140 Inspirational Gamer Quotes To Get Your Game On
These gamer quotes from some of your favorite games are truly inspirational, and they can also impart some life wisdom.
They can apply to nearly any situation.
Let us know your favorite gamer quote in the comment section below.
What are the benefits of reading gamer quotes?
Bust those stereotypes with these gamer quotes!
Gamers are not just:
- Teens and kids
- Single men
- Unmotivated people
Now, there are quite a few quotes about just who is playing video games these days.
It isn’t just kids and teens; it is 30-40-year-olds.
And they aren’t all male either, although it feels like a man’s world sometimes.
As a female, I am often surrounded by guys in the group chat.
When I share with people that I game, I get that look that practically screams, “But you don’t live in your mom’s basement… and you’re a… girl!”
Keep reading for some gamer quotes about the concept of the “girl gamer!”
It might also surprise you how many direct quotes from a game can make the perfect Instagram captions.
You don’t have to be a gamer to use them either!
Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration.
Our inspirational quote category page has even more inspirational and educational quotes.
Gamer quotes from games that make perfect Instagram captions
1. “Hesitation is defeat.” — Shadows Die Twice

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2. “Keep friends close and enemies guessing.” — League of Legends

3. “I have come to retrieve my power. You can’t handle it.” — Dante’s Awakening

4. “A hero need not speak. When he is gone, the world will speak for him.” — Halo 3

5. “If I cannot outsmart them, I will outfight them.” — Dota 2

6. “Tasted a good life once… needed salt.” — League of Legends

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7. “Wanting something does not give you the right to have it.” — Assassin’s Creed 2

8. “Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.” — Animal Crossing

9. “The monster you have killed is returned to kill you.” — God of War

10. “There is a thin line between life and death. You will find me there.” — Apex Legends

Funny gamer quotes
11. “The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.” – G-Man, Half-Life 2

12. “Bring me a bucket, and I’ll show you a bucket!” – Psycho, Borderlands 2

13. “It’s time to kick ass and chew bubblegum… and I’m all outta gum.” – Duke Nukem, Duke Nukem 3D

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14. “It’s easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield.” – Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid

15. “Nothing is true, everything is permitted.” – Ezio Auditore, Assassin’s Creed 2

16. “Good men mean well. We just don’t always end up doing well.” – Isaac Clarke, Dead Space 3

17. “Stay awhile, and listen!” – Deckard Cain, Diablo 2

18. “What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.” – Dracula, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

19. “My brothers and sisters… I will see you again. Someday. You’ve given them back to me.” – Lord Saladin Forge, Destiny

20. “Games were not just a diversion, I realized. Games could make you feel.” – Sid Meier

Gamer quotes that show how dedicated some people are
21. “I don’t claim to be a pro gamer in any shape or form.” — Hidetaka Miyazaki

22. “I would say I’m a casual gamer. I’m not hardcore.” — Bruce Feirstein

23. “I’m a massive ‘WoW’ nerd and gamer in general.” — Kristian Nairn

24. “Needless to say, nobody is born an avid gamer.” — Satoru Iwata

25. “I’m a gamer. I play PlayStation all the time.” — Luke Goss

26. “I gotta get my skills back up the par to call myself a gamer.” — Ice Cube

27. “I’m a think gamer with twitch tendencies.” — Aisha Tyler

28. “I could lie and tell you I’m a hardcore gamer—I’m not.” — Josie Maran

29. “I’m a hardcore gamer and would never let you down by designing a crappy title.” — John Romero

