60 Body Positive Quotes to Promote Self-Love

As these body positivity quotes will show, appreciating yourself is the first step to healthy self-confidence.

We all come in different shapes, colors, sizes, and features.

The more time you spend wishing you looked like someone else, the more time you steal from yourself.

What inspires you about the body positivity movement? 

Whether on social media, in magazines, or on television, unrealistic beauty standards are constantly being thrown in our faces.

Seeing those images constantly can lead to issues with self-worth and self-confidence. 

The recent body positivity movement inspires people worldwide to love their bodies as they are.

Today, we have compiled quotes from celebrities, authors, motivational speakers, and more about self-love, acceptance, and body struggles. 

Enjoy the motivational quotes below, and remember that accepting yourself is a marathon, not a sprint!

Body positivity quotes about accepting yourself

You can’t be someone else, and they can’t be you. 

1. “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” Thich Nhat Hanh

2. “You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” – Louise Hay 

3. “If we base our self-worth on something as ever-changing as our bodies, we will forever be on the emotional roller coaster of body obsession and shame.” – Chrissy King 

4. “Hating our bodies is something that we learn, and it sure as hell is something that we can unlearn.” – Megan Jayne Crabbe 

5. “Just because we have acne, tummy rolls, and chafing thighs doesn’t mean we need fixed. Period.” – Mik Zazon

6. “Remember that our bodies are always changing, and that’s okay. What’s really unhealthy is trying to fit into an unrealistic norm of what is seen as perfect.” – Olakemi

7. “Having a flat stomach doesn’t make you more worthy, it won’t make you happier, or more successful. You don’t need a toned stomach to wear a bikini.” – Rae Ann Langas

8. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

9. “Don’t let your mind bully your body.” – June Tomaso Wood

10. “To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are.” – Sven Goran Eriksson 

Body Positive quotes about self-love

11. “Loving yourself is the greatest revolution.” – Unknown 

12. “To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don’t wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now.” Alan Cohen

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13. “You can’t hate yourself happy. You can’t criticize yourself thin. You can’t shame yourself worthy. Real change begins with self-love and self-care.” – Jessica Ortner 

14. “You don’t need an excuse to feel good about yourself.” – Jessamyn Stanley

15. “Shine a great light on your most amazing qualities. We tend to focus on the negative aspects of us and forget all the greatness that we have within.” – Harnaam Kaur

16. “Self-care is how you take your power back.” Lalah Delia

17. “Worthiness does not have prerequisites.” Brené Brown

18. “We can’t hate ourselves into a version of ourselves we can love.” – Lori Deschene

19. “Loving yourself isn’t vanity. It’s sanity.” – Katrina Mayer

20. “Your body is your home, your vessel in life. It needs to be respected and loved.” – Iskra Lawrence

Beautiful body positivity quotes

21. “And I said to my body, softly, “I want to be your friend. It took a long breath and replied, “I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.” – Nayyirah Waheed

22. “Stop trying to fix your body. It was never broken.” – Eve Ensler 

23. “You are imperfect, permanently, and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.” – Amy Bloom

24. “I’ve finally recognized my body for what it is: a personality-delivery system, designed expressly to carry my character from place to place, now and in the years to come.” – Anna Quindlen

25. “Don’t change your body to get respect from society. Instead let’s change society to respect our bodies.” – Golda Poretsky

26. “Life is so much more beautiful than a number on a scale.” – Tess Munster

27. “I’ve learned to appreciate my body, because it’s taken me all the way here and will take me to the end.” – Clémentine Desseaux

28. “I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself.” — Emma Stone

29. “When we’re awake in our bodies and sense, the world comes alive. Wisdom, creativity, and love are discovered as we relax and awaken through our bodies.” – Tara Brach

30. “Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.” – Sophia Loren

Check out these body image quotes for more about how we see ourselves.

