158 Domestic Violence Quotes That Shatter the Silence and Stigma
If you or someone you know is in an unsafe situation, these domestic violence quotes can help provide the type of help and support you may need.
Every year, millions of people worldwide are victims of domestic violence.
In the comment section below, let us know which domestic violence quote resonated with you.
What are the benefits of reading these domestic violence quotes?
Domestic violence can be one of the most difficult types of situations to talk about and escape from.
And sadly, it can happen to anyone – women, men, children, spouses, and even friends.
These domestic violence quotes will:
- Remind you that no one is immune to domestic violence
- Help you spot the signs and help someone
- Give you the courage to leave your current situation
If you or someone you know is in an unsafe situation, these domestic violence quotes can hopefully encourage you or them to seek the support and resources to get yourself or the person you know out.
If you are a survivor of domestic violence, these quotes can help remind you of your strength.
Domestic Violence Quotes on Courage
1. “At any given moment you have the power to say this is not how the story is going to end.” ― Christine Mason Miller

2. “And here you are living despite it all.” — Rupi Kaur
3. “Grief does not demand pity; It requests acknowledgment.” ― Jude Gibbs
4. “Trauma may happen to you, but it can never define you.” ― Melinda Longtin
5. “Don’t judge yourself by what others did to you.” — Cody Kennedy
6. “All violence is the illustration of a pathetic stereotype.”– Barbara Kruger
7. “Our wounds are our sources of growth.”— Rachel Naomi Remen
8. “You survived the abuse. You’re gonna survive the recovery.” — Olivia Benson
9. “The enemy doesn’t stand a chance when the victim decides to survive.” — Rae Smith
10. “Violence is a dark contrast to what so many of us still believe in – love.” – Robi Ludwig
Domestic Violence Quotes on Surviving
11. “You are not the darkness you endured. You are the light that refused to surrender.” ― John Mark Green

12. “Violence doesn’t equal strength.” – Becca Fitzpatrick
13. “I have the power to change my physical and emotional experience.” ― Patricia Dsouza
14. “Even child abuse specialists do not routinely screen for domestic violence. This shows how much more education we need to do, even among experts, to understand the known links between violence of the child and the parent.” ― Jocelyn Brown
15. “Raise your heart, not your hand.”― Abhijit Naskar
16. “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” — Carl Jung
17. “Never let a man put his hands on you without your permission.” – Melda Beaty
18. “All marriages are sacred, but not all are safe.” — Rob Jackson
19. “Domestic violence is the front line of the war against women.” — Pearl Cleage
20. “The COVID-19 crisis has fueled the rise of domestic violence.”― Asa Don Brown
Domestic Violence Quotes on Recovering
21. “Suspicion of Abuse gets to your toes before you see it in your face.”― Auliq Ice
22. “In violence, we forget who we are.” — Mary McCarthy

23. “[Domestic violence is] a carefully laid physical, financial and psychological trap.” — Leslie Morgan Steiner
24. “Domestic violence and sexual assault go hand in hand.” — Georgia Taylor
25. “Culture is no excuse for abuse.”― Davinder Kaur
26. “A survivor’s story is always a reality check.” – Jerald Monahan
27. “One day, I plan to love so loudly, my body abandons every demon harvesting me.” — Arati Warrier
28. “There is life after abuse. This is mine.”― Lindsay Fischer
29. “Use the darkness of your past to propel you to a brighter future.” ― Donata Joseph
30. “Domestic violence can occur at any socioeconomic level.”― Asa Don Brown
Domestic Violence Quotes on Strength
31. “I was heartbroken, scared, I had a lot of anxiety, I was worried, I felt weak, and I had no idea how I was ever going to come up with the strength. But I just closed my eyes and took a blind leap. I knew I had to get out of there.” ― Bob Casey Jr
32. “Overcoming abuse doesn’t just happen, It takes positive steps every day. Let today be the day you start to move forward.” ― Assunta Harris
33. “You can recognize survivors of abuse by their courage. When silence is so very inviting, they step forward and share their truth so others know they aren’t alone.” ― Jeanne McElvaney
34. “Your growth comes not as you work harder to get something you don’t have, but as you live in the reality of what you have already been given.” — Nancy Guthrie
