25 Alice Cooper Quotes to Inspire Music Lovers

If you’re a fan of Alice Cooper and his amazing music, you’ll enjoy our list of Alice Cooper quotes.

Apart from the quotes section, you’ll also learn about Alice Cooper and his career as a musician.

So, without any further ado, let’s start!

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An Intro to Alice Cooper 

Alice Cooper is a renowned American singer, musician, and songwriter.

He is famous for his ‘Shock Rock’ performances.

When on stage, Cooper used to carry a distinctive persona. 

He has continuously served the music industry with his unique tracks and songs.

Being active for more than five decades, Cooper served as an inspiration for a range of artists. 

Early Life:

Alice Cooper was born in Detroit, Michigan, on February 4, 1948.

His original name was Vincent Damon Furnier, and he grew up in a religious family. 

He went to a Christian school and got his early education. 

Since his childhood, Cooper has been interested in music.

He created his first band in high school named “The Earwigs.”

Initial Career 

Cooper started his singing career in the late 1960s.

It all started when he moved to Los Angeles. 

There he founded a new band called Alice Cooper. 

The early music of this band was highly influenced by psychedelic rock.

However, after a few years, the band developed its unique style and sound. 

The first album, “Pretties for You,” was launched in 1969. 

Success Story 

Cooper’s career witnessed a breakthrough with the release of “Love It to Death.”

This album was released in 1971 and featured “I’m Eighteen,” the most popular hit of the time. 

With this, Cooper successfully established himself as a strong force in the music arena. 

After that, Cooper never looked back and released several albums during the 1970s. 

A few most popular albums include:

  • “School’s Out” 
  • “Billion Dollar Babies” 
  • “Welcome to My Nightmare”

Ups and Downs 

The popularity of Alice Cooper dropped drastically in the 1980s.

However, he continued to release new albums. 

To keep himself relevant to the industry, he also started to explore other areas, including writing and acting. 

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He also appeared in a variety of films.

A few of these include:

  • “Prince of Darkness” 
  • “Wayne’s World” 

Besides, he wrote an autobiography named:

“Golf Monster: A Rock ‘n’ Roller’s Life and 12 Steps to Becoming a Golf Addict.”

But in the early 2000s, Cooper’s popularity surged to new heights. 

This was partially due to Cooper’s collaboration with younger artists like Foo Fighters and Rob Zombie. 

Top 5 Alice Cooper Quotes

Here are some of the best Alice Cooper quotes to read and share with friends and family.

1. “Yet I was Marilyn Manson – times 10.” — Alice Cooper

2. “The minute you step onstage, you get eight feet taller.”  — Alice Cooper

3. “I’m very romantic; I’m extremely romantic. I date my wife.”Alice Cooper

4. “We try to be as much involved in our product as possible because then it’s us.”Alice Cooper

5. “The two most joyous times of the year are Christmas morning and the end of school.”Alice Cooper

Deep Alice Cooper Quotes  

Alice Cooper is more than just a shock rocker. Feel the depth of his thoughts with these profound and introspective quotes on life, creativity, and society.

6. “Mistakes are part of the game. It’s how well you recover from them; that’s the mark of a great player.”Alice Cooper

7. “Drinking beer is easy. Trashing your hotel room is easy. But being a Christian, that’s a tough call. That’s rebellion.”Alice Cooper

8. “They pick all of us out, and then they decide, they computerize, decide if they like it or don’t like it, and then they go home, and then they come back again because they’re not sure what they saw.”Alice Cooper

9. “You just let your lower self go, and then it takes on all these aspects of the society – the city with horns blowing, the people yelling things at each other, and the all-in-all violence and chaos of the city. Put that on stage with music, and that’s what this is.”Alice Cooper

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10. “When you believe in God, you’ve got to believe in the all-powerful God. He’s not just God, He’s the all-powerful God, and He has total control over everyone’s life. The Devil, on the other hand, is a real character that’s trying his hardest to tear your life apart.” — Alice Cooper

Alice Cooper Quotes Related to Music

Let’s check out some more quotes by the King of Shock Rock. These quotations are mainly related to music.   

11. “I’m not crazy about country-western music. But the lyrics are good.”Alice Cooper

12. “Why be boring? Have some fun. Rock shows should be like movies: I don’t go to a movie hoping it’ll change my life.”Alice Cooper

13. “We started combining the use of light and the use of theatrics and the use of as many art forms as possible, and it’s still growing – that’s the whole idea of it.” — Alice Cooper

14. “City people live in the city. We live in L.A., New York, we live in places where it’s chaotic, and you never know what’s gonna happen. And that’s the music – you never know what’s gonna happen.”Alice Cooper

15. “When we get together and rehearse, which is always living with each other, we always talk about what would make it better, what would mean more, what would say more. So we’re always improving and growing.”Alice Cooper

Alice Cooper Quotes Related to Audience

Alice Cooper’s electrifying stage presence and connection with his audience are legendary. Discover his most memorable quotes on performing, fans, and more.

16. “We like reactions – a reaction is walking out on us, a reaction is throwing tomatoes at the stage, that’s a healthy psychological reaction.”Alice Cooper

17. “People that haven’t seen us yet are shocked because they think that Alice Cooper must be a female folksinger. They don’t expect the whole thing.”Alice Cooper

18. “We can only take it so far because man can only take it so far, lower self can only take it so far, and you have to realize that the public is only at a certain place.”Alice Cooper

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19. “I appreciate an audience that reacts to the music, even if they jump on stage and try to beat us up; I think that’s a fantastic reaction. I think that they’re really hearing something then.”Alice Cooper

20. “If it’s total freedom, I guess the ultimate thing you can go into is total silence between the audience and performer, with the performer projecting something he doesn’t even have to play.” — Alice Cooper

Some More Alice Cooper Quotes    

If you are still hungry, here are some more quotes by Alice Cooper.

21. “I always think that you should be striving to write your best song.” — Alice Cooper

22. “Well, we were all in high school, and we got together, and in college – we were in art college together.”Alice Cooper

23. “From the moment I leave my house or hotel room, the public owns me. The public made Alice Cooper, and I can’t imagine ever turning my back on my fans.”Alice Cooper

24. “Oh, I love to lie. That’s one of my favorite things in the world, coming up to somebody, especially press people, and telling them some enormous lie that couldn’t possibly be true.”Alice Cooper

25. “The late sixties and early seventies were kind of a breeding ground for exciting new sounds because easy listening and folk were kind of taking over the airwaves. I think it was a natural next step to take that blissful, easy-going sound and strangle the life out of it.”Alice Cooper

Which One of these Alice Cooper Quotes is your Favorite? 

The Alice Cooper quotes listed above are selected to offer you the best possible experience.

These quotes are relevant and authentic, making them the ideal choice for sharing via social media platforms.

Besides, you can easily find an Alice Cooper quote that inspires you the most. 

If you have found one, share it via the comments section.

We are anxious to know about your choice.

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