30. “Gaming brings people together.” — Lisa Su

Check out our collection of Minecraft quotes if you enjoy this article.
Gamer quotes about life and lessons you can learn
31. “If our lives are already written, it would take a courageous man to change the script.” — Alan Wake
32. “Games have so much freedom. You can go anywhere you want.” — Jeneva Chen
33. “Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour.” — The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
34. “We all make choices, but in the end… our choices make us.” — Andrew Ryan, Bioshock
35. “Failure doesn’t mean the game is over, it means try again with experience.” — Unknown
36. “On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a computer programmer. But in my heart, I am a gamer.” — Satoru Iwata
37. “Hope is what makes us strong. It is why we are here. It is what we fight with when all else is lost.” — God Of War 3
38. “Now if you play video games all the time and you’re a real gamer, you’re not going to use the Game Genie, you’re not going to use the codes.” — Tony Ferguson
39. “I always thought being a gamer and someone who had a sense of responsibility to the game and to my teammates was the honorable thing.” — Cal Ripken, Jr.
40. “Some trees flourish, others die. Some cattle grow strong, others are taken by wolves. Some men are born rich enough and dumb enough to enjoy their lives. Ain’t nothing fair. You know that.” — John Marston, Red Dead Redemption
Gamer quotes about why people love it and who’s playing
41. “I’m a card-carrying nerd, a gamer, and sci-fi geek.” — Marcus Sakey
42. “Playing video games is something I enjoy in my spare time. I’m a gamer, always have been.” — Kevin Garnett
43. “I was like, ‘I want us to stop using that term. I’m not a ‘girl gamer.’ I’m just a gamer.’ The reasons I love gaming are the same reasons everyone loves gaming.” — Aisha Tyler
44. “You know, it’s very acceptable to be a video gamer and be 35 years old. It’s acceptable to be a Lego adult fan and build amazing things, even though you’re 40 or 25 years old.” — Jorgen Vig Knudstorp
45. “The idea of the ‘lone gamer’ is really not true anymore. Up to 65 percent of gaming now is social, played either online or in the same room with people we know in real life.” — Jane McGonigal
46. “Gaming is one of those things that’s pretty amazing because when you think about it, everybody wants to game; whether you’re a casual gamer, or you’re an enthusiast gamer, there’s a large market for us.” — Lisa Su
47. “I feel like maybe I’m part of that generation that became more of a gamer than a video consumer. It’s always been something I’ve done with my spare time. If I had three hours on a Friday night, I’m not out partying. I’m probably playing video games.” — Felicia Day
48. “The average age of a gamer is 33 years old, not eight years old, and in fact, if we look at the projected demographics of video gameplay, the video game players of tomorrow are older adults.” — Daphne Bavelier
49. “There’s the idea that gaming is a closed door and that men are holding access to who gets in or out, and you have to prove – if you’re female – that you’re a real gamer. I think the younger generation—they don’t care.” — Ashly Burch
50. “As others have recently suggested, the term ‘gamer’ is no longer useful as an identity because games are for everyone. These days, even my mom spends an inordinate amount of time gaming on her iPad. So I’ll take a cue from my younger self and say I don’t care about being a ‘gamer,’ but I sure do love video games.” — Anita Sarkeesian
Gamer Quotes For Avid Gamers
51. “If there is nothing in the chest, a chest doesn’t mean anything.” — Soul Blazer.
52. “Heroes never die.” — Mercy, Overwatch
53. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts — ‘Call of duty.” — Modern Warfare
54. “True grace is beautiful in its imperfection, honest in its emotion, freed by its on reality” — League of Legends.
55. “In summers, after 1 hour of extreme gaming you can use your laptop to iron your shirt.” –— Neetesh Dixit.
56. “To me the arcade experience is the ultimate gaming experience.” — Eugene Jarvis.
57. “But I’m the worst sort of gamer because I don’t stick to things and I don’t really care about winning. It’s the same with sports and stuff like that. If it’s too difficult, I’ll stop.” — Charlotte Ritchie
58. “Gaming-related content will redefine entertainment and I am looking forward to leading the way.” — Dr. Disrespect.
59. “You have not seen desperation and helplessness till you have seen a man hopeless in love. Of course, unless you have seen a gamer.” — Vineet Raj Kapoor.
60. “A game is the complete exploration of freedom within a restrictive environment.” –— Vineet Raj Kapoor.
Gamer Quotes For Fun and Inspiration
61. “If gaming were seen as an art, the important question would be not whether games are good for us but whether they are good, full stop.” — Naomi Alderman
62. “I’ve always thought that gaming and YouTube and the web is a very post-punk extravaganza.” — Malcolm Mclaren