35. “Trauma creates change you don’t choose. Healing is about creating change you do choose.” — Michelle Rosenthall
36. “If you want to know where to find your contribution to the world, look at your wounds. When you learn how to heal them, teach others.” — Emily Maroutian
37. “Sometimes the shame is not the beatings, not the rape. The shaming is in being asked to stand judgment.” ― Meena Kandasamy
38. “When it comes to abuse, you believe there’s no way out. There is always help. There is always a way out.” ― Rev. Donna Mulvey
39. “Violence never brings permanent peace. It solves no social problem: it merely creates new and more complicated ones.” – Barack Obama
40. “If we are to fight discrimination and injustice against women we must start from the home for if a woman cannot be safe in her own house then she cannot be expected to feel safe anywhere.” ― Aysha Taryam
41. “Survivors of abuse show us the strength of their personal spirit every time they smile.” ― Jeanne McElvaney
42. “Abuse is the weakest expression of strength. It is weakness to destroy what you ought to protect, build and make better.” ― Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
43. “The best revenge is creating your own happiness despite a person’s wish to take you down.” ― Melinda Longtin
44. “The more that we choose not to talk about domestic violence, the more we shy away from the issue, the more we lose.” ― Russell Wilson
45. “I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.” — Brené Brown
46. “Each time a woman stands up for herself without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.” — Maya Angelou
47. “We can all take responsibility for helping to bring about change, and keeping our friends and colleagues safe from domestic violence.” – Charles Clarke
48. “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.” —Rikki Rogers
49. “Threatening a current or former partner isn’t passion, or love, or heartache. It’s violence, it’s abuse and it’s a crime.”― Miya Yamanouchi
50. “Never believe a man’s claim that he has to harm his partner in order to protect her; only abusers think this way.”― Lundy Bancroft
51. “Physical aggression by a man toward his partner is abuse, even if it happens only once.”― Lundy Bancroft
52. “I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.” – Mahatma Gandhi
53. “Abuse, regardless of how it manifests itself, will destroy the trust and, in the end, can destroy the relationship.” – Dr. Ramona Probasco
54. “All violence consists of some people forcing others, under threat of suffering or death, to do what they do not want to do.”– Leo Tolstoy
55. “Domestic violence is frequently excused when alcohol and other substances are involved.” – Asa Don Brown
Powerful domestic violence quotes
56. “Every woman who thinks she is the only victim of violence has to know that there are many more.” – Salma Hayek
57. “Sexual assault and domestic violence are difficult things to talk about. Talk about them anyway.” — Mariska Hargitay
58. “From every wound there is a scar, and every scar tells a story. A story that says, -I survived.” ― Fr. Craig Scott
59. “I realize now I am a survivor. I am a stronger woman for opening my eyes and stepping away from someone who didn’t respect themselves and would never respect me.” ― Lori
60. “The boys had always been her reason to stay, but now for the first time they were her reason to leave. She’d allowed violence to become a normal part of their life.” ― Liane Moriarty
61. “I want to tell people that family violence happens to anybody, no matter how nice your house is, no matter how intelligent you are.” — Rosie Batty
62. “The effects of abuse are devastating and far-reaching. Domestic violence speaks many languages, has many colors and lives in many different communities.” — Sandra Pupatello
63. “Leaving an abusive partner is a very difficult thing to do. It frequently feels like you are failing, or destroying your family, or not trying to work things out, or not giving your partner a second chance.” ― Blaine Nelson
64. “Someone once asked me how I hold my head up so high after all I have been through. I said it’s because no matter what, I am a survivor, not a victim.” — Patricia Buckley
65. “Domestic violence is an epidemic, and yet we don’t address it. Until it happens to celebrities.” — Nelsan Ellis
66. “The time when domestic violence is the most lethal is when the person is trying to leave the situation.” — Julie Johnston
67. “Men have an important role to play in sending out the message that real men do not hurt or abuse their partners.” — Ian Somerhalder
