50 Theme Quotes Unveiling Wisdom for Life & More

Finding the best theme quotes could be a daunting task for some.

Here, you can find the most popular theme quotes under their relevant sections.

In addition, you can also find some interesting information about the term “Theme”.

So, let’s dive in!

Some Words about Themes?

Themes are crucial for almost all types of literature

In other words, themes tend to be the foundation of a story or novel.

By following the theme, a writer creates the characters and builds plots.

The key elements associated with a theme include:

  • Depth 
  • Resonance 
  • Universality 

Themes as Illustrations 

Themes are illustrations that mirror the intricacies of the human psyche and nature.

They are closely related to our fears, desires, and aspirations. 

As a result, readers can relate themselves to the characters and their situations.

The Power of Symbolism

Authors usually use symbolism and allegory associated with a theme.

This allows them to convey even the harshest message in a subtle yet impactful way.

Some of the key symbolic elements utilized by writers include:

Elements like these carry deeper meanings, which go well with almost every theme.

These literary devices allow authors to invite readers to a world full of surprises and keep them engaged.

For instance, “Animal Farm” by George Orwell symbolizes the different roles of animals with respect to political ideology. 

Interpretations that Continue to Evolve

This is among the most remarkable aspects of themes.

With the ability to evolve, the themes could fit perfectly into the changing societal contexts. 

Since historical perspectives and cultures change, themes can easily adapt to new meanings. 

Due to this adaptability, themes found in classic literature also remain relevant even after centuries.

This is so, as these themes continue to resonate with the people of the prevailing generation.

Serving as the Catalysts for Discussion

Literary themes are known for their power to spark discussions.

These debates are not confined to one faction of society or a single civilization.

On the contrary, themes are capable of jolting the stagnant poles of the status quo around the globe.

When readers are associated with a particular theme, they bring forth their own experiences. 

They continue to discuss the things that weren’t considered worthy to discuss. 

This interaction between the reader and literature is critical for the healthy growth of a society.

Top 10 Theme Quotes 

Let’s check out the top 10 theme quotes that will introduce you to the theme and will give you an idea about it.

1. “Evil hiding among us is an ancient theme.” — John Carpenter

2. “Fools are my theme, let satire be my song.” Lord Byron

3. “Diplomacy is like jazz: endless variations on a theme.” — Richard Holbrooke

4. “Memory isn’t a theme; it’s part of the human condition.” — Hilary Mantel

5. “Prosperity is necessarily the first theme of a political campaign.” Woodrow Wilson

6. “You never write a theme for a movie thinking, ‘This will live forever.’” — John Williams

7. “I hear the theme from ‘Psycho’ every time I take a shower. I lock the door.” — Eva Marie Saint

8. “Everyone needs a theme song! It should make you feel like a million dollars.” — Zooey Deschanel

9. “The theme my generation explored was the relationship between capitalism and art.” — Takashi Murakami

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10. “The English countryside, its growth, and its destruction, is a genuine and tragic theme.” — E. M. Forster

These quotes show the importance of themes in films and stories.

11. “In a lot of my films, the biggest theme is family, making families out of those around you.” — Taika Waititi

12. “You can’t tell any kind of a story without having some kind of a theme, something to say between the lines.” — Robert Wise

13. “In all love stories, the theme is love and tragedy, so by writing these types of stories, I have to include tragedy.” Nicholas Sparks

14. “Any film is about heroism: the triumph of good over evil. If you look back at my films, you will see that as a recurring theme.” — Salman Khan

15. “To produce a mighty book, you must choose a mighty theme.” — Herman Melville

Additional Quotes About Themes in Film and Stories

Here are a few additional quotes discussing the role theme plays in a story.

16. “There is a common theme, though, in the stories I have told, which are usually associations of characters or families that are formed outside of a family circle.” — Gus Van Sant

17. “Bullies are often people who are shy and can’t make friends easily, so, as the theme of the movie ‘A Bronx Tale’ tells us, it is better to be feared if you can’t be loved.” — Philip Zimbardo

18. “[A film] should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what’s behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later.” — Stanley Kubrick

19. “With The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, I used animal sounds—as you say, the coyote sound—so the sound of the animal became the main theme of the movie.” Ennio Morricone

20. “Wherever my story takes me, however dark and difficult the theme is, there is always some hope and redemption, not because readers like happy endings, but because I am an optimist at heart.” — Michael Morpurgo

Embark on a journey of introspection with these thought-provoking theme quotes, intimately connected to the intricate tapestry of life’s experiences and meaning.

21. “Failure has been the great theme of my life, I think.” — Philip Schultz

22. “My whole life has been one theme of self-sacrifice for my investors.” — Martin Shkreli

23. “The theme of my life is overcoming. It is my personal mantra and what I help other people do.” — Paula White

24. “Emotional life is – alongside work – one of the great challenges of existence and is a theme that I keep returning to.” — Alain de Botton

25. “It’s a big theme in my life, learning about myself and being a better person. I’m a work in progress; I have revelations every day.” — Rick Rubin

26. “The Puritans’ sense of priorities in life was one of their greatest strengths. Putting God first and valuing everything else in relation to God was a recurrent Puritan theme.” — Leland Ryken

More Life Theme Quotes

Enjoy a few more quotes sharing the role theme plays in our lives.

