a shrink, people think you’re crazy.” ― Johnny Carson

72. “It’s difficult. I take a low dose of lithium nightly. I take an antidepressant for my darkness because prayer isn’t enough. My therapist hears confession twice a month, my shrink delivers the host, and I can stand in the woods and see the world spark.” ― David Lovelace

73. “I had problems a therapist couldn’t solve; grief that no man in a room could ameliorate.” ― Cheryl Strayed

74. “Talking to a therapist, I thought, was like taking your clothes off and then taking your skin off, and then having the other person say, “Would you mind opening up your rib cage so that we can start?” ― Julie Schumacher

75. “The role of the therapist is to reflect the being/accepting self that was never allowed to be in the borderline.” ― Michael Adzema

76. “Therapy is nothing but an education in yourself; an opportunity to elevate the way you live your life. I’d recommend therapy to anyone, not just someone who lives with mental illness.” ― Shaheen Bhatt

77. “A talk with a child is cheaper than therapy – although if that’s your reason for talking to children, you should probably still get the therapy.” ― John Alejandro King a.k.a. The Covert Comic

78. “Sunset is the only therapy I need. There is something magical about it, it makes you feel things. And with every new sunset that feeling is always different. And the beautiful thing is that no matter what you feel, as long as you feel, you are living and that is all that matters.” ― Tadas Petrovas

79. “Therapy is hard work- and not just for the therapist. That’s because the responsibility for change lies squarely with the patient.” ― Lori Gottlieb

80. “I didn’t love my life but now I do. I’m sure I will fall out of love with it again at some point but I’m confident I will go to therapy and work it out and fall back in love with it.” ― Charlotte Eriksson

Powerful therapy quotes to learn and think about

81. “With ‘Location’ and all the other songs around it, my music turned into therapy for others. And that’s something I really love and am blown away by.” – Khalid

82. “Therapy and counseling can do wonderful things for people. But they have emerged so far as what are sometimes called ‘cottage industries’ – that is, as individuals or small groups offering generally quite expensive services to a few clients.” – Alain de Botton

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83. I’m on a constant path of self-discovery and change. I’m trying to become a better person, a nicer person. I love therapy – it’s brilliant.” – Julia Sawalha

84. “To me, wrestling is therapy. No matter how bad my personal situation is, when I step into the ring, all my troubles disappear. My baggage stays in the back where it belongs.” – Eddie Guerrero

85. “Movies are like an expensive form of therapy for me.” – Tim Burton

86. “The ultimate goal of therapy… it’s too hard a question. The words come to me like tranquility, like fulfillment, like realizing your potential.” – Irvin D. Yalom

87. “Therapy’s like going to the gym.” – Chris Pine

88. “If you are not happy with something, you should change it. So I went to a lot of therapy, and finally, I am able to speak up for myself: You are going to hear me roar!” – Katy Perry

89. “I realized that therapy helps me explain what I’m feeling better.” – Charlamagne Tha God

90. “Through therapy and a lot of thinking and writing my memoirs, I’ve been able to use my life as a lesson.” – Jane Fonda

Therapy Quotes To Help You Rediscover Yourself

91. “Laying on the floor and listening to music might be all the therapy that you need.” ― Danielle LaPorte

92. “Love received and love given comprise the best form of therapy.” ― Gordon Allport

93. “Good therapy helps. Good friends help. Pretending that we are doing better than we are doesn’t. Shame doesn’t. Being heard does.” ― Anne Lamott

94. “There are people who have benefited from therapy without being confronted with the past at all.” ― Alice Miller

95. “I love being in therapy. It’s just constantly fulfilling for me.” ― Jennifer Jason Leigh

96. “The purpose of therapy is not to remove suffering but to move through it to an enlarged consciousness that can sustain the polarity of painful opposites.” ― James Hollis

97. “Therapy really did prepare me to become an empathic songwriter. As far as advice goes, it’s a matter of self understanding first.” ― William Fitzsimmons

98. “Laughter is the most beautiful and beneficial therapy God ever granted humanity.” ― Charles R. Swindoll

99. “People do not come into therapy to change their past but their future.” ― Milton H. Erickson

100. “I don’t feel like myself unless I run. It’s how I deal with sadness and happiness. I need it. It’s like therapy.” ― Kara Goucher

Therapy Quotes for Mental Health & Wellness

101. “Work is my joy… Work is my therapy, I don’t know anybody who loves work as much as I do.” ― Robert Rauschenberg

102. “Dreams are one of your greatest natural therapies, and one of your most effective assets as connectors between the interior and exterior universes.” ― Jane Roberts

103. “One way of submitting your moral intuitions in relation to some issue to cognitive therapy is to learn more about how people in other cultures think about it.” ― Torbjorn Tannsjo

104. “You know, I don’t think, you know, therapy never ends, really.” ― Amy Ryan

105. “Thirties. Go to therapy. Clean up all of the sh-t. Clean up all of the toxins and the noise. Understand who you are. Educate yourself on the self.” ― Jennifer Aniston

106. “In therapy , the therapist acts as a container for what we daren’t let out, because it is so scary, or what lets itself out every so often, and lays waste to our lives.” ― Jeanette Winterson

107. “My therapist in Paris once told me that being creative is a better form of therapy for me than sitting on his couch.” ― Julie Delpy

108. “I believe deeply in therapy. There’s no one in the world who wouldn’t benefit from it.” ― Antony Sher

109. “Sometimes toxic people are so resistant to change that therapy does not really help them – but they send everybody else into therapy to find ways to cope.” ― Amy Dickinson

110. “I actually have a degree in music and was aware that music was a tool used in therapy. I didn’t realize how far it had come since I was in college in the mid-seventies.” ― J.K. Simmons

What are your favorite healing therapy quotes about psychology?

It can feel scary to go outside of your comfort zone and start therapy, but the benefits are worth it.

These therapy quotes will help you realize that everyone should regularly check in with a therapist to manage their mental health.

Have you experienced traumatic or challenging events in your life?

Working with a mental health professional in therapy can help you heal from the moments of your past that continue to hold you back.

Even if you feel like your life has been easy and free of trauma, you can still benefit from working with a counselor.

Therapy can help you identify and change unhelpful patterns in your thoughts and behaviors.

This collection of quotes highlights the importance of regulating your emotions and setting goals for yourself.

What are your favorite therapy quotes and sayings about mental health and various types of therapy?

Let us know in the comment section below.

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