68. “Pregnant women are more likely to die from homicide by domestic violence than any other cause of death.” — Lois Capps
More domestic violence quotes
69. “The best protection against rape, stalking, and domestic violence is to raise men who both understand that women are different, and would never dare take advantage of this difference.”— Wendy Shalit
70. “Domestic violence is not just perpetrated by a husband or a partner. Families too are a party to it. To my mind, violation of basic human rights by anybody around us – a parent, a sibling or a relative – is domestic violence.”― Balroop Singh
71. “One of the most basic things we can do is let the men in our lives know it’s not okay to mistreat a woman.” — Tim McGraw
72. “I don’t know what kind of people you grew up with but raising your hand to the powerless is no act of manliness.”― Sarvesh Jain
73. “It’s not enough for women to speak out on the issue – for the message to be strong and consistent, women’s voices must be backed up by men’s.” — John Conyers
74. “Violence is violence and can in no way be misconstrued as discipline under any circumstance cultural or otherwise.”― Aysha Taryam
75. “No woman has to be a victim of physical abuse. Women have to feel like they are not alone.” – Salma Hayek
76. “We have your backs. We’re going to keep fighting for you. And we’re going to keep working until every survivor is safe and has opportunity to thrive.” – Julian Castro
77. “We need to replace victim-blaming and shaming with community outrage that domestic violence, domestic abuse, and intimate partner violence is happening.” – Survivor Statement from The Power of WE Workshop
78. “It is not the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind.” — Aisha Mirza
79. “Enough to anyone who excuses sexual assault. Enough to anyone who turns a blind eye to the violence so many women, children, and yes, men are subjected to. Enough condoning toxic masculinity with euphemisms like ‘boys will be boys.’ Enough. Together we can, and we will, put an end to domestic violence.” – Julian Castro
80. “When women come together united in vision, we can shake things up.” – Caroline “Carrie” Bettinger-Lopez
Domestic Violence Quotes To Keep You Away From Toxic Relationships
81. “I lived in Complexo do Alemao until I was 12, dealt with domestic violence in my childhood and faced difficulties in life.” — Maria das Gracas Silva Foster
82. “Women’s Aid is a fantastic charity which has my full support. I am proud to call myself a Real Man, a man who will stand up against domestic violence.” — Neil Fox
83. “They don’t like the thought of someone else making demands on the person whom they see as belonging entirely to them.” — Jodi Picoult
84. “The rule of thumb is that if someone is able to be verbally or physically abusive, he or she is able to understand that the behavior is wrong.” — Edward T Welch
85. “Domestic violence isn’t funny, especially if you live together.” — Dov Davidoff
86. “Domestic violence was a way of life in my home growing up, my brother and I watched helplessly numerous times as my mother was beaten and knocked unconscious while we dialed 911.” — Troy Vincent
87. “A lot of people think that domestic violence is if someone hits, kicks, [or] punches you.” — Robin McGraw
88. “Young men need to show women the respect they deserve and recognize sexual assault and to do their part to stop it.” — Barack Obama
89. “My mother and I are big domestic violence advocates.” — Brandon Marshall
90. “It can be really frightening for young people to see their parents fighting. Remember, you’re not alone and there are people out there who can support you.” — Neil Buchanan
Domestic Violence Quotes To Put an End to Abuse and Pain
91. “The most brutal form of domestic violence is the violence against unborn children, and this particular bill would prohibit abortions after the fetus feels pain, which is 20 weeks and older.” — Joseph Fischer
92. “Luke was a little boy in a growing body that felt pain and sadness and fear for his mum, and he always believed he would be safe with his dad.” — Rosie Batty
93. “I’ve overcome neglect and deprivation, abandonment and abuse.” — Tatum O’Neal
94. “Unfortunately, many children throughout the UK witness violence in the family home. Let’s stand up for those children. Domestic violence needs to stop.” — Shaun Wright-Phillips
95. “Those of us who have the eyes and ears of the media have a responsibility to amplify the voices of the voiceless.” — Peter Gabriel
96. “So many people suffer from abuse, and suffer alone.” — Pamela Stephenson
