99 Biker Quotes About Biker Culture and Life Lessons

These biker quotes are perfect for captioning your chopper or cruiser on your Instagram posts.

In the comment section below, let us know which biker quote is your favorite.

A biker could technically be anyone who rides around on a motorbike, but typically, the term refers to people who ride motorcycles, often in a group.

Check out these dirt bike quotes, too!

What are the benefits of reading these biker quotes?

Bikers have a rough reputation (although, like any stereotype, they are not always accurate).

Bikers have their slang and even hand signals!

Even if you aren’t a hard-core biker and are more of a weekend warrior, you can relate to some of these biker quotes.

These biker quotes will help you:

  • Understand more about people who might differ from you
  • Gain a new perspective on life
  • Come up with the perfect social media captions

You might hear bikers call their girlfriends and wives “old ladies,” and it is their way of telling you they are off limits.

Bikers not only have their slang, many often are members of clubs.

Some clubs are AMA (American Motorcyclist Association) sanctioned, while others are known as “outlaw clubs.”

The term outlaw club doesn’t mean the clubs engage in illegal activity, just that they follow their bylaws and not those set forth by the AMA.

Keep reading to learn more about some of the more notorious motorcycle clubs.

If you love this quote collection, read out our most popular quote article about short inspirational quotes for daily motivation. 

If you need more inspirational quotes, check out our motivational quotes category page.

Biker quotes that are perfect for Instagram

1. “You do not need a therapist if you own a motorcycle, any kind of motorcycle!” ― Dan Aykroyd

motorcycle Biker quotes

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2. “If I could marry my motorcycle, I’d roll her right up to the altar.” ― Flip Wilson

funny Biker quotes about motorcycles

3. “Love is the feeling you get when you like something as much as your motorcycle.” ― Hunter S. Thompson

passionate Biker quotes

4. “Motorcycle adventures are the perfect antidote to middle age.” ― Alex Morritt

Biker quotes about Motorcycle adventures

5. “The road never ends … only our vision does.” ― Amit Reddy

Biker quotes about the road

6. “A motorcycle is an independent thing.” ― Ryan Hurst

Biker quotes about independence

7. “On a bike, no one ever asks, “Are we there yet?” ― Stacy Westfall

Biker quotes to inspire you

8. “Anybody can jump a motorcycle. The trouble begins when you try to land it.” ― Evel Knievel

Biker quotes about riding

9. “I have discovered biker paradise. It is called the Great Smoky Mountains.” ― Foster Kinn

Biker quotes about riding on the mountains

10. “Riding a bike is like an art, something you do because you feel something inside.” ― Valentino Rossi

Biker quotes on how it feels to ride

If you enjoy this article, check out our collection of Harley-Davidson quotes for the true biker in you.

Wise biker quotes about the way of life

11. “It was only a motorcycle but it felt like a mode of being.” ― Rachel Kushner

interesting Biker quotes

12. “You live more for five minutes going fast on a bike than other people do all their life.”- Marco Simoncelli

Biker quotes about the thrill of riding

13. “The road listens. It believes in you.” ― Foster Kinn

Biker quotes about the road

14. “Faster, faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death.” ― Hunter S Thompson

biker quotes about speed

You will also enjoy our article on get the most out of your commute.

15. “Any day is a good day to leave some miles behind.” ― Foster Kinn, Freedom’s Rush: Tales from The Biker and The Beast

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16. “It’s all part of my spirituality, as the wind softly kisses my face, and the world travels beneath me.” ― Jess “Chief” Brynjulson, Highway Writings

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17. “The center-point of riding a motorcycle, and of life itself, is Freedom.” ― Foster Kinn, Freedom’s Rush II: More Tales from the Biker and the Beast

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18. “It wasn’t until I went to college and I got my first motorcycle that I understood the thrill of speed.” ― Vin Diesel

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19. “You live more for five minutes going fast on a bike, than other people do in all of their life.” ― Marco Simoncelli

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20. “It’s like a first date without the awkward silence.” ― Harley Davidson Ad

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21. “Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.” ― John F. Kennedy

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You will also enjoy our article on road quotes.

