53 Champagne Quotes For Toasting To The Good Life

Pop the cork with these glamorous champagne quotes.

Who doesn’t like a crisp, cool glass of champagne? 

Champagne is one of the most beloved beverages on planet earth.

What makes it such a popular drink among people?

Maybe it is the bubbles. 

Champagne is three times more carbonated than beer!

No wonder it’s so bubbly.  

Did you know that there are about 49 million bubbles in a bottle of champagne?

One glass emits 30 bubbles every second.

Uncorking a bottle of champagne may be fun and look cool, but always be careful and point the cork away from your face. 

The pressure in a champagne bottle is about three times that of a car tire.

Corks pop off at almost 25 miles per hour.

People have been blinded.

You are more likely to die from a high-velocity champagne cork-related incident than from a poisonous spider bite. 

Take a moment and look through our list of champagne quotes.

And if you enjoy this article, check out our collection of party quotes to remind you that life is a party.

Best Champagne Quotes And Sayings

1. “Come quickly, I am tasting the stars!” – Dom Perignon

2. “Champagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends.” – Tom Waits Meeting

3. “Some people wanted champagne and caviar when they should have had beer and hot dogs.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

4. “Too much of anything is bad, but too much Champagne is just right.”Mark Twain

5. “Meeting Franklin Roosevelt was like opening your first bottle of Champagne; knowing him was like drinking it.” Winston Churchill

6. “Wine gives one ideas, whereas champagne gives one strategies.” – Roman Payne

7. “There comes a time in every woman’s life when the only thing that helps is a glass of Champagne.” – Bette Davis

8. “Champagne! In victory one deserves it, in defeat one needs it.” Napoleon Bonaparte

9. “The feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef; love is like being enlivened with Champagne.“ – Samuel Johnson

10. “Champagne and orange juice is a great drink. The orange improves the Champagne. The Champagne definitely improves the orange.” – Philip

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Champagne Quotes About Life

11. “Champagne is one of the elegant extras in life.” Charles Dickens

12. “Champagne, King of Wines and Wine of Kings.” – Prince Orlofsky

13. “Champagne is the only wine that leaves a woman beautiful after drinking it.” – Madame De Pompadour

14. “I remember getting flowers and champagne for being one of the first black artists on MTV. That was a big deal.” – Tionne Watkins

15. “I’ve always listened to a lot of rap. It’s all, ‘Look at this car that cost me so much money, look at this Champagne.’ It’s super fun.” – Lorde

16. “Chocolate is maybe my only vice. In particular, Godiva’s champagne truffles.” – Shilpa Shetty

17. “If the Age of Sport has been all champagne and roses hitherto, then expect our love affair with its newly-acquired prominence to become increasingly tainted by scandals about cheating.” – Martin Jacques

18. “The oil under Libya is the champagne of oil, drop for drop the world’s most valuable.” – Annie Jacobsen

19. “In fiction film, there are so many trappings – money, glory, champagne and supermodels – that attract the wolves.” – Marshall Curry

20. “I’ve worked in a call centre and as a nightclub waitress. I served champagne to Rihanna.” – Fleur East

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Champagne Celebration Quotes

21. “I want to open a destination place where you go for the best chocolate chip cookie you’ve ever had in your life, the biggest champagne list ever, the best fruit tarts you’ve tasted.” – Sherry Yard

22. “I’m always around people who want to drink very expensive champagne. But only when it’s a celebration of success.” – Flo Rida

23. “Start the day with a smile and finish it with champagne.” – Unknown

24. “Champagne has the taste of an apple peeled with a steel knife.”Aldous Huxley

25. “Champagne, if you are seeking the truth, is better than a lie detector.” – Graham Greene

26. “Do I worry about being in the public eye and raising kids? Yeah. Any situation you’re in, you’re gonna worry about raising kids. But it’s champagne problems, too. There are people who can’t feed their kids.”Kanye West 

