80 I Don’t Care Quotes And Sayings That Express The Sentiment Perfectly
These ‘I don’t care’ quotes from famous women will make you laugh or sit back in awe of their ability to not give a… fig… and do what they want!
There are many ways that a person can express their lack of concern for or about something, and most often that response is “I don’t care.”
Ask someone else where they would like to go for dinner, and you will probably get this answer… only to find out that they do, in fact, care, after naming several options that they shoot down.
Gathering these quotes made me wonder what other sayings and phrases we use to express that we don’t care about something?
Well, for starters we can take the basic “I don’t care” sentence structure and add the words “at all” or my favorite “even a little bit” at the end.
This makes a simple ‘I don’t care’ statement much more powerful (and guys, if a woman is telling you this in response to something you want to do, please know that you are heading into dangerous territory).
This next way is often misused but what people really mean to say is “I couldn’t care less.”
Again, it’s a pretty strongly worded statement; akin to Dua Lipa’s IDGAF.
Which is another modern way of saying that you don’t care.
Keep reading for more ways to express that you do not care, and some more ‘I don’t care’ quotes about everything from religion to sexuality!
Don’t forget to also check out these mind your own business quotes that will help you navigate this rude social situation.
Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration.
Our inspirational quotes category page has all of our motivational quotes for all the different areas of life.
“I don’t care” quotes from famous women
1. “You know what? I don’t care. I’m going to do what I want to do.” ― Kristen Stewart

You will also enjoy our article on grandma quotes.
2. “I’ve never been cool – and I don’t care.” ― Celine Dion

3. “I enjoy life when things are happening. I don’t care if it’s good things or bad things. That means you’re alive.” ― Joan Rivers

4. “I care about me now. When I didn’t care about me, I was, like, ‘Why is this going wrong? Why is my life so bad?’ But when you don’t care about yourself, nobody else is going to care about you. So I learned to love myself, even if nobody else does.” ― Mary J. Blige

5. “I don’t care about vacations. I go away and I come back real quick because I like my work. I really like my work to consume me.” ― Diana Ross

6. “I don’t care how smart a kid you are. The only way you learn what’s not right is from experience.” ― Cameron Diaz

7. “Maybe I don’t take myself so seriously any more. And I don’t care how I’m judged. I’m past all that.” ― Emma Thompson

8. “I never would rule out a great character or a great story. I don’t care what the forum is. If I get to tell a story that I’m excited about, I’m in.” ― Katherine Heigl

9. “What are people going to do? Fire me? I’ve been fired before. Not book me? I’ve been out of work before. I don’t care.” ― Joan Rivers

10. “As soon as you tell me to do one thing, I do the opposite. As soon as someone tells me not to get any more tattoos, I have this intense fire burning inside me to cover myself with them. I don’t care if it’s self-destructive. I just have that need to rebel.” ― Megan Fox

“I don’t care” quotes on worrying what other people think
11. “I don’t care what you think about me. I don’t think about you at all.” ― Coco Chanel

12. “Generally I don’t care about what people say. I have to be clear with myself. When everything goes well, people celebrate you, when you make mistakes people criticize you.” ― Sebastian Vettel

13. “I don’t care what people think about me. When I look in the mirror, I wanna like what I see.” ― Kat Von D

14. “The Internet’s like one big bathroom wall with a lot of people who anonymously can say really mean things. It’s fine, I believe in freedom of speech and I think people should think what they want, but I don’t care to hear it.” ― Zooey Deschanel

15. “You come to a point in your life when you really don’t care what people think about you, you just care what you think about yourself.” ― Evel Knievel

16. “I don’t care what people think. People are stupid.” ― Charles Barkley

17. “I used to be really shy, and I think something happened in my brain where I was like, ‘All right, I don’t care anymore. I’m just going to be myself.’ So I went to school wearing eyeliner and eye shadow, and they called my mom, telling her it was a distraction. My mom fought the school, and I got to wear makeup every day.” ― Jeffree Star

18. “People think that young people don’t care about things, but I think they do care; they just aren’t super interested in conforming to what older people think are the right way to do things.” ― Olivia Wilde

19. “I don’t care what you say about me. Just spell the name right.” ― Gene Sarazen

20. “You can’t please everybody. I give up. I’m not trying to. I don’t care. Leave me alone with that.” ― Estelle

21. “I have my relationship with God and myself, and that’s what matters to me. I really don’t care what most people think.” ― Britney Spears

