170 Being Single Quotes That Celebrate Independence

Our latest collection of being single quotes on why it might actually be the best way to live.

Although many people view relationships as the best part of life, being single can actually be the most magical, wonderful time of your life.

Let us know which being single quote resonated with you the most in the comment section below.

According to a study by the University of California, Berkeley, individuals who are single are more likely to experience personal growth and self-discovery, indicating the potential benefits of being single for personal development.

This suggests that being single can be a time of exploration and self-fulfillment.

What are the benefits of reading being single quotes?

Being single allows you to do whatever you want, whenever you want, and without the pressures of a relationship.

These being single quotes will:

  • help you love yourself more
  • show you that you can enjoy being single
  • give you a new perspective on why you are single

Being single allows you to experience so much without having to compromise.

In fact, being alone can help you enjoy some of the most productive and liberating years of your life.

You can use your single years to grow and evolve as it allows you to develop skills and talents you may have forgotten about or didn’t even know you had.

When you’re in a relationship, you live for others and put their needs before yours.

But being single means you can make your own rules, find out who you really are, and explore what you want to do with your life.

To celebrate the independence that being alone brings, here is our collection of being single quotes, being single sayings, and being single proverbs collected from a variety of sources over the years.

Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration. 

Check out our entire collection of motivational quotes here. 

Being single quotes that celebrate independence

According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, over 50% of American adults are currently single, highlighting the widespread prevalence of being single and the potential value of celebrating independence.

The study findings suggest that being single is a common and normal aspect of adult life.

1. “Being single is definitely better than being with the wrong person” – Hassan Choughari

Inspiring Being Single Quotes

You will also enjoy our article on break up quotes.

2. “Single is no longer a lack of options – but a choice. A choice to refuse to let your life be defined by your relationship status but to live every day Happily and let your Ever After work itself out.” – Mandy Hale

Being Single Quotes About Choices

3. “Being brave enough to be alone frees you up to invite people into your life because you want them and not because you need them.” – Mandy Hale

Being Single Quotes About Being Brave

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4. “I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not defined by another person.” – Oscar Wilde

Wise Being Single Quotes

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5. “It takes a strong person to remain single in a world that is accustomed to settling with anything just to say they have something.” – Anonymous

Being Single Quotes About Being Brave

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6. “I love being single. I can come and go as I please and stay out as late as I want to.” – Eric Dickerson

Smart Being Single Quotes

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7. “I don’t need a man to rectify my existence. The most profound relationship we’ll ever have is the one with ourselves.” —Shirley MacLaine

Being Single Quotes About Men

You will also enjoy our article on good man quotes.

8. “I like being single — I’m always there when I need me.” – Art Leo

Being single quotes that celebrate independence

9. “A busy, vibrant, goal-oriented woman is so much more attractive than a woman who waits around for a man to validate her existence.” – Mandy Hale

Being Single Quotes About Women

10. “Being single doesn’t necessarily mean you’re available. Sometimes you have to put up a sign that says, “Do Not Disturb” on your heart.” – Wiz Khalifa

Witty Being Single Quotes

Being single quotes to help you focus on yourself

According to a study by the University of California, Santa Barbara, individuals who are single are more likely to maintain close friendships and social connections, indicating the potential benefits of being single for social support and community involvement.

This suggests that being single can be a time to deepen and strengthen relationships.

11. “You do not need to be loved, not at the cost of yourself. The single relationship that is truly central and crucial in a life is the relationship to the self. Of all the people you will know in a lifetime, you are the only one you will never lose.” – Jo Coudert

Being Single Quotes About Being Loved

You will also enjoy our article on quotes about choices.

12. “If you really are going to be a happy single, you have to stop treating being single as the annoying time that you pass between relationships and embrace it. Rather than focusing on what you lack, focus on what you have: You.” – Natalie Lue

Being Single Quotes About Being Happy

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13. “I celebrate myself, and sing myself.” – Walt Whitman

Being Single Quotes About Celebrating Self

14. “If you aren’t good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you’ll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren’t even giving to yourself.” – Barbara De Angelis

Being Single Quotes About Loving Yourself

15. “You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” – Maya Angelou

Being single quotes to help you focus on yourself

You will also enjoy our article on bachelorette quotes.

