80 Taurus Quotes About The Zodiac’s Most Sensual Sign

Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac and is represented by the bull.

People born between April 19 and May 20 fall under this Earth sign.

Venus, the planet of money, beauty, and of course love, rules the Taurus sign.

There are a few other things you should know about the Taurus.

What kind of person is a Taurus?

What weaknesses does a Taurus have?

What does their love life look like?

What other sign is the Taurus’ ideal match?

These Taurus quotes will tell you everything you need to know about the male and female Taurus.

Taurus likes to work with their hands, doing things like gardening and cooking.

They don’t like when things don’t remain consistent, and they prefer real fabrics over synthetic ones.

If you are looking for someone strong and steady, then these bulls can deliver.

They are reliable, patient, and practical.

They aren’t perfect though and are often stubborn (there is that bull again), possessive, and not big on comprising.

Keep reading to learn even more about the Taurus.

Don’t forget to also check out these Aries quotes about the fierce fire sign.

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Explore our complete collection of motivational quotes here.

‘I am a Taurus’ quotes

1. “I’m a Taurus, which sounds like the name of a pickup truck. I’d prefer to be born under the sign of the rock wallaby. If you’re going to interpret your life pursuant to an utterly irrational dogma, why can’t it have a cute mascot?”  Elliot Perlman

2. “I am a bull. I am Taurus. My will is awful. If I like something, there is nothing else. I was a pain in the neck. I still am a pain in the neck.”  Elsa Peretti

3. “I’m a Taurus. To the bone.”  Michelle Pfeiffer

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4. “I’m a Taurus, you know. A bull. I belong in a field.”  Matt Roper

5. “Maybe because I’m a Taurus, I like to watch plants grow.”  Bill Kreutzmann

6. “I’m a Taurus; I need a home.” — Adwoa Aboah

Taurus quotes about women

7. “Taurus woman is strong, practical, and reliable.” — Unknown

8. “Traditional Taurus female traits include emotional strength, independence, loyalty, introversion, and a flair for the artistic.” — Unknown

9. “Once a Taurus woman sets her mind to do something, she just makes it happen—no matter what.” — Unknown

10. “Taurus women typically don’t need hordes of friends, as quality over quantity is her motto.” — Unknown

11. “Taurus women have many fond memories of their childhood and often carry on many of the traditions of their family.” — Unknown

12. “Beauty-loving, sensual, and at times even slightly hedonistic, the Taurus woman naturally embraces the finer things in life.” — Unknown

13. “A Taurus woman is assertive when she needs to be, but she doesn’t mind when someone else takes the lead, especially her partner in a romantic relationship.” — Unknown

14. “Once she sets her heels, the Taurus woman is rooted to the spot in her position, so forget about trying to sway her back to your point of view.” — Unknown

15. “Most Taurus women are masters at following through, and will complete tasks which others find boring or too difficult.” — Unknown

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16. “You might call the Taurus woman bull-headed at times, but she’s not stubbornly digging her heels in just for the sake of being right.” — Unknown

17. “Although the Taurus woman is clever, she is not interested in proving herself an intellectual for the sake of it.” — Unknown

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Taurus quotes about men

18. “Symbolized by the bull, the Taurus man can be extremely stubborn.” — Unknown

19. “A Taurus man’s tendency to be so unchanging comes from being ruled by Venus, which is all about union and harmony.” — Unknown

20. “Acquisitive, the Taurus man will put his money in investments that offer safe returns. He won’t spend on cheap things as he prefers high quality.” — Unknown

21. “Proud and determined, the Taurus man persists in achieving great results and he is known for his tenacity.” — Unknown

22. “As far as his ways go, the Taurus man is always concerned with what to do next. He doesn’t take action without thinking.” — Unknown

23. “The Taurus man is the sort who will chase the big payoff and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.” — Unknown

24. “Provoke him at your own risk, for the Taurus man has a hot temper and won’t hesitate to unleash it.” — Unknown

25. “The Taurus man is ruled by his senses—he’s going to look good, smell nice, speak calmly, and have great taste.” — Unknown

26. “Taurus men keep chivalry alive and are complete romantics when it comes to anniversaries and birthdays.” — Unknown

27. “A Taurus man fully in touch with his heart and all aspects of his emotions is a truly powerful being to engage with.” — Unknown

28. “The Taurus man meets every challenge that comes his way with pride and determination.” — Unknown

Taurus quotes from famous people

29. “I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong.” Audrey Hepburn

30. “I have a pretty bad temper. But you have to really push me to see it. Everybody has their things.” Janet Jackson

31. “I am simple, complex, generous, selfish, unattractive, beautiful, lazy, and driven.” — Barbra Streisand

32. “To me, if life boils down to one thing, it’s movement. To live is to keep moving.” — Jerry Seinfeld

33. “There’s rises and falls and ups and downs in all music.” — Tim McGraw

34. “With drive and a bit of talent, you can move mountains. I know. I’ve done it.” Dwayne Johnson

35. “The only time you run out of chances is when you stop taking them.” — David Beckham

36. “Be brave and fearless to know that even if you do make a wrong decision, you’re making it for good reason.”  Adele

37. “I don’t like to share my personal life… it wouldn’t be personal if I shared it.”  George Clooney

38. “You only live once. You don’t want your tombstone to read: ‘Played it Safe.’” — Rosario Dawson

39. “I can’t stand to see red in my profit-or-loss column. I’m Taurus the bull, so I react to red. If I see it, I sell my stocks quickly.” — Barbra Streisand