22. “I don’t care what anybody says about me as long as it isn’t true.” ― Truman Capote

“I don’t care” quotes about religion
23. “I don’t care if you’re Christian, you’re Muslim, you’re gay, you’re straight – I am here to fight for your equality. Because I believe that we are all born equal, but we are not treated equally, and that is why we must fight.” ― Logic

24. “I don’t care if you are religious or not and I think the message is that at the end of the day, everybody has to mature and everybody has to heal and mend their own injuries, emotional injuries, on their own pace.” ― Boris Kodjoe

25. “The thing about me is, I don’t care what religion you are. If someone is attacking your religion, I will have your back, and I will defend you. I think that is the most repulsive thing a person can do, attack another person’s faith.” ― Kirstie Alley

26. “I cannot belong to a nation which permits such barbarities as stoning to death and amputation – I don’t care what religion it is.” ― Wole Soyinka

27. “If you believe, you believe; if you’re faithful, you’re faithful. I don’t care what your religion is. The same if you’re agnostic. That should be accepted, too.” ― Ridley Scott

28. “I’m tolerant of all religions… I don’t care if someone wants to go out there and worship the bark on a tree.” ― Jesse Ventura

29. “I don’t care about Donald Trump. I mean, God is my president. So I just feel sorry for people it affects, but I don’t care about him.” ― Tionne Watkins

30. “I’m only here on Earth to serve God. I never had a career. I don’t care about commercialism. I have a ministry and I’ll fight for the ministry.” ― Larry Norman