97. “Women initiate most domestic violence.” — Dov Charney
98. “Hey ladies, I’m willing to do my part to end domestic violence by posting a selfie online. Some might call me a hero.” — Nev Schulman
99. “I never want anyone to be sitting where I’m sitting and to have lost their son, because I can never get Luke back.” — Rosie Batty
100. “There are many women in their late teens and early twenties who have either experienced violence in a relationship or have witnessed it at home in their childhood.” — Miquita Oliver
Domestic Violence Quotes To Gain Emotional Stability
101. “Domestic violence and violence against women in general seems to be a big problem everywhere in the world. It seems to me this problem comes from stress, pent up anger, frustration, and all kinds of negativity within human beings.” — David Lynch
102. “These women need to feel that we’re all aware of what they may be going through, to give them the confidence to speak out.” — Anna Friel
103. “She could just pack up and leave, but she does not visualize what’s beyond ahead.” — Núria Añó
104. “It’s so important to raise awareness of this problem that continues to affect 1 in 4 women at some point in their lifetime, regardless of career, wealth or background.” — Anna Friel
105. “I am a survivor of domestic violence.” — Brooke Axtell
106. “Nowhere in the world is a woman safe from violence. The strengthening of global commitment to counteract this plague is a movement whose time has come.” — Asha-Rose Migiro
107. “Men say they love independence in a woman, but they don’t waste a second demolishing it brick by brick.” — Candice Bergen
108. “We can all do something to help end domestic violence. A Real Man would never abuse his partner or children, and I am proud to put my name to the Women’s Aid Real Man campaign.” ― Ricky Whittle
109. “Sexual, racial, gender violence and other forms of discrimination and violence in a culture cannot be eliminated without changing culture.” — Charlotte Bunch
110. “Victims of domestic violence need assistance and deserve justice, I commend the crime unit’s efforts to put offenders behind bars and reach out to victims.” — Bob Riley
Domestic Violence Quotes By Advocates and Survivors
111. “The most dangerous thing about domestic violence is that it often starts with small acts of cruelty and escalates.” ― Tony Porter
112.”Domestic violence is not a one-time event, it’s a pattern of behavior.” ― Beverly Gooden
113. “Domestic violence is not an argument, it’s a crime.” ― Ida B. Wells
114. Domestic violence is not just a women’s issue, it’s a human rights issue.” ― Emma Watson
115. “Domestic violence is not a choice, it’s a learned behavior.” ― Andrew Fivecoat
116. “Domestic violence is not a minor disagreement or a conflict between partners. It is a pattern of intentional and coercive behavior used to maintain power and control.” ―Gwen Carr
117. “Domestic violence is not just physical, it can be emotional, financial, and sexual.” ― Rachel Louise Snyder
118. “Domestic violence is not a private matter, it’s a public health crisis.” ― Jill Biden
119. “Domestic violence is not a love story, it’s an abuse story.” ― Laura Bates
120. “Domestic violence is not just hitting, it’s control that one person has over the other person.” ― Rosie O’Donnell
Domestic Violence Quotes To Break The Silence
121. “This is not love. It is a crime… You can’t look the other way just because you have not experienced domestic violence with your own flesh.” — Salma Hayek
122. “It’s incredibly dangerous to leave an abuser, because the final step in the domestic violence pattern is: kill her.” — Leslie Morgan Steiner
123. “Domestic violence is a conversation and a concern that is now easily a top-five hot button issue that needs to be addressed in our society.” — Ray McElroy
124. “Just to be clear… Violence is never okay Attacking another person is not cool It is morally wrong and offensive to hit another person If you support the actions of abuse then you condone the behavior” ― Germany Kent
125. “Putting up with an abusive person is like living with a pig in a pigsty and pretending not to care about the smell.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
126. “Domestic violence is never an acceptable form of communication.” ― Asa Don Brown
127. “Our society should be safe for women to live, they are prone to rape, domestic violence, and all manner of abuses, we need to do all we can in order for us to protect them from harms.” ― Bamigboye Olurotimi
128. “People expect all stories of abuse to be loud and angry but they’re not.