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27. “Life’s not fair, is it? Some of us drink champagne in the fast lane, and some of us eat our sandwiches by the loose chippings on the A597.” – Victoria Wood I

28. “t’s not like I’m against alcohol. It’s just a decision I made, and if you’ve never had it, you don’t miss it. I’ve been drenched in champagne a few times over my career.” – James Milner

29. “I’ve been photographed with a glass of champagne in my hand, it’s really Red Bull.” – Stormy Daniels

Champagne Quotes From Winston Churchill

30. “Champagne is the wine of civilization and the oil of government.”Winston Churchill

31. “A single glass of champagne imparts a feeling of exhilaration. The nerves are braced; the imagination is stirred; the wits become more nimble.” – Winston Churchill

Champagne Quotes From Drake

32. “I am on a 24-hour champagne diet.”Drake

33. “Look how the champagne diamonds flow. Fine dining, pour another glass when the wine is low.” – Drake

Champagne Quotes From Coco Chanel

34. “I only drink champagne on two occasions, when I am in love and when I am not.”Coco Chanel

Champagne Bubbles Quotes

35. “If life brings you troubles, drink some champagne, then your problems will just become bubbles.” – Unknown

Champagne Breakfast Quotes

36. “Why do I drink Champagne for breakfast? Doesn’t everyone?” – Noel Coward

Funny Champagne Quotes

37. “I want to drink champagne from ladies’ shoes.” – Mal Peet

38. “My only regret in life is that I didn’t drink enough Champagne.” – John Maynard Keynes

39. “Too much of anything is bad, but too much champagne is just right.” F. Scott Fitzgerald

40. “In a perfect world, everyone would have a glass of Champagne every evening.” – Willie Gluckstern

41. “Pour the Champagne and let its mousse rise, like thousands of sparkling smiling eyes.“ – Jared M. Brown

42. “Champagne… it gives you the impression that every day is Sunday.” – Marlena Dietrich

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43. “Three be the things I shall never attain: envy, content, and sufficient champagne.” – Dorothy Parke

44. “Champagne should be cold, dry and hopefully, free.” – Christian Pol Roger

45. “He who doesn’t risk never gets to drink Champagne.” – Russian Proverb

46. “Life is too short to not have oysters and champagne sometimes.” – Christie Brinkley

47. “If life brings you troubles, drink some champagne, then your problems will just become bubbles.” – Unknown

Champagne Breakfast Quotes

48. “Why do I drink Champagne for breakfast? Doesn’t everyone?” – Noel Coward

Veuve Clicquot Champagne Quotes 

49. “Champagne, always champagne. Make mine Veuve-Clicquot.” – Patricia Wells

50. “Today, Champagne Veuve Clicquot is owned by the luxury conglomerate LVMH which also owns Champagne Moët et Chandon.” – Tilar J. Mazzeo

51. “What the hell’s wrong with mimosas?’ Aphrodite was saying. ‘Orange juice is for breakfast.’” – Unknown

52. “What about the champagne part? That’s alcohol.” – Stevie Rae said

53. “It’s pink Veuve Clicquot. That means its good champagne, which cancels out the alcohol part.” – P.C. Cast

Which of these Champagne quotes is your favorite?

France is the world’s number one producer of Champagne.

They consume almost 163 million bottles of bubbly per year.

To put that into perspective, it is 52% of the world’s entire production of champagne. 

Interestingly enough, for as much as the French love champagne, it was the English who discovered the bubbly brew.

Champagne is a celebratory drink, making it very popular at weddings. 

Be careful out there; nearly a third of champagne-related deaths occur at weddings, particularly during toast time.

Marilyn Monroe famously took a bath in champagne.

It took over 350 bottles to fill up the bathtub she used. 

While major sports leagues are known for Gatorade, Wimbledon is known for its fine champagne.

About 28,000 bottles of champagne are served at Wimbledon every year.

How do you like to enjoy champagne?

Do you have any other favorite champagne quotes and sayings to add?

Be sure to let us know in the comments.

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