16. “People would be a lot better off if they’d enjoy being single.” – Lewis Black

Being Single Quotes About People

17. “Discover why you’re important, then refuse to settle for anyone who doesn’t completely agree. – Fisher Amelie

Being Single Quotes About Being Important

18. “Hope for love, pray for love, wish for love, dream for love…but don’t put your life on hold waiting for love.” – Mandy Hale

Being Single Quotes About Love

19. “Single lady, the man you want might not necessarily be the man you need.” – Martha Macharia

Being Single Quotes About Wand And Need

20. “You’re single not because you are not good enough for one, it’s that you’re too good for the wrong one.” – Chris Burkmenn

Being Single Quotes About Being Enough

Being single quotes to inspire self-love

21. “Being single doesn’t make you weak, it means that you are strong enough to be on your own. – Xavier Zayas

22. “Some people think it’s wrong, being single isn’t right. But you hurt the right person you’ll be wrong all your life.” – Tyga

Being Single Quotes About Being Wrong

23. “Being single is about celebrating and appreciating your own space that you’re in.” – Kelly Rowland

Powerful Being Single Quotes

24. “Solitude is the place of purification.” – Martin Buber

Being Single Quotes About Solitude

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25. “Being single doesn’t mean no one loves you… It just means that God is busy writing your love story.” – Anonymous

Being Single Quotes About God

26. “I don’t need Prince Charming to have my own happy ending. – Katy Perry

Being single quotes to inspire self-love

27. “People aren’t defined by their relationships.” – Nina Dobrev

28. “You don’t have to be part of a couple to be happy, you know.” – Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

29. “I love single life! Why would it be boring? I mean, I get to travel around and have loads of girls screaming at me, so it’s definitely not boring. However, it can get lonely on the road, but I’m sorted I’ve got good people around me.” – Olly Murs

30. “A broken relationship would make you feel more lonely than when you were single.” – Anonymous

If you’re enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of quotes for girls for young women of all ages.

Being single quotes to help you make the most of your life

31. “Too many women throw themselves into romance because they’re afraid of being single.”- Julie Deply

32. “Being single is getting over the illusion that there is somebody out there to complete you.” – Omkar Phatakc

33. “You do not need to be loved, not at the cost of yourself.” – Jo Courdert

34. “Now I’m feeling how I should. Never knew single could feel this good.” – Jason Derulo

35. “No human being can really understand another, and no one can arrange another’s happiness.” – Graham Greene

36. “I never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude.” – Henry David Thoreau

Being single quotes to help you make the most of your life

37. “Single” is an opportunity to live life on your own terms and not apologize.” – Mandy Hale

38. “Don’t be scared to walk alone. Don’t be scared to like It.” – John Mayer

39. I’d rather be alone than unhappy.” – Whitney Houston

40. “The most profound relationship that you can ever have is the one that you have with yourself.” – Anonymous

Being single quotes you need to see

41. “Too many girls rush into relationships because of the fear of being single, then start making compromises, and losing their identity. Don’t do that.” – Katy Perry

42. “He is his own best friend, and takes delight in privacy whereas the man of no virtue or ability is his own worst enemy and is afraid of solitude.” – Aristotle

43. “People are really concerned about my relationship status. When I tell people I’m happy being single, they don’t believe me. They say: ‘You have to be miserable being alone’.” – Kelly Clarkson

44. “Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you’re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn’t love you anymore.” – Lady Gaga

45. “A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings. Remember that next time you feel alone.” – Anonymous

46. “There’s something really cool about knowing that your destiny is so big that you’re not meant to share it with anyone. At least not yet.” -Anonymous

47. “Single? No, i’m just in a relationship with freedom.” – Anonymous

48. “Bad Relationships are like a bad investment.” – Sonya Parker

inspirational being single quotes

49. “SINGLE is not a status. It is a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others!” – Abigail Rajkumar

50. “If your joy is derived from what society thinks of you, you’re always going to be disappointed.” – Madonna

51. “If you truly want to be respected by people you love, you must prove to them that you can survive without them.”― Michael Bassey Johnson

52. “It’s better to “stay single” than being “single again.”― Sharfaraz Ahmed

53. “There are some places in life where you can only go alone. Embrace the beauty of your solo journey.”― Mandy Hale

54. “The reason I am single is that I gave my all to people who are not giving me a chance.”― De philosopher DJ Kyos

55. “If we be doomed to marry, we marry; if we be doomed to remain single we do.”― Thomas Hardy