22. “I carry groceries home on the tank of my motorcycle.” ― Stephan Jenkins

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23. “Everyone crashes Some get back on Some don’t Some can’t.” ― Hunter S. Thompson

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24. “I have a lot of respect for the bikers, which I’ve always had.” ― Emilio Rivera

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25. “Biker chicks want the bad boy.” ― Theo Rossi

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26. “I’m continuing to do research into biker culture.” ― Ron Perlman

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27. “Why is Jim the only one in the plant to have money….Because he rides the new Harley Hummer.” ― Harley Davidson Ad

biker quotes from Harley Davidson Ad

28. “Let’s ride hard towards your goal.” ― Brajesh Kumar Singh

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29. “My first car was a motorcycle.” ― Adam Carolla

short biker quotes and sayings

30. “God didn’t create metal so that man could make paper clips!” ― Harley Davidson Ad

biker quotes to motivate you

More biker quotes that every rider can relate to

31. “It’s the ride of life the journey from here to there living and loving every moment like we have none to spare.” ― Jess “Chief” Brynjulson

32. “Riding a motorcycle is a tribute, a tip of the helmet as it were, to our rugged ancestors who challenge us through the dust of centuries, proof that we have succumbed to the safety nets of civilization.” ― Foster Kinn

33. “Driving a motorcycle is like flying. All your senses are alive. Being House is like flying, too. He’s free of the gravity of what people think.” ― Hugh Laurie

34. “They say life is a highway and we all travel our own roads, some good, some bad, yet each is a blessing of its own.” ― Jess “Chief” Brynjulson

35. “The joy of riding a motorcycle is out of this world. The thrill of riding in the hills and mountains is an opiatic addiction.” ― Avijeet Das

36. “On a motorcycle, you can’t really think about more than where you are. There’s a freedom that comes with that – from stress, worry, sweating the small stuff.” ― Laurence Fishburne

37. “The most important thing is to have a good relationship with the bike… you have to understand what she wants. I think of a motorcycle as a woman, and I know that sounds silly, but it’s true.” ― Valentino Rossi

38. “…I didn’t want to be a passenger on someone else’s motorcycle.
I wanted to be the one riding that motherfucker.” ― Lily Brooks-Dalton

39. “There is a delicate ridge one must ride between fear and reason on a motorcycle—lean too far in either direction and there will be consequences.” ― Lily Brooks-Dalton

40. “I look my best when I take my helmet off after a long motorcycle ride. I have a glow and a bit of helmet hair.” ― Eric Bana

41. “Animals travel on all fours. Mankind on two. Motorcycling is not a means of transport but an ideology, a nomadic way of life.” ― Amit Reddy

42. “A Harley Davidson lover’s day is incomplete without his motorbike.” ― Unknown

43. “Harley Davidson’s first motorcycle proves that indeed after failure comes success.” ― Unknown

Funny biker quotes that every biker can appreciate

44. “Run the race of life at your own pace.” ― Unknown

45. “Life is short. So grip it and rip it.” ― Unknown

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46. “Drop the gear and disappear.” ― Unknown

47. “Only a Biker knows why a dog sticks his head out of a car window.” ― Unknown

48. “I hate being sexy but I’m a biker so I can’t help it.” ― Unknown

49. “Bikes don’t leak oil, they mark their territory.” ― Unknown

50. “Bikes are like wives; if it ain’t yours, don’t touch it.” ― Unknown

51. “Most motorcycle problems are caused by the nut that connects the handlebars to the saddle.” ― Unknown

52. “Yes I’m addicted to my bike because It’s way better than being addicted to fake love.” ― Unknown

Short and badass biker quotes

53. “When I’m riding my motorcycle, I’m glad to be alive. When I stop riding my motorcycle, I’m glad to be alive.” ― Neil Peart

54. “Riding a race bike is an art – a thing that you do because you feel something inside.” – Valentino Rossi

55. “It’s not the destination. It’s the ride.” ― Unknown

56. “I am a biker, I do what I want, when I want, where I want.” ― Unknown

57. “I don’t ride a motorcycle to add days to my life, I ride to add life to my days.” ― Unknown

58. “I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.” ― Emo Philips

59. “Young riders pick a destination and go… Old riders pick a direction and go.” ― Anonymous

Biker Quotes From Passionate Riders

60. “Make noise with your Harley Davidson bike and work in silence to achieve it.” ― Unknown

61. “They say treat yourself right, so I bought a Harley Davidson bike for myself.” ― Unknown

62. “You must be a good decision-maker if you made the decision to buy a Harley Davidson bike.” ― Unknown

63. “Work so hard that you can own every Harley Davidson motorcycle that you like.” ― Unknown

64. “Harley Davidson motorcycle manufacturer proves that you have to fight through difficult times of life if you wish to enjoy the good times.” ― Unknown

65. “A four-wheel might move your body, but a Harley Davidson bike moves your soul.” ― Unknown

66. “I never went to camp as a kid. I couldn’t get into an Ivy League school. I wouldn’t join a biker club.” ― Bob Saget

67. “I’d love to be on ‘Glee.’ I’d love to play a rebel. Be a real biker chick in leather and covered in tattoos.” ― Leona Lewis

68. “I couldn’t deal with playing a character who rides motorcycles and has a leather jacket and is a tough kid, y’know?” ― Leonardo DiCaprio