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Body Positivity quotes from singers and actresses

31. “I keep telling myself that I’m a human being, an imperfect human being who’s not made to look like a doll.” Emma Watson

32. “You live once and life is wonderful, so eat the damn red velvet cupcake.” – Emma Stone

33. “Take your time and your talent and figure out what you have to contribute to this world, and get over what the hell your butt looks like in those jeans!” – America Ferrera

34. “Don’t waste so much time thinking about how much you weigh. There is no more mind-numbing, boring, idiotic, self-destructive diversion from the fun of living.” – Meryl Streep

35. “It doesn’t have anything to do with how the world perceives you. What matters is what you see.” – Gabourey Sidibe

36. “My weight is what it is. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow. It’s about being content.” – Melissa McCarthy

37. “I definitely have body issues, but everybody does. When you come to the realization that everybody does that—even the people that I consider flawless—then you can start to live with the way you are.” Taylor Swift

38. “I say I love myself, and they’re like, ‘oh my gosh,’ she’s so brave. She’s so political. For what? All I said is, ‘I love myself, bitch!’” – Lizzo 

39. “I’m not going to apologize for my size. I’m not wrong for having the body that I do. I still deserve to dress cool.” – Aidy Bryant

40. “My biggest insecurity was my lanky body! People always commented on it. But it’s who I am- and when I dance, I feel beautiful.” – Zendaya

Body positivity quotes from models, fashionistas, and athletes

41. “I feel beautiful when I’m at peace with myself.” – Elle Macpherson

42. “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” – Coco Chanel 

43. “Even I don’t wake up looking like Cindy Crawford.” – Cindy Crawford

44. “The body is meant to be seen, not all covered up.” — Marilyn Monroe

45. “I am more than my measurements… My body is MY body. I’ll call the shots.” ―  Ashley Graham

46. “Since I don’t look like every other girl, it takes a while to be okay with that. To be different. But different is good.” Serena Williams 

47. “I’m proud of my body. I’m finally in a good place and learning to love me for me, and not somebody else’s standards.” ― Khloe Kardashian

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48. “Your words have so much power. Every day, if you tell yourself ‘I love you,’ if you give yourself one word of validation, it will change your mind.” – Ashley Graham

49. “How I feel about myself is more important than how I look. Feeling confident, being comfortable in your skin—that’s what really makes you beautiful.” – Bobbi Brown

50. “I think, in a way, we’ve forgotten what a regular body looks like. There are people out there who are struggling, and I’m struggling, and it’s okay to come to terms with realizing it’s going to be a bit of a journey.” – Chrissy Teigen

Body Positivity Quotes To Give You Confidence

51. “I love every cell of my body.” — Louise Hay

52. “Your body hears everything your mind says.” — Naomi Judd

53. “My thighs will always touch when I walk, but I’m ok with that.” ― Sugar Jamison

54. “​I have a belly. And I have cellulite. And I still deserve love.” — Amy Schumer

55. “I’m not going to sacrifice my mental health to have the perfect body.” — Demi Lovato

56. “My limbs work, so I’m not going to complain about how my body is shaped.” — Drew Barrymore

57. “I’m not ashamed of what I am and that I have curves and that I’m thick. I like my body.” — Alicia Keys

58. “This body had carried me through a hard life. It looked exactly the way it was supposed to.” — Veronica Roth

59. “I happen to be very confident in my own skin. It takes time to get to that place, but it’s all about embracing yourself and your body.” ― Christina Aguilera

60. “You define beauty for yourself. Society doesn’t define your beauty. Your spirit and your faith defines your beauty.” — Lady Gaga

What do you love the most about yourself? 

If accepting yourself is hard to do at first, don’t fret!

It’s nearly impossible to change overnight after dealing with a lifetime of expectations from family, significant others, friends, and society.

Take each day as a single step towards loving yourself and focus on making small changes (i.e., saying positive affirmations, curating your social media feed to only show positive images, etc.). 

Remember: your worthiness is not determined by your body.

You are worthy because of all the beautiful things that make up you. 

What’s your favorite quote about body positivity?

Who are you planning on sharing them with?

Let us know below!

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