56. “You can’t put a leash on me. I’m unleashable!”― Tiffany Winfree

57. “I love being single. It’s almost like being rich.”― Sue Grafton

58. “All single people are not really single
They all have untold stories behind the scene.”― Ahmed Ali Anjum

59. “Some people are happily single. Some are unhappily married.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

60. “Being with no one is better than being with the wrong one. Sometimes those who fly solo have the strongest wings.”― Nitya Prakash

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Being single quotes for all the independent souls

61. “It is better to lock up your heart with a merciless padlock than to fall in love with someone who doesn’t know what they mean to you.” – Unknown

62. “I don’t really do that whole ‘single life’ thing. I’m kind of heads down and get things done.” – Ed Sheeran

63. “Become the leader of your life. Lead yourself to where you want to be. Breathe life back into your ambitions, desires, your goals, and your other relationships.” — Steve Maraboli

64. “I’m not single. I’m not taken. I’m simply on reserve for the one who deserves my heart.”- Unknown

65. “I never feel alone realizing the fact that my life is my only life partner.”- Unknown

66. “Without a doubt… the worst part of being a single woman was having to take care of your own car.” – Lisa Kleypas

67. “The trouble is not that I am single and likely to stay single, but that I am lonely and likely to stay lonely.” – Charlotte Brontë

68. “I am happy every day, regardless of my relationship status, because I understand that my happiness doesn’t come from a relationship, it comes from within.” – Gregg Michaelsen

69. “As a body everyone is single, as a soul never.” – Hermann Hesse

70. “He sleeps fastest who sleeps alone.” – Richard Avedond

Being single quotes that will change your perspective

71. “Being single is better than being in a relationship with someone who fills your heart with doubt.” – Unknown

72. “I have stepped off the relationship scene to come to terms with myself. I have spent most of my adult life being ‘someone’s girlfriend’, and now I am happy being single.” – Penelope Cruz

73. “I’m not alone! I’m with myself, and myself is fabulous.” — Eva Longoria

74. “I really enjoy being single again. I spent a lot of time in a relationship and the nearer we came to the end, the more difficult it got. You don’t see things clearly as long as you’re still involved.” – Dido Armstrong

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75. “I’m single because I don’t need anyone to ruin my life. I’m ruining it perfectly on my own.” – Unknown

76. “The best thing about being single is sleeping around. You can sleep all over that bed of yours. Left, right, middle, wherever.” – Unknown

77. “Don’t wait for someone else to shape your life. Shape it yourself.” – Unknown

78. “I’ve been single for a while and I have to say, It’s going really well. Like…It’s working out. I think I’m the one.” – Emily Hunter

79. “There’s a huge difference between feeling lonely and being alone.” – Steven Aitchison

80. “Being single was seldom a negative experience for women and definitely not one that was harmful to their physical or mental health.” – Carol Anderson and Susan Stewart

Other being single quotes and sayings

81. “Always remember that you were once alone, and the crowd you see in your life today are just as unnecessary as when you were alone.” – Michael Bassey Johnson

82. “I’m a single man! I’m allowed to flirt!” – Belle Aurora

83. “The longer you stay single, the more you become a threat to other relationships.” – Nitya Prakash

84. “Singleness isn’t an excuse to take a back seat on life but an opportunity to wholeheartedly pursue your own purpose.” – Michael Todd

85. “My alone doesn’t always feel good, but I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude.” – Introvertly Bubbly

86. “Being alone is not the same as being on your own.” – Katy Lee

87. She who saves a single soul, saves the universe.” – Lewis Carroll

88. “Single life is the best life until you get hit by lonely nights.” – Jonathan Anthony Burkett

89. “I am single because I am allergic for cursing words and bad table manners.” – Hiroko Sakai

90. “As a self-described idealistic I never consider myself as single. I like to say that I’m in between romances at the moment.” – Carl Henegan

Being Single Quotes to Enjoy Independence and Freedom

91. “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” – Oscar Wilde

92. “Being single means you’re strong enough to wait for what you deserve.” – Niall Horan

93. “It’s far better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone else.” – Marilyn Monroe

94. “It’s nice to be with someone, but I don’t think you need to be in a relationship to feel complete. That would be really sad.” —  Kristin Davis

95. “Love yourself first, because that’s who you’ll spend the rest of your life with.” – Luigina Sgarro

96. “If we seek paradise outside ourselves, we cannot have paradise in our hearts.” – Thomas Merton