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27. “We must have a theme, a goal, a purpose in our lives. If you don’t know where you’re aiming, you don’t have a goal. My goal is to live my life in such a way that when I die, someone can say she cared.” — Mary Kay Ash

28. “I was aware of that theme of mortality in my music since around 2009. The decaying and the disappearance of the piano sound is very much symbolic of life and mortality. It’s not sad. I just meditate about it.” — Ryuichi Sakamoto

29. “My world view is that it can all go to hell in an instant, and you have to be ready for it. That’s pretty much the central theme running through my work. It’s about people’s awareness of how uncertain life can be and they’re trying to guard against that.” — David Morrell

30. “I have a different relationship with Chucky because he’s been on top of my bookshelf in the corner of my living room for my entire life. He was a great tool for scaring friends, and when I see him in different theme parks I’ve been to or in commercials, my heart swells a little bit, and I’m like, ‘Aww! It’s my Chucky!’” — Fiona Dourif

Theme Quotes that Signify the Importance of the Theme 

The following quotes highlight the importance of the theme in a various ways. 

31. “I paint according to the moment and the theme. I don’t have any prejudice. Life concerns me.” — Ralph Allen

32. “If there’s an enduring theme in my work, it’s probably the effects of class on American life.” — Richard Russo

33. “My mind is like a theme park because it’s fun and there’s lots of cool stuff, and you can take rides.” — Martellus Bennett

34. “Goal scoring is a recurring theme. If you aren’t scoring, then you aren’t going to win games. That’s obvious.” — Gary Speed

35. “I think your teenage years define your musical roots forever. You’re always looking for a theme for your high school years.” — Patrick Wilson

36. “The themes in WordPress drive a lot of design trends. It democratizes design… You make a theme, and suddenly it’s on hundreds and thousands of sites.” — Matt Mullenweg

37. “Preaching a series allows you to go into greater depth in the text, and spending several weeks on one theme allows the teaching to be absorbed more thoroughly.” — John Ortberg

38. “The difference of the degrees in which the individuals of a great community enjoy the good things of life has been a theme of declaration and discontent in all ages.” — William Herschel

39. “The President, the Administration, and the campaign need a theme. I am concerned that the President is seen as a tactician without an overall strategy of his plan for the country.” — Robert Teeter

40. “I always think it’s important to choose your initial theme very carefully because you’re going to be married to it for a long time. You might have to generate an hour’s worth of music from a very short, little piece of theme.” — Anne Dudley

Theme Quotes On Exploring Artistic Expression and Vision

Dive into the world of creativity and insight with these theme quotes, illuminating artistic expression and visionary perspectives. 

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41. “I like theme parks. The fastest roller coaster I’ve ever been on is at a casino in Nevada.” — Tia Carrere

42. ”To me, I think artists in general make a statement – and for the rest of their lives – every album, every book – are variations on a theme.” — Mark Mothersbaugh

43. “In this case, they’re doctors. But having a passion for your work and taking risks in order to better humankind. That’s a pretty big theme. It’s pretty inspiring.” — Mary Stuart Masterson

44. “It was by design that we mostly used pictures that you could not necessarily see what was going on, and that didn’t really focus in on the band, but instead focused in on a theme.” — Mike McCready

45. “I set about seeking a thread, a theme, a style, in the realm of legend. Something that might allow me to give free rein to my juvenile sense of romanticism and the beautiful image.” — Leni Riefenstahl

Additional Theme Quotes

Reflect on these final quotes about theme in art.

46. “Everyone is looking for connections between the songs. I don’t usually approach a record as a concept. There’s no overriding theme I’m trying to represent. It’s all about the individual songs.” — Tracy Chapman

47. “And our big theme has been, you have made so much progress, we urge you on with the openings and market openings that have occurred. They clearly work and continuing on that path will produce further growth and further opportunities for the Indian people.” John W. Snow

48. “I was asked by a group to write a song on the theme of brotherhood. This was before women’s liberation when brotherhood meant men and women both, so I wrote the song. Since I had always been very fond of the Passion Chorale, I wrote words to that great piece.” — Tom Glazer

49. “After Land, I wanted to continue exploring the theme, but I needed a new challenge, so I turned to colour. I explored Bradford and produced a series of urban landscapes that I liked, but because Land had made such an impact on the general public, my color work wasn’t reviewed.” — Fay Godwin

50. “I like to have recognizable themes and sounds that really connect to the project and that you can identify with that particular project. My goal is always, ‘When that theme comes on – even if you’re not in the room – you hear it and say, ‘Oh, my show is starting, I gotta watch.’” — Ramin Djawadi

Which One of these Theme Quotes is your Favorite? 

Themes are considered the invisible threads that weave the fabric of any literature.

Hence, people who love literature are also attracted to the theme quotes.

This is why we have created this comprehensive list of theme quotes.

Besides, most of these quotes are associated with popular people.

So, you can share these quotes with your friends and family without any hesitation.

If you have found a theme quote that inspires you the most, don’t forget to share it with us.

For this purpose, you can take advantage of our comments section below.

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