50 18th Birthday Quotes to Wish a Very Happy Birthday

Searching for 18th Birthday Quotes? Your search is over with this list of the most popular and inspiring birthday quotes for young adults getting ready to start a new chapter of life. 

When someone reaches 18, it’s a big deal. That person is at the last steps of being a teenager as well as entering adulthood.

That makes birthday quite special.

There is often a new level of responsibility that comes at the age of eighteen when people are considered adults. 

That brings new excitement for many people who have waited to become an adult.

If you’re looking for 18th birthday quotes to help you celebrate, we’ve compiled a list of the best ones for you.

If you like this article, we suggest you explore our most popular quotes article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily encouragement. 

Check out more inspirational quotes on our motivational quotes category page.

Related: Happy Birthday Quotes

Top ten 18th birthday quotes

People can feel many different ways about having another birthday. These quotes show you why it’s something to be excited about.

1. “We turn not older with years, but newer every day.” Emily Dickinson

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2. “The way I see it, you should live every day like it’s your birthday.” Paris Hilton

3. “All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much” George Harrison

4. “Don’t count your years; make your years count. Happy birthday.” George Meredith

5. “A birth date is a reminder to celebrate the life as well as to update the life.” Amit Kalantri

6. “Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by the age eighteen.” Albert Einstein

7. “The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” Lucille Ball

8. “Don’t regret another birthday. The good news is that you are alive and can celebrate it.” Catherine Pulsifer

9. “There are two great days in a person’s life – the day we are born, and the day we discover why.” William Barclay

10. “Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” Franz Kafka

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18th birthday quotes to inspire you

There is so much out in front of you when you turn 18. These quotes will encourage you to make the most of your life as an adult.

11. “May you live all the days of your life.” Jonathan Swift

12. “Every birthday is a gift. Every day is a gift.” Aretha Franklin

13. “Life should not only be lived; it should be celebrated.” Osho

14. “Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be.” Robert Browning

15. “If you’re lost, you can look, and you will find me, time after time.” Cyndi Lauper

16. “Your birthday is my pleasure. You are my sweetest treasure.” Danny Demeersseman

17. “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss

18. “When you get older, your wild heart will live for younger days. Think of me if ever you’re afraid.” Avicii

19. “Happy birthday to you. This is your day. On this day for you, we’re gonna love you in every way.” New Kids On The Block

20. “Because time itself is like a spiral, something special happens on your birthday each year: The same energy that God invested in you at birth is present once again.” Menachem Mendel Schneerson

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18th birthday quotes to help you celebrate

Age is just a number. But it’s a fun number when you’re turning 18. These quotes can help you make the most of the day.

21. “Someday I’ll be 18 going on 55, 18 till I die!” Bryan Adams 

22. “If we could be twice young and twice old we could correct all our mistakes.” Euripides

23. “We’re gonna have a good time, I’m glad it’s your birthday, Happy birthday to you.” Beatles

24. “Today is the oldest you have been and the youngest you’ll ever be again.” Eleanor Roosevelt

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25. “Pleased to look forward, pleased to look behind, and count each birthday with a grateful mind.” Alexander Pope

26. “A birthday is like a new year and my wish for you, is a great year full of happiness and sunshine!” Catherine Pulsifer

27. “We should celebrate every year that we made it through and every year that we’re happier and healthier.” Ellen DeGeneres

28. “Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years.” Decimus Magnus Ausonius

29. “May God bless and keep you always, may your wishes all come true, may you always do for others, and let others do for you.” Bob Dylan

30. “Your birthday as my own to me is dear. But yours gives most. For mine did only lend me to the world; yours gave to me a friend.” Marcus Valerius

18th birthday quotes for your future

Birthdays are time to reflect on the past year and prepare for a new one. Use these quotes as motivation to make the most of your birthday.

31. “You don’t get older, you only get better.” Shirley Bassey

32. “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” Mae West

33. “Every age can be enchanting, provided you live within it.” Brigitte Bardot

34. “Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new.” Sammy Hagar

35. “Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.” ― Lucy Larcom

36. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt

37. “If I could save time in a bottle, the first thing that I’d like to do is to save every day.” Jim Croce

38. “Live not one’s life as though one had a thousand years, but lives each day as the last.” Marcus Aurelius

39. “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.” William Arthur Ward

40. “Live vicariously, beautifully, and excitingly, discover, love, dare, and act as there is nothing to lose.” ― Andy Hertz

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18th birthday quotes to make you smile

Birthdays should be fun, especially your 18th birthday when becoming an adult. These 18th birthday quotes will put a smile on your face.

41. “You had me at cake. Happy Birthday.” Jerry McGuire

42. “Birthdays are nature’s way of telling you to eat more cake.” Jo Brand

43. “People never grow up; they just learn how to act in public!” Bryan White

44. “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” Michael Altshuler

45. “You are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime.” Germaine Greer

46. “The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to the left.” Jerry M. Wright

47. “The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been.” Madeleine L’Engle

48. “Why is a birthday cake the only food you can blow on and spit on and everybody rushes to get a piece?” Bobby Kelton 

49. “Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.” Mark Twain

50. “In childhood, we yearn to be grown-ups. In old age, we yearn to be kids. It just seems that all would be wonderful if we didn’t have to celebrate our birthdays in chronological order.” Robert Brault

Which of these 18th birthday quotes is close to your heart?

There is so much excitement that comes with the 18th birthday.

If you are turning 18 yourself, you can use the quotes above to motivate yourself for all that is to come in your life.

If you have someone in your life turning 18 years old, you can use the quotes above as messages for their birthday card or encourage them.

You can also simply use the quotes to reflect and reminisce about your own 18th birthday and how far you have come since then.

If one of these 18th birthday quotes is close to your heart, don’t forget to share it with us in the comments. 

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