63. “Zynga made social gaming and play a worldwide phenomenon, and we remain the industry leader.” — Mark Pincus
64. “I think gaming has influenced popular culture in a huge way. It’s worked its way into novels, and blockbuster movies.” — Bill Bailey
65. “Realistically, guys who are into gaming are not necessarily watching television.” — Bonnie Hammer
66. “Gaming is the backbone of Nevada’s economy.” — Kenny Guinn
67. “Gaming provides us with some very good signals about consumers and what they’re interested in.” — Peggy Johnson
68. “We set up a situation and let you interact with it and see the consequences of your choice. That’s what gaming does.” — Warren Spector
69. “I think that gaming is more fun when you’re playing with people that you know.” — Michael Morhaime
70. “Much of the excitement about virtual reality has come from the gaming community.” — Maria Konnikova
Gamer Quotes From Passionate Gamers
71. “The further you get into technology, the further you go into gaming. That’s the general rule.” ― Nick Johnson
72. Pele was the most complete player I’ve ever seen.” ― Bobby Moore
73. “When it came to football there was a certain age where I realized that my future in football was being a grease spot on the side of some bigger player.” ― Leigh Steinberg
74. “What I’m really excited about is that continued challenge to create things that gamers of all experiences can play.” ― Shigeru Miyamoto
75. “I had always been intrigued by the emotional aspect of adventure gaming-the fact that people get so personally involved.” ― Roberta Williams
78. “Within reasonable limits, a professional player should keep busy at music.” ― Teddy Wilson
77. “I foresee online gaming changing when there are good audio-visual links connecting the participants, thus approximating play in a face-to-face group.” ― Gary Gygax
78. “I’ve always been a gamer. I play a version of Dungeons & Dragons.” ― Thomas Middleditch
79. “Football is a game of skill, we kicked them a bit and they kicked us a bit.” ― Graham Roberts
80. “Im a geek – I read fantasy novels, I play World of Warcraft, Im a massive gamer, I have Star Trek outfits.” ― Robert Kazinsky
Gamer Quotes To Make You Passionate About Your Best Game
81. “I think I can make an entirely new game experience, and if I can’t do it, some other game designer will.” ― Shigeru Miyamoto
82. “Marrying to increase love is like gaming to become rich; alas, you only lose what little stock you had before.” ― William Wycherley
83. “I made a game effort to argue but two things were against me: the umpires and the rules.” ― Leo Durocher
84. “Being an artist is a very long game. It is not a 10-year game. I hope I’ll be around making art when I’m 80.” ― Anish Kapoor
85. “I love playing with Jeff. That’s something I never really say in the press, but he’s my favorite bass player. I’ve played right next to him for 10 years.” ― Mike McCready
86. “Coaches who can outline plays on a black board are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their player and motivate.” ― Vince Lombardi
87. “Annika has the type of game I want to work on. She’s just so consistent. Hopefully I’ll be like that one day.” ― Michelle Wie
88. “Every player has the option to have metal spikes or other spikes or whatever they feel most comfortable in.” ― Bernhard Langer
89. “I love the game of baseball.” ― Nomar Garciaparra
90. “If you aren’t playing well, the game isn’t as much fun. When that happens I tell myself just to go out and play as I did when I was a kid.” ― Thomas Watson, Jr.
Gamer Quotes To Change Your Insight In Gaming
91. “The gaming world isn’t filled only with violence and depravity. In fact, it’s mostly enchanting.” — Naomi Alderman
92. “I have a little bit of that gamer spirit in me. I just don’t have the time to be a gamer. But in another life, I would be one.” — J. cole
93. “ If you make it a game, gamers will play it no matter what your motivation is in making it.” — Jane McGonigal
94. “Gamers always believe that an epic win is possible and that it’s always worth trying and trying now.” — Jane McGonigal
95. “I’ve always been a gamer, and I had a period where I was gaming at a really hardcore level.” — Aisha Tyler
96. “We’re also confident that gamers are going to love our vision of the future.” — Larry Hryb
97. “Gamers are a core, reliable audience but also a critical one. One that knows the ins and outs of games.” — James Desborough
98. “Yeah, actually, gamers in the house forever.” ― Thomas Pyncho
99. “There are people who are very dismissive of games and gamers.” — Jane McGonigal
100. “Without Gamers, the games industry in all its success and glory today could not exist.” — James Desborough
Gamer Quotes For Art and Social Development
101. “Gaming is about learning, about taking risks, about living vicariously.” ― Jane McGonigal
102. “Gaming is not a solitary pursuit, it’s a social one. It’s about connecting people and sharing experiences.” ― Raph Koster