Sometimes they’re quiet and cruel and swept under the rug.” ― Trista Mateer
129. “We are a society of excuses, shame and blame; we avoid accountability and often project our responsibility when involving domestic violence.” ― Asa Don Brown
130. “To help break the cycle of domestic violence, we must allow survivors to take time off from work without fear of losing their job, to go to court, to see a doctor or to find a safe place to live.” — Lucille Roybal-Allard
Domestic Violence Quotes to Empower and Combat Domestic Violence
131. Domestic violence is not just a crime; it’s a sin against humanity that we must collectively fight against.” ― Malala Yousafzai
132. “Love should never hurt. It should never know the cruel fist of violence.” ― Michelle Obama
133. “Silence in the face of domestic violence perpetuates the cycle. Speak up, break the silence, and save lives.” ― Desmond Tutu
134. “Real strength is not in the power to harm others, but in the courage to stand against violence and protect the vulnerable.” ― Emma Watson
135. “Domestic violence is a dark stain on society’s conscience. We must relentlessly work towards its eradication.” ― Kofi Annan
136. “Empathy and compassion are the antidotes to domestic violence. Let’s foster these qualities in our communities and create a safer world for everyone.” ― Dalai Lama
137. “Every survivor of domestic violence deserves to be heard, believed, and supported. Let’s create a world where they can heal and thrive.” ― Oprah Winfrey
138. “Love is not control; it’s freedom. Domestic violence shatters the essence of love. Let’s rebuild it with understanding and respect.” ― Angelina Jolie
139. “Ending domestic violence starts with us – in our homes, in our communities. Let’s teach our children love, not violence.” ― Nelson Mandela
140. “Domestic violence doesn’t discriminate; it affects people of all backgrounds. We must unite in our efforts to end this epidemic.” ― Malala Yousafzai
Domestic Violence Quotes to Create Awareness and Break the Silence
141. “Domestic violence is a reflection of our society’s failures. It’s time we rewrite this story with love, respect, and equality.” ― Hillary Clinton
142. “The scars of domestic violence may not always be visible, but they are real and lasting. Let’s be the healers, not the perpetrators.” ― Ellen DeGeneres
143. “True strength is in breaking the cycle of violence, not perpetuating it. Let’s choose kindness and empathy over cruelty.” ― Pope Francis
144. “Domestic violence is a human rights violation that affects us all. Together, we can create a world where no one lives in fear.” ― Malala Yousafzai
145. “Abuse thrives in silence and secrecy. Let’s break the silence, support survivors, and put an end to domestic violence.” ― Michelle Obama
146. “Love should empower, not imprison. Let’s redefine love as a force for good and eliminate domestic violence.” ― Emma Watson
147. “In the fight against domestic violence, our weapon is awareness, our armor is empathy, and our victory is a world free from abuse.” ― Kofi Annan
148. “The greatest act of love is protecting the ones you love from harm. Let’s choose love over violence in our homes and communities.” ― Dalai Lama
149. “Domestic violence is a global issue that requires a united front. Together, we can break the chains of abuse and build a safer world.” ― Oprah Winfrey
150. “Survivors of domestic violence are not weak; they are incredibly strong. Let’s honor their resilience and support their journey to healing.” ― Angelina Jolie
151. “Emotional abuse is any type of abuse that is not physical in nature. It can include everything from verbal abuse to the silent treatment, domination to subtle manipulation.” ― Beverly Engel
152. “Yet, when child sex offenders are brought to justice and serve time for their offenses, they are often released into unsuspecting communities and left free to resume their sexual attacks.” ― Bob Ney
153. “An injury is much sooner forgotten than an insult.” ― Lord Chesterfield
154. “As novices, we think we’re entirely responsible for the way people treat us. I have long since learned that we are responsible only for the way we treat people.” ― Rose Wilder Lane
155. “As a Goodwill Ambassador for UNIFEM, I’ve learned that violence against women knows no boundaries. Join me in helping women worldwide who have suffered unthinkable violence.” ― Nicole Kidman
156. “The attacks of which I have been the object have broken the spring of life in me… People don’t realize what it feels like to be constantly insulted.” ― Edouard Manet
157. “Nearly one in four women will experience domestic violence during her lifetime. And slightly more than half of female victims of domestic violence live in households with children under age 12.” ― Lucille Roybal-Allard
158. “I represent an affluent district, but when I worked to form my county’s first battered-women’s shelter, some nights there were no beds left. Violence against women crosses all economic lines.” ― Lynn Woolsey
What are you doing to prevent domestic violence?