31. “I don’t care what the religion is called; as far as I’m concerned, one God, the God I adhere to, is in charge of all of them.” ― Charley Pride
“I don’t care” quotes about music from musicians and artists
32. “As long as someone wants to hear my music, I don’t care if it’s a ringtone or the album or whatever.” ― T-Pain
33. “It doesn’t matter the kind of music, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a cowboy hat or a yarmulke. I don’t care if it’s outer space or pop, the spirit is the same.” ― David Lee Roth
34. “I don’t care what anybody says about Ringo. I cut my rock-n-roll teeth listening to him.” ― Don Henley
35. “I listen to a lot of alternative types of music: I listen to a lot of Chinese music, I listen to a lot of Asian music. It might surprise you, but I listen to a lot of Arabic music. And I don’t care – music is music.” ― Timbaland
36. “I can do whatever I want now. I can drop seven songs in two weeks and fans don’t care about whether it’s from an album or not. They just care about the music.” ― Jay Sean
37. “Music will always be a part of my life. I love music and I don’t care how many units I sell.” ― Alanis Morissette
38. “I don’t care for the music when they’re talking bad about women because I think women are God’s greatest gift to the planet – I just like music.” ― B. B. King
39. “I really don’t care at all what people call me as long as they’re listening to the music and talking about it. They can call me a space-jazz flautist. I don’t care at all.” ― Mayer Hawthorne
40. “I don’t care who’s playing. Even if it’s my favorite artist, I’m probably not gonna go and see him.” ― Etta James
“I don’t care” quotes on sexuality, image, money and other things
41. “I don’t care who anybody sleeps with. If a couple has been together all that time – and there are gay relationships that are more solid than some heterosexual ones – I think it’s fine if they want to get married. I don’t know how people can get so anti-something.” ― Betty White
42. “The people want to know is Walter straight, homosexual, metrosexual, bisexual – I don’t care. Here I am, I am who I am, that’s it.” ― Walter Mercado
43. “If you want my personal attitude, I would tell you that I don’t care about a person’s sexual orientation.” ― Vladimir Putin
44. “I don’t feel like I need to share my personal life, and I don’t care if people think I’m gay or not. Assume whatever you want. You do it anyway.” ― Queen Latifah
45. “I would love to have the same rights as everybody else. I would love, I don’t care if it’s called marriage. I don’t care if it’s called, you know, domestic partnership. I don’t care what it’s called.” ― Ellen DeGeneres
46. “You can’t be sensitive, because you’re going to get criticized. I don’t care who you are, you’re going to get criticized.” ― Derek Jeter
47. “I don’t care about having money. It’s about being happy, man.” ― Skrillex
48. “I don’t care about image and all that nonsense. I’m in sweat pants every day. I don’t play the game at all.” ― Zach Braff
49. “Is it ignorance or apathy? Hey, I don’t know and I don’t care.” ― Jimmy Buffett
50. “I don’t care how busy I am – I will always make time for what’s most important to me.” ― Kevin Hart
Epic I Don’t Care Quotes To Express Your Mood Right Now
51. I don’t care if a dude is purple with green breath as long as he can swing.” — Miles Davis
52. “Those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter.” — Bernard Baruch
53. “I don’t care what people say about me. I do care about my mistakes.” — Socrates
54. “What people think of you is none of your business.” — Deepak Chopra
55. “I don’t care if I starve.” — Eric Church
56. “You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It wont happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.” — Joel Osteen
57. I don’t care what you think of social media, and I don’t care what you think of the people that comment .” — Rush Limbaugh
58. “I don’t know where I’m going, and I don’t care where I’m going. As long as I can just do it.” — Terry Bozzio
59. I don’t care about convincing the people who think I’m naïve or an idiot.” — Simon Sinek
60. “I don’t care what you say to me. I care what you share with me.” – Santosh Kalwar
I Don’t Care Quotes To Live a Life Of Your Own
61. “If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.” — Haruki Murakami
62. “I don’t care what you say about me, as long as you say something about me, and as long as you spell my name right.” — George M. Cohan
63. “There’s a very fine line between not listening and not caring. I like to think I walk that line every day of my life.” — Burnie Burns
64. “By not caring too much about what people think, I’m able to think for myself and propagate ideas which are very often unpopular. And I succeeded.” — Albert Ellis
65. “Not caring more about what other people think than what you think. That’s freedom.” — Demi Moore
66. “Caring what others think is the biggest jail one can put oneself in.” — Durjoy Datta
67. “I do not care so much what I am to others as I care what I am to myself.” — Michel de Montaigne
68. “I used to care about how I looked. Now I don’t care as much. Maybe it’s because I’m so handsome.” — James Franco
69. “To kind of go through life not caring is a spectacular attribute. It’s one I wish I had.” — Neil Cross
70. “I’m starting to get used to this feeling of not caring about anything.” — J. A. Redmerski
71. “You have no responsibility to live up to what other people think you ought to accomplish. I have no responsibility to be like they expect me to be. It’s their mistake, not my failing.” — Richard P. Feynman
72. “Never dull your shine for somebody else.” — Tyra Banks
73. “If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that… I believe in what I do, and I’ll say it.” — John Lennon
74. “The eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts our cages.” — Virginia Woolf
75. “Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: You have to let it happen by not caring about it. Success will happen precisely because you had forgotten to think about it.” — Viktor Frankl
76. “I never fell. I don’t care what they say. I’m still doing my job, as I see it.” — Neil Gaiman
77. “Doing good doesn’t always make you feel good. I don’t care what they tell you in church.” — Ann Rinaldi
78. “I don’t care if you got knocked up. I can still rip your throat out.” — Suzanne Collins
79. “I don’t care about anyone, and the feeling is quite obviously mutual.” — Sylvia Plath
80. “Don’t give me that look. I’m not trying to find out who you are. I don’t care who you are. I just want to know why it is you are the way you are.” — Maggie Stiefvater
What did you learn from these “I don’t care” quotes?
Rhett Butler, from Gone With The Wind, coined one of the most iconic ways to tell someone you didn’t care, and I make sure that whenever I use it, I deliver it with the same arrogance and sheer disdain that Clark Gable did.
This means I do not use it often, but “Frankly, my dear I don’t give a damn” never fails to get the point across.
These phrases, though, led me to another question, should we care more?
Is this I don’t care attitude helping or harming us?
Developing an ‘I don’t care attitude’ is all the rage right now, and the reason is pretty simple.
Freeing yourself from the confines other people place on you, behaving in a way that makes you feel good, and pursuing your happiness is a good thing.
It can have a positive impact on your mental health to not live life in a way that pleases other people, but what are the downsides?
A person who truly ‘doesn’t care’ though may not have many friends or healthy relationships due to a lack of empathy and compassion.
What I think we should try to cultivate instead of an ‘I don’t care’ attitude, is a “I care about my mental health more than your opinion’ attitude.
This still leaves us room to care about what others are experiencing or how our behavior might affect them, and yet keeps us from getting bogged down in it all.
What did you learn from these “I don’t care” quotes and sayings?
Do you have any other favorite quotes to add?
Let us know in the comment section below.