97. “Personally, I, Mindy Kaling want to spend like 80 percent of my life hanging out with women.” – Mindy Kaling

98. “Being single is only sad if you have a problem with your own company. I’m content with mine.” – Olga Kurylenko

99. “If you are fantasizing love, you are still single from within a heart no matter what your relationship status is.” – Pratik Akkawar

100. “When you’re single and in your 20s, you throw on a pair of jeans and look fabulous.” – Sheena Easton

Being Single Quotes To Help You Love and Enjoy Your Space

101. “I’m single again and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m loving it at the moment. This is what I’ve been missing.” ― Guy Ritchie

102. “Once you become famous, being single becomes a liability.” ― Joe Manganiello

103. “Being single can pave the way for new opportunities.” ― Selena Gomez

104. “To be exempt from the passions with which others are tormented, is the only pleasing solitude.” ― Joseph Addison

105. “I like relationships and being in love, but I also like being single – you have to embrace all those different things.” ― Dominic Monaghan

106. “Being single is not as bad as everyone likes to make it seem!” ― Shay Mitchell

107. “I am a lover without a lover. I am lovely and lonely and I belong deeply to myself.” ― Warsan Shire

108. “I love being single. It’s great. I get to be who I am and do what I want and be with the people I love. I feel like I have everything and I’m very fortunate, and it’s a very rich fulfilling time in my life.” ― Drew Barrymore

109. “He who lives in solitude may make his own laws.” ― Publilius Syrus

110. “Being single also sucks sometimes because you’re single.” ― Dakota Johnson

Being Single Quotes To Enjoy Your Own Space

111. “There’s nothing wrong with being single and not getting married and being, you know, just an old single lady. Who cares?” — Joan Jett

112. “I want to be better at being single, and I want to be better at feeling okay about being single. I don’t need a boyfriend.” — Meghan Trainor

113. “I had enough time being single to know I have no regrets about being married!” — Jennifer Connelly

114. “Being single is wonderful and I love it. I don’t ever have a morning where I wake up and say, ‘I really need to find a boyfriend today.'” — Taylor Swift

115. “I’m really enjoying being single. I’m not even looking to meet anybody, which is so freeing.” — Candace Bushnell

116. “I don’t mind being single. In fact, I like it.” — Alana Stewart

117. “I enjoy being single, but I loved being married.” — Stephanie Mills

118. “When I’m alone, I can sleep crossways in bed without an argument.” — Zsa Zsa Gabor

119. “A human being is a single being. Unique and unrepeatable.” — Eileen Caddy

120. “It is quite lovely being single, and I much prefer it.” — Anna Held

Being Single Quotes To Best Enjoy Yourself

121. “Being single and free is an amazing opportunity to do what you want with your life and really follow your heart and your dreams.” ― Jennifer Boon

122. “The idea that being single equates to loneliness is just as false as believing that there’s a tooth fairy.” ― Nancy Rupcic

123. “I would rather be alone than be with people who hurt me or don’t believe in me.” ― Bernardo Moya

124. “One of the defining characteristics of the single life is that the future is always open.” ― Jean-Claude Kaufmann

125. “Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love.” ― Rumi

126. “As a single woman, I have much more fun than I could ever imagine possible, and I will never let it go. This happiness is the only thing that I will keep ‘until death do us part.!’” ― Maryam Jorjani

127. “There are many advantages to the single life that I enjoy. Sometimes I really feel that the single life is the best life, and sometimes I just say that to impress people.” ― Victoria B. Ensley-Walton

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128. “I wanted to know how to move forward and make the most of single life.” ― M. A. Thakor

129. “The way you embrace being single depends on how you see yourself.” ― Angela Roberts Jones

130. “When our journey is enjoyable and fulfilling, being single is great.” ― Kevin Morgan

Being Single Quotes To Enjoy Your Single Life

131. “Think about it this way: While being married is about becoming the wife you are meant to be, being single allows you to focus on becoming the woman you were born to be.” ― Mandy Hale

132. “It is good to be lonely, for being alone is not easy. The fact that something is difficult must be one more reason to do it.” ― Rilke

133. “Better to be quirky alone than unhappy together.” ― Anita Hamilton

134. “If you are single, eliminate the thought that something is lacking, and just live each day joyfully.” ― Jonathan Lockwood Huie