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40. “Every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten. Then he who continues the attack wins.” Ulysses S. Grant

41. “Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.”  Sigmund Freud

42. “Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.”  Stevie Wonder

43. “The future starts today, not tomorrow.”  Pope John Paul II

44. “You cannot live your life looking at yourself from someone else’s point of view.” — Penelope Cruz

45. “Pick the weeds and keep the flowers.” — Kelly Clarkson

Taurus quotes that anyone born under the sign will relate to

46. “A Taurus always appears to be calm and steady even when they feel like punching you in the face.” — Anonymous

47. “The tighter you try to hold on to a Taurus the more they will slip through your fingers.”  Anonymous

48. “A Taurus will resent you for years if you do not apologize to them for being wrong and absolutely proclaim that they were right all along.”  Anonymous

49. “Taureans are stubborn as hell. They never want to tell you what sign they are… But underneath that tough Taurus hide beats the heart of a hopeless romantic.”  Armistead Maupin

50. “As an Earth sign, the Taurus is a lot about material and less about mystical.” — Unknown

Taurus Quotes That Define Taureans Character

51. “One special thing about being a Taurus is that if a way to getting what you want isn’t readily provided to you, you have no problems with making your own way.” — Mecca Woods

52. “To be a Taurus is to always be in love.” — Colin Bedell

53. “Taurus is an earth sign, so despite these bulls’ hedonistic tendencies, taureans are logical and financially responsible.” — Aliza Kelly

54. “A Taurus can be your ‘rock’ better than anyone else.” — Jake Register

55. “Taurus love is simple, plain, and honest.” — Linda

56.“Taurus is not in a rush. Taurus is focused on the present.” — Annabel Gat 

57. “A Taurus is good-humored with a magnetic allure that is hard to deny and a tactile style of affection that is simply irresistible.”—  Courtney O’Reilly.

58. “A Taurus woman who doesn’t approve of her husband’s cronies simply will not talk to them.” — Linda Goodman.

59. “Taureans are not going to be rushed. They like everything, including a friendship or love affair, to be built on a firm foundation.” — Joanna Martine Woolfolk

60. “Appreciative of all things tasty, comfortable, luxurious, and sensually pleasing, your Sun in Taurus knows how to enjoy the physical realm.” — Chani Nicholas

Taurus Quotes That Capture The Bulls Personality

61. “I’m a Taurus, which means that I have a bull-like determination, which means I’m not giving up. And that is true. I’m not.” — Charles K. Kinzer

62. “Like a pig sniffing truffles, a Taurean can literally sniff out unfaithfulness. As a creature of the earth, you have a finely tuned animal – type sense about your partner.” — Michele Knight

63. “Taurus will say whatever in the nicest possible way or say nothing at all.” — Janet Bowman Johnson

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64. “Taurus won’t forget it. Taurus doesn’t forget anything.” — Linda Goodman

65. “Taurus has an instinct for where the money is—the possibilities of a new project, the chances of an idea being lucrative—and no one is better at saving, collecting, and putting away for a rainy day.” — Joanna Martine Woolfolk

66. “Taurus worries. Don’t give them anything to worry about. Anticipate problems. Report mistakes. And don’t confuse Taurus with too much information.” — Matthew Abergel

67. “Taurus is in absolutely no rush, so embrace the opportunity to move slow and steady, letting the relationship unfold naturally.” — Elaine Dawn

68. “The Taurus person is genuinely interested in success, and there is nothing he admires more than someone who has achieved his goal.” — Margarete Beim

69. “From flowers to priceless perfume, Taurus likes to surround himself with good smells.” —

Liz Greene

70. “I am fiercely independent. I am a Taurus and that will not change.” — Nancy H. Blose

Taurus Quotes From Famous Taureans

71. “I don’t believe in happy endings, but I do believe in happy travels…” — George Clooney

72. “As a footballer you always want to test yourself against the best.” — David Beckham

73. “I have a big fear of change, or negative change, anyway.” — Kelly Clarkson

74. “I honestly think these days it’s probably considered more masculine to be emotionally connected.” — Henry Cavill

75. “My definition of beauty is without rules.” — Penelope Cruz

76. “I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints – the sinners are much more fun.” — Billy Joel

77. “The wall! Your success is on the other side. Can’t jump over it or go around it. You know what to do!” — Dwayne Johnson

78. “I don’t know if I’m very complicated at all. I wish I was. I wish I was one of those deep, intricate people. But I just love having fun, really.” — Channing Tatum

79. “It sounds depressing, but I think when you truly love someone, you’ll never stop loving them.” — Sam Smith

80. “The minute that you’re not learning, I believe you’re dead.” — Jack Nicholson

What did you learn from these Taurus quotes?

Taurus is a sign that appreciates the senses.

They enjoy soft soothing sounds, pleasant aromas, and delicious flavors.

Venus’ influence on the sign makes them the most sensual of all the signs.

They seek pleasure from all of their senses.

It is no wonder they are romantic!

What kind of partner are they, though?

They are loyal and loving but crave physical touch and intimacy.

If they aren’t getting those things, it can lead to problems because they will go and find them.

Taurus is also not known for having the best communication skills, so that can cause some issues in long-term relationships.

The most compatible signs with Taurus are generally considered to be Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces.

Leo and Aquarius are the least compatible signs, as their spontaneity and adventurous nature are in conflict with the Taurus’ need for structure and routine.

What’s your biggest takeaway from these Taurus quotes and sayings?

Are you a Taurus, or have a Taurus partner?

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