If you have experienced domestic violence or know someone who has, these domestic violence quotes can help provide the type of help and support you may need right now – even if what you’re going through cannot be fixed by words.
Asking for help is just one of the first steps toward recovery.
This type of situation is difficult to deal with, but you don’t need to go through it alone.
Overcoming a domestic violence situation can push a person to their limits.
But, if you are a victim, then know that within you, there is the strength to continue the fight for survival and live a happy, safe life.
What’s your biggest takeaway from these domestic violence quotes and sayings?
Do you have any other helpful quotes to add?
Let us know in the comment section below.
Reshma Arora
May 9, 2023 at 5:05 PM
Violence against women is also by cruel, insecure and envious women.
Men who are violent are mentally sick, uneducated and need clinical treatment also
February 7, 2023 at 12:55 PM
I have the right to fight for my life, because this life is mine, and I have overcome so many obstacles and darkness to just let my flame burn out by a guy who wants to see me go down in it. It wont happen, I have yet to see and yet to live for, this is not the end of me.
Wavinya Mutwii
January 24, 2023 at 2:47 PM
Sometimes the shame is not the beatings, not the rape. The shaming is in being asked to stand judgment.” ― Meena Kandasamy
This is the comment that resonated with me today. I have experienced alot of tough days. And I feel like nobody is on my side. The shaming and the blaming. From being told that, I don’t know what love of a man or love of money feels like. Or rather I do not know the difference. And the cycle continues. It is the shaming, the name calling that is weighing me down.
All I know is that, it is so easy for people to offer advice when they are not the ones dealing with the pain and the hurt.
April 5, 2022 at 4:39 PM
I am a victim of emotional abuse … it felt like my husband
October 6, 2021 at 8:06 AM
I agree I really think that it is important for anyone to feel like they are strong enough to walk away and get help. You will be surprise how willing a best friend and family member will be willing to help and hear you out. And it’s true most abusers in intimate relationship that are close with your family or friends will try to make their victims look bad towards the family and close friends you guys have in common, it’s just to cover their tracks of what they are doing to you, most family may already sense that something is wrong but because you are not speaking up and they are trying to figure things out, they will end up asking the boyfriend or girlfriend what’s going on instead of you. And for the person being abuse it will show you will probably look distress around your family and not even realize it. The abuser does and will say whatever they want to say to the family and they will never let you know the conversation that had with your family member. They would really lie and probably tell your family that you are depressed or going through mental issues and they are the ones who are actually causing it. Please speak up and go to someone and don’t be ashamed.
September 29, 2020 at 12:06 AM
Every one of these quotes is indicative of the strength that we all have . Unfortunately many times those that didn’t live the horror pass judgment while you are attempting to survive . The common ignorant question of why did you stay will hopefully someday go away. One statistical fact that after leaving the percentage of being killed more than doubles. Nobody would ever chose to be a victim but we all chose to survive . I’m hoping this upcoming awareness month helps people to understand without passing criticism or degrading the person the amount of strength that is required to embrace becoming a survivor . For those that thought less of me or made fun of me please know that dismissing or discarding a victim is in the same category of abuse . Congratulations to all that have regained their strength and identity. For those that are wanting to leave but feel they can’t know the beauty of living again is within you trust it . Our group represents resilience , integrity and self preservation.