69. “I’ve been a biker, I’ve been a convict, I’ve been a husband, father, and son.” ― Duane Chapman

Biker Quotes From Passionate Riders

70. “Riding is my hallowed place.” ― Foster Kinn

71. “Want to solve global warming! Ditch the car and ride a bike instead.” ― Abhijit Naskar

72. “The fact that I’m a biker doesn’t make me a different kinda Christian, but the fact that I’m a Christian makes me a different kinda biker.” ― Dano Janowski

73. “I believe there are two periods in life, one for the bike, the other for becoming active on one’s work.” ― Bernard Hinault

74. “I love taking my bike for a spin during my free time.” ― Naga Chaitanya

75. “At weekends, I’ve been going on long but steady-paced four-and-a-half-hour bike rides.” ― Denise Van Outen

76. “My bike is my gym, my wheelchair, and my church all in one. I’d like to ride my bike all day long but I’ve got this thing called a job that keeps getting in the way.” ― Bill Walton

77. “I did some great work with my Calvin Klein ads on the motorcycle. It was really groundbreaking because people hadn’t seen a woman actually riding a motorcycle before.” ― Carre Otis

78. “You don’t know how good you are until you actually get out on a bike and get riding.” ― Laura Trott

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79. “I get fit taking my bike out in the woods.” ― Juan Pablo Montoya

Biker Quotes To Motivate Your Riding

80. “Ride Big, Ride Long, Ride Free.” ― Foster Kinn

81. “The Freedom Avatar is a biker.” ― Foster Kinn

82. “Riding a motorcycle takes vengeance on half-shut eyes, deadened ears, and dormant thoughts.”― Foster Kinn

83. “Maybe the bike is more dangerous, but the passion for the car for me is second to the bike.” — Valentino Rossi

84. “I don’t want a pickle Just want to ride on my motorcycle.” — Arlo Guthrie

85. I never had a hobby in my whole life until I was 35. “Then I discovered motorcycles, and they’ve now become almost a passion.” — Ken Berry

86. “I know what it’s like to go very fast on motorcycles. Those moments, they stay with you.” — Rachel Kushner

87. “The bike will transform anyone who is willing to let it happen.” — Ina-Yoko Teutenberg

88. “My biggest fear is not crashing on a bike… It’s sitting in a chair at 90 and saying, ‘I wish I had done more.’.” — Graeme Obree

89. “Don’t buy upgrades; ride upgrades.” — Eddy Merckx

90. “The road is a canvas, and the motorcycle is the brush that paints the freedom of the ride.” ― Hunter S. Thompson

91. “A biker doesn’t just ride; they dance with the wind and sing with the engine’s roar.” ― Robert M. Pirsig

92. “In the symphony of life, a motorcycle is the instrument that plays the rebellious notes of freedom.” ― Sonny Barger

93. “A motorcycle is not just a machine; it’s a time-traveling device that transports the rider to a world of endless possibilities.” ― Richard Wagamese

94. “Life is a beautiful ride, and every twist and turn is an opportunity to rev up your spirit.” ― Ewan McGregor

95. “Riding a motorcycle is like an art; something you do because you feel something inside.” ― Valentino Rossi

96. “The camaraderie of bikers is a bond forged on the road, a brotherhood that transcends miles and echoes in the thunder of exhaust.” ― Jay Barbieri

97. “A motorcycle is an escape from reality, a mechanical Pegasus that takes you soaring beyond the mundane.” ― Mark Barnes

98. “The motorcycle is poetry in motion, a rhythmic symphony of power and grace.” ― Michael Lichter

99. “Riding a motorcycle is an immersive experience; you don’t just travel through landscapes, you become part of them.” ― Chris Hunter

Which of these biker quotes is your favorite?

While the term outlaw club doesn’t automatically mean that bikers are breaking the law, the U.S. Department of Justice defines “outlaw motorcycle gangs” (OMG) as “organizations whose members use their motorcycle clubs as conduits for criminal enterprises.”

You might have seen the members of some clubs with a 1% patch on their vests.

These “one percenters” are making a statement that refers to an alleged comment by the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA).

The AMA supposedly said that 99% of motorcyclists were law-abiding citizens, implying the last one percent were outlaws.

The AMA denies having a record of making such a statement to the press and claims that the story is a misquote.

According to the Justice Department, there are four MCs (motorcycle clubs) that they consider being OMGs: the Hells Angels, the Pagans, the Outlaws, and the Bandidos.

These are known as “The Big Four.”

There are a lot of fun perks to riding on a motorcycle, which bikers will often tell you about, as you can see in these biker quotes.

Things like that rush of speeding down the open highway, the sense of freedom, and the hint of danger are all part of the appeal.

What’s your favorite thing about riding a motorcycle?

Let us know in the comment section below.

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