103. “Gaming is not just about entertainment, it’s about community, learning, and growth.” ― Jane McGonigal
104. “Video games are an art form and can be just as valid as any other medium for storytelling.” ― Joss Whedon
105. “A game is a series of interesting choices.” ― Sid Meier
106. “The beauty of a living game is that it changes over time.” ― John Smedley
107. “Video games are an incredibly powerful medium for storytelling and personal expression. They are the future of entertainment.” ― Tim Schafer
108. “Games are not a waste of time. They are an investment in personal development and social connections.” ― Jane McGonigal
109. “Video games are a form of art, and they deserve to be treated as such.” ― Hideo Kojima
110. “The world of gaming is a constantly evolving landscape of new experiences and challenges.” ― Reggie Fils-Aime
Gamer Quotes to Level Up Your Inspiration
111. “Gaming is a way to travel without moving an inch.” — Anurag Prakash Ray
112. “The only thing that interferes with my gaming is when my girlfriend says, ‘Let’s go out.'” — Louis C.K.
113. “Gaming is not a crime; it’s an art form.” — Ernest Cline
114. “Gaming is not about winning; it’s about the experience and the journey.” — Sid Meier
115. “Video games are a form of entertainment that are a step away from reality.” — Ludwig Kietzmann
116. Life is more fun when you play games.” — Roald Dahl
117. “The best way to predict the future is to create it in a game.” — Peter Diamandis
118. “Education should learn from the positive side of gaming – reward, accomplishment, and fun.” — Sebastian Thrun
119. “Gaming has been a great way to get to know people. That’s part of what I love about games, that they are social.” — Rich Sommer.
120. “For me, the cool thing is doing things that could only be done in gaming.” — Warren Spector.
Gamer Quotes About the Power of Pixels
121. “Do we care about gaming? We absolutely care.” — Lisa Su
122. “It’s odd to grow up in a gaming town because… we know all of the tricks that are going on behind the scenes.” — Madchen Amick
123. “The social element has really transformed the gaming experience.” — Bobby Kotick
124. “It’s exciting to see a brand like Hershey’s is getting into the gaming world.” — Ninja
125. “I do a lot of gaming.” — Big Show
126. “Video games are a huge, incredibly popular, world-transforming medium.” — Austin Grossman
127. “Video games and computers have become babysitters for kids.” — Taylor Kitsch
128. “Gaming-related content will redefine entertainment and I am looking forward to leading the way.” — Dr. Disrespect
129. “If you make every game a life-and-death thing, you’re going to have problems. You’ll be dead a lot.” — Dean Smith
130. “In video games, one of the most helpless against injustice can even mighty.” — Glenn Greenwald.
131. “I created a character who plays multiplayer video games, and he’s considered the most dominating gaming specimen.” ― Dr. Disrespect
132. “I’ll always put the best interests of our people first – and that includes expanding gaming to create new opportunities here in Kentucky.” ― Andy Beshear
133. “Just because you’re a woman in gaming doesn’t mean you’re a nice person all the time necessarily.” ― Megan Ganz
134. “I think people have called Twitch a niche for a long time but it’s not, gaming is bigger than Hollywood.” ― Justin Kan
135. “I feel like a lot of the technology that happens in gaming, starts in gaming and it goes broader than gaming.” ― Justin Kan
136. “So yeah, from an early age, I always quite enjoyed gaming. It’s always been a big part of my life.” ― Asim Chaudhry
137. “We want gaming and e-sports to be something that is welcoming and appropriate for everybody who wants to come and watch.” ― Michael Morhaime
138. “Gaming notebooks aren’t that abundant. Not that many gamers are able to play on notebooks.” ― Jensen Huang
139. “I think, for me, it’s very simple with the Xbox; I just want the ultimate gaming console.” ― Peter Molyneux
140. “We eliminated a possible tax increase on charitable organizations and lowered the tax rate on charitable gaming receipts.” ― Glenn Youngkin
Everyone can and should be a gamer
While we know that these are just games, a true gamer gets pretty serious about it.
Partly because the spoils go to the victors, and some drops are rare.
Then there is also the competition factor, and we can be competitive.
Games can help build that spirit while also helping build teamwork.
You also get used to overcoming your failures by being a gamer.
That competitive spirit is alive within us girls.
We are out there proving ourselves in the digital field of battle.
I prefer to play support, but don’t let anyone tell you that girls can’t be tanks if they want to!
I am anxiously waiting for Lost Ark to launch!
I am leaning toward playing a bard.
What is your favorite role?
Get after it and go play… LEEEROOOY JENKINS!
You can also tell us your favorite gamer quotes and sayings in the comment section below!
August 16, 2022 at 11:08 PM
A real gamer grinds , A fake gamer cries ~