50 Lead by Example Quotes To Talk About It And Be About It

Take a look at these 50 lead by example quotes.

Leading by example can be the easiest or hardest for some of us.

The idea that if we know better, we do better only works if we want to do better.

It is easy to have perspectives on things that we do not follow ourselves.

Tell us your favorite lead by example quote in the comment section below.

What are the benefits of reading these lead by example quotes?

How we lead by example gets its meaning through our intent and drive, not just what we say about it or what we see in a meme.

World-renowned writer and philosopher Paulo Coelho encouraged us to “Change the world by your example, not your opinion.”

It is easy for us to lead by example by doing things we love or naturally find joy in.

Here are some things to remember when leading by example:

  • build trust by keeping your word
  • listen to others, and be empathetic
  • work alongside people and improve your skills

If we incorporate following our joy into our lifestyle, we can be the example we wish to see.

It is all about finding the balance that works for us.

Short lead by example quotes 

1. “Earn your leadership every day.” Michael Jordan

2. “A leader leads by example, not by force.” Sun Tzu

3. “Example is the best lesson there is.” Eleanor Roosevelt

4. “People imitate their leader. Lead by example.” Barbara Corcoran

5. “Change the world by your example, not your opinion.” Paulo Coelho

6. “Actions, not words, are the ultimate results of leadership.” Bill Owens

7. “An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.” Mahatma Gandhi

8. “A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.” Confucius

9. “People may teach what they know, but they reproduce what they are.” John C. Maxwell

10. “We lead not by the example of our power, but by the power of our example.” Joe Biden

Lead by example quotes about leadership

11. “Serving is the best kind of Leading.” Todd Stocker

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12. “Leadership is not position or a title; it’s action and example.” Cory Booker

13. “The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.” Ray Kroc

14. “Great leaders lead by example, not by making an example of others.” — Stewart Stafford

15. “Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions.” Harold S. Green

16. “If you aren’t leading by example. Then quite simply, you aren’t leading.” Stephen Luke Fitness

17. “The three most important ways to lead people are:… by example… by example… by example.” Albert Schweitzer

18. “Nothing so conclusively proves a man’s ability to lead others, as what he does from day to day to lead himself.” Thomas J. Watson

19. “One of the most important actions, things a leader can do, is to lead by example. If you want everyone else to be passionate, committed, dedicated, and motivated, you go first.” Marshall Goldsmith

20. “A lot of things about my way of leadership is to be vocal, but I try to lead by example – how I approach work and study the game. Do the things the right way. It’s a great responsibility I love to have.” Julius Randle

Wise lead by example quotes

21. “What you do has far greater impact than what you say.” Stephen Covey

22. “Never separate the life you live from the words you speak.” Paul Wellstone

23. “Instruction is good for a child; but example is worth more.” Alexandre Dumas

24. “People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.” Lewis Cass

25. “The deeds you do may be the only sermon some persons will hear today.” Francis of Assisi

26. “Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others; it is the only means.” Albert Einstein

27. “As you become more present in your own life, you will begin to enlighten others by your example.” Germany Kent

28. “It’s easy to ask other people to open up and to judge them if they don’t, but it’s always difficult to lead by example.” — Chris Harrison

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29. “Wronging someone doesn’t right them. Leave vengeance. Don’t become what you hate. Instead, lead by example.” Akiroq Brost

30. “I actually think that the most efficacious way of making a difference is to lead by example, and doing random acts of kindness is setting a very good example of how to behave in the world.” Misha Collins

Lead by example quotes for everyone

31. “What you are speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what you are saying.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

32. “The reality is that the only way change comes is when you lead by example.” Anne Wojcicki

33. “I’m not super outgoing, but I think the biggest thing I can do is lead by example.” Christian Pulisic

34. “Don’t just tell your kids to be active and to get outside and play. Lead by example.” Summer Sanders

35. “Every time I get on the court, I want to push my teammates to be better as a leader and lead by example.” Joel Embiid

36. “A true martial artist, in my books anyways, is someone who is going to do the right thing and lead by example.” Duane Ludwig

37. “Kids pick up and absorb a lot more than you think they do. I try to do what I think is right, and I try to lead by example.” Mark Martin

38. “Shine your light and make a positive impact on the world; there is nothing so honorable as helping improve the lives of others.” Roy T. Bennett

39. “A good example is the best gift you can offer to your children. In your absence, your example is present, which means you are present always.” Israelmore Ayivor

40. “I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people, who live what they teach, who walk their talk.” Tony Robbins

Lead by example quotes for businesses and managers

41. “Lead by Example, not by showing samples.” Seyi Ayoola

42. “Orders come from customers, not from leaders.” Joyce Rachelle

43. “I try to lead by example, being conscious of others and being responsible.” Angelina Jolie

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44. “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” John C. Maxwell

45. “Remember the difference between a boss and a leader; a boss says “Go!” a leader says “let’s go.” E. M. Kelly

46. “Life is never going to be perfect, as much as we want it to be, and I have to lead by example.” Patsy Kensit

47. “You don’t lead people by what you say to them; you lead them by what they see you do. True leaders are self-leaders.” — Israelmore Ayivor

48. “Lead and inspire people. Don’t try to manage and manipulate people. Inventories can be managed, but people must be led.” Ross Perot

49. “The real power of a leader is in the number of minds he can reach, hearts he can touch, souls he can move, and lives he can change.” Matshona Dhliwayo

50. “Lead by example with hope, never fear, and know that I will be with you, rooting for you and working to support you for the rest of my life.” Michelle Obama

How do you lead by example?

As nonviolent freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi implored us, we must be the change we wish to see in the world.

People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do; Just like people may not always remember what we say, they will always remember how we made them feel.

If people see us leading by example, that is great.

But if we need people to see us leading by example, that is a different conversation.

It does not always have to be complicated.

Leading by example means that we are not doing something for the sake of being seen by others.

Rather, it means we are doing something because it is our highest excitement.

When others bear witness to us living our joy, we serve as a blueprint for them to follow theirs, and just like that, we lead by example.

Here is a great book to check out for more about how to lead by example.

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