135. “When asked why I am single, my reply is simply I consider myself a black pearl rare in my authenticity, adding a mysterious beauty to the select few who can recognize and even fewer who appreciate my worth.” ― Sanjo Jendayi

136. “I’m single because I was born that way.” ― Mae West

137. “Single—too fabulous to settle.” ― Mandy Hale

138. “‘Happily single’ is recognizing that you don’t need or want to be rescued from your life by a handsome prince because your life is pretty awesome, as is.” ― Mandy Hale

139. “I think, therefore, I’m single.” ― Liz Winston

140. “Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re pretty sexy and you’re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with.” ― Carrie Bradshaw

Being Single Quotes to Empower You

141. “I may climb perhaps to no great heights, but I will climb alone.” — Cyrano de Bergerac

142. “I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself.” — Charlotte Bronte

143. “Best be yourself, imperial, plain, and true.” — Robert Browning

144. “You don’t want to not be single because you’re scared of being single.” — Alia Shawkat

145. “I don’t like to be labeled as lonely just because I am alone.” — Delta Burke

146. “Single isn’t better. But it’s definitely not less than either. It’s equally as nourishing and joyous an existence.” — Catherine Gray

147. If you’re not happy single, you won’t be happy married, either.” — Nick Vujicic

148. “The lonely people have taught me, that I am not alone.” — Anthony Liccione

149. “To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.” — Robert Morley

150. “Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul.” — Marcus Aurelius

Being Single Quotes to Embrace Solitude

151. “Being single has definitely given me a new lease on life.” — Mollie King

152. “I love being single. It’s my choice, not a sentence. It’s not a state that I’m in until someone better comes along. Don’t feel sorry for me, I love my life.” — Sarah Morgan

153. You’re your best cheerleader.” — Serena Williams

154. “The single woman is a free woman, and being single does not mean being alone – it means being free to have a relationship or not. This can be scary, but it’s also very interesting.” — Monica Belucci

155. “It’s not about being single or in a relationship, it’s about feeling good about yourself.” — Akansh Malik

156. “And you scare people because you are whole all by yourself.” — Lauren Alex Hooper

157. “I have been single for a very long time but there is nothing lonely about my life.” — Teri Hatcher

158. ‘Cause I’m my own soulmate, I know how to love me, I know that I’m always gonna hold me down.” — Lizzo

159. “You don’t need to wrangle some warm body to sit next to just so you aren’t alone on holidays.” — Amy Schumer

160. “Being single entitles you to not ask someone’s opinion before you do something like mess up your own room, your credit report or even your life.” — Sayali Patil

161. “Many of today’s single people have engaging jobs, homes that they own, and a network of friends. This is not the 1950s—singles can have sex without marrying, and they can raise smart, successful, and happy children.” ― Bella Depaulo

162. “Embrace being single. Life is all about choices, and we all make our own choices. Choose to be happy! You are the only one in control of how you feel; therefore, you must make a decision to be happy!” ― Josephine Tiberio

163. “Being single is a gift, and being married is a gift. Just as salvation is understood as a good gift from God, both singleness and marriage are good gifts from God.” ― Christopher Yuan

164. “You have a purpose that exists only for you and that only you can fulfill.” ― Carol-Ann Hamilton

165. “The single life is a journey taken by many.” ― April Harding

167. “We are tough. We are bold. We are fierce. We are forces to be reckoned with. We face the world the single way every single day, and we don’t back down.” ― Mandy Hale

168. “A human being’s desire to mate, to pair up, to be part of a couple, will never change. But the way we go about it, how badly we need it, what we are willing to sacrifice for it, most definitely is.” ― Liz Tuccillo

169. “Being clear about why you are single and more at peace with who you are will not only make you happier , but also more open to love.” ― Xavier Amador

170. “Only once singlehood has completely equal prestige with its alternative, can we be sure that people can be free in their choices.” ― Alain de Botton

Which of these being single quotes was your favorite?

Many people view being single as something to be escaped and avoided at all costs.

But being alone can actually be the best way to live.

Being single means, you can truly learn to love yourself and your independence.

It provides the opportunity to reflect on life and be more meaningful.

Did you enjoy these being single quotes?

If you did, check out these Mandy Hale quotes from the best-selling author of The Single Woman.

Which of the quotes was your favorite?

Let us know in the comment section below.

Danny Noonan, the young caddie in the classic comedy Caddyshack, teaches valuable life lessons as he works at a country